Chapter 60: Info On Enki

(Melissa's POV)

Welp, Alina gave Travis multiple slaps and now she possibly bruised Aaron's knee. As me and the gang sat downstairs, I saw Other Aphmau talking to Alina.

"Did I do a good job?" Alina asked.

"You did a wonderful job Alina! I'm so proud of you! Travis and Mr. Lycan are beaming with pure delight!" Said Other Aphmau.

Aaron looks to her in annoyance.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Said both Travis and Aaron at the same time.

I could tell he as slightly irritated that Alina gave him a small bruise.

"They are feeling better already." Said Other Aphmau.

"Feeling better?!?! She gave me a bruise!" Aaron complained.

"Okay Mr. grumpy pants, let's get you some ice before you lose your composure." I said.

As Lucinda sat at a table with Aphmau, I got my little brother some ice for his knee.

As Other Aphmau went upstairs to check on Travis, me and my brother went along too while Lucy and Aphmau were gonna watch Alina.

When we got up there, we told Travis about the vision Aaron had. A memory of Irene's. Plus, he told us that there was this.... werewolf angel who showed him the memory, and that her name was Erika. Ein's mother. I guess she must've died a long time ago. Plus he said that she was the one who showed Aphmau the status on Deimos, the answers about the void, and his answers to the Nether.

Travis then explained a little bit about how Enki hid the info we needed about the relics. But we questioned why Enki's relic hasn't gone to him. He then said that he doesn't want it and he also told us that he sensed another descendant of Enki. But he wasn't sure where that descendant was though.

After some chatter, I began to feel concerned for this other descendant of Enki. What if they're evil or something? I turn to Aaron.

"You okay?" I asked him.

Lucinda and Aphmau enter the room.

"Everything okay?" Lucinda asked.

"What's happening?" Aphmau added.

Aaron didn't respond to me. Suddenly, he faints.

"Aaron!" I exclaimed.
