Chapter 68: Leaving The Capital

(Aphmau's POV)

The next morning, everyone arrived at the boat docks. We all changed out of the pjs we borrowed and into our clothes. But I still couldn't get over what just happened last night. I would never... ever... harm Aaron in anyway. But that doesn't matter right now. Me, Aaron, and Melissa's ears and tail twitched in the wind and we were all waiting on Katelyn and Travis.

"Werewolf Aphmau!" Said someone.

It was Katelyn. Me and Lucinda turned our attention to her.

"Katelyn! Travis!" I said.

"Hm. So Levin found you." Said Lucinda.

"Yeah, we just heard the news." Katelyn said.

Then I got a concerned look.

"About the village?" I asked.

"Yeah." Said Katelyn.

"Well, Other Aphmau said that we're gonna take the littles to the sacred woods to see Hyria." Lucinda explained.

Hyria. That's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. The Hyria in my world was a teacher at Phoenix Drop High. And the one in THIS world... is a witch. Like Lucinda.

"We don't know what she can tell us, but we've gotta know." I said.

"Plus she said that she also wants to know where the other me is." Said Lucinda.

Wait.... there's another Lucinda?! Holy Irene, how many doppelgängers of us are there??? As Other Aphmau and Katelyn chatted, I began to wonder about what's going on back at home.

What if my mom notices that I'm missing? What if Keori and Hunter notice too? And... oh sweet Irene... what if my dad wants to get involved too?

Okay, I get he is a terrible father. Like, sleeping with another woman, having Ein, leaving mom when I was just a kid, and yet those memories got repressed over time... I just... Ugh.

But either way, It's his fault Ein hates me. It's his fault mom hates him, it's his fault for exposing the Lycan family that they're ultimas, it's his fault for getting Derek and Rachel killed, and it's his fault I hate him more than ever.

He. Is. A terrible dad!

I snap out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Other Garroth.

"Aphmau, our ship is ready. We may depart at any time." Said Other Garroth.

"Thank you Garroth." Said Melissa.

Aaron looked at me.

"Aph..." He said.

I look at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I... don't think Katelyn can accompany with us." He said.

I place my hand on his cheek.

"Babe... I understand. The dragon ward needs her." I said.

He and I talked. Then Katelyn and Travis left. Liochant and the wolf pups went with the little ones. That's when we got onto the boat. I just hope Miss Hyria will be able to protect Alina...
