Chapter 64: Return To The Capital

(Melissa's POV)

After all that, we finally got back to the Phoenix Capital. I'm actually glad to see this place again cause the wolf pups are here. I look to Other Aphmau and Travis.

"Well Travis, it's been awhile since you've been back here hasn't it?" Other Aphmau asked.

"That's right. How long has it been now?" Katelyn asked.

"Way too long." Said Travis.

He's said that he's seen the city from up on the mountain but now that he's actually in it, he said that it feels small.

"Well, you can get used to it." I said.

"True." Said Lucinda.

I saw my brother, he had an uneasy look on him. I walk over to him and asked him what's up.

"You okay little bro?" I asked him.

"I... I'm okay." Said Aaron.

He didn't seem okay. I think he's stressing about Ein too much. I wanted him to feel okay but with all that's going on is just making his head spin.

"Well... we need to let Liochant, Other Garroth, and the wolf pups to know that we're back." Said Aphmau.

That's right. We gotta let them know what the demon warlock is gone. And that Ein is now after Enki's relic. As everyone else chatted, I started to think about something.

We found Enki's relic. And yet Other Garroth has Esmund's relic, Shad has 1/3 of his relic, Aaron has 2/3's of Shad's relic, and Aphmau has Irene's relic.

Are there two more out there? Who are their relic holders? Or... what if I'M a descendant of one of the Divine Warriors?

"Melissa?" Asked a familiar voice.

We turn around to see Maria and the wolf pups.
