Chapter 24: Yggdrasill Village

(Melissa's POV)

We followed Zoey into the village. I could imagine so many elves living in this forest. I assume this must be where Zoey lives. We finally stopped walking.

"Welcome to the Yggdrasil Village." Said Zoey.

We began to look in wonder at the beautiful trees around us.

"Wow... so... full of wonder." Said Aaron.

"And nature too." I added.

"Amazing..." Said Other Aphmau.

I looked to Aphmau.

"It sure is." She said.

She looks to Alina.

"Isn't it?" She asked.

Alina yawns.

"Tired little ones?" Zoey asked.

"Hmm... well it is their nap time." Said Lucinda.

"Follow me. I'll take you to a safe place in the village for a nap. Everyone else, please wait here." Said Zoey.

Zoey took the little ones to a small house nearby. Liochant followed them.

"Should one of us go with them?" Other Garroth asked.

"Garroth, they are FINE with Liochant." Said Katelyn.

She's true you know. But something tells me that Other Garroth doesn't really trust Liochant. I'm not sure why though...

At least we'll try to keep the stress down. But, I spoke too soon. Elves came pouring out from the village.

"Well... so much for keeping the stress down." Said Levin.

"You said it Lev." I said.

We followed those other elves to the big fountain of the village. One of them was standing on the fountain.

"The forest is not acting out of spite, for anything WE have done. It is acting out of spite for the outsiders we have allowed into it!" Said one of the elves.

I got confused.

"Wha...? Does he mean us?" I asked.

It wasn't long until Zoey showed up at the commotion.

"STOP! It's not because of the outsiders! The Elder has allowed them to come here himself!" Said Zoey.

"Here she is! The CAUSE of all our hardship!" Said the elf.

"Gabriel!" Said Zoey.

Gabriel? Is that the elf's name? Hmm... interesting. The elves didn't wanna listen to Zoey. Then Aphmau spoke up.

"STOP!" Aphmau said.

She walked up to Gabriel.

"A werewolf?" Gabriel questioned.

He looks to Zoey and asks her if we are the intruders she let into the forest. Then Aaron joined the conversation.

"No. I forced her to bring us here." Said Aaron.

"Aaron, NO!" Zoey said in concern.

"DON'T let her tell you otherwise." Aaron said.

"So it was YOU. What makes you think you have the right to enter our woods?" Gabriel asked.

Aaron took a deep breath and exhaled.

"My name is Aaron Lycan. I also go by... The Ultima." Aaron said.

The other elves looked at Aaron in surprise.

"He's an Ultima?" A male elf asked.

"But..." Said another elf.

"I thought they were legends!" Said a female elf.

Gabriel jumped off the fountain and made eye contact with Aaron.

"Hm. Ultima or not, this is OUR forest." Said Gabriel.

"DON'T blame Zoey. She's been through enough already. And so has my brother." I said as I joined in.

Other Aphmau sighed.

"Yes. She learned her lesson from her banishment before." Said Other Aphmau.


"GABRIEL, STOP!" Said Zoey.

"Please, stop yelling. I am more than happy to speak with you on these matters in private." Said Aphmau.

After some chatter later, Aphmau began to follow Gabriel. I hope what they talk about goes well.
