Chapter 48: Where's The Portal?

(Lucinda's POV)

We walked on the snowy path for minutes. I'm lucky I made that spell to protect us from getting frostbite. We finally stopped at a big tree. But where is the portal?

"Well, are we ready?" Travis asked.

"Yep." I said.

"100%." Melissa added.

"I think so." Aaron said.

"I know I am." Said Aphmau.

Other Aphmau looks to Travis.

"Are you sure you can open the portal Travis?" Other Aphmau asked.

"How hard can it be?" Travis asked.

"Be careful." Katelyn winced.

Alina walks next to Katelyn. Travis tries his hardest to open the portal but he can't. Then all of a sudden, everyone starts arguing. Except me and my friends. I know Aaron hates it when arguing happens but, he just couldn't control himself. And that was when he got short tempered.

"STOP! Just... stop!" Aaron exclaimed with anger.

I could tell that his eyes were turning red. But his short temper couldn't stop the arguing. He walked over to the tree and suddenly a red pentagram emerged from his feet.

"Aaron!" I exclaimed.

When he looked back at me, his eyes were not completely black, they were completely dark red. He looked back at the tree, raised a hand, and a red aura glowed from his body as he began to chant some words.

"I summon a portal to another dimension..." Said Aaron.

Red sparks emerge from his hand as a red glow of light shines from his palms.

"...To tear a hole into the air I mention..." Aaron continued.

The red sparks hit the tree, but for some reason they don't hit the tree. They end up stopping in mid air just inches away from the tree.

"...Reveal to me that which is hidden..." Said Aaron.

The sparks create a circle in front of the tree.

"...Unveil to me what is forbidden!" Aaron shouted as he finished the chant.

The sparks now created a portal to another dimension. Micheals dimension.

"What..." Travis said.

"Just..." Added Katelyn.

"Happened?" Other Aphmau finished.

Me and my friends look at Aaron in shock. The pentagram below his feet faded and he collapsed to his knees.

"A... Aaron?" Aphmau asked.

He turns around to look at us. His eyes were back to normal but his expression... he looked at us with terror.
