Bonus~ Surprise

"Kowabunga!" The twins scream as they jump into the pool.

There's a loud splash followed by a plop as Saffron jumps. Peeling my sunglasses off I watch them mess around, enjoying their laughter.

"A strawberry daiquiri, non alcoholic." Sage offers me the drink is his mock server voice before taking the seat next to me.

Sighing, I take a sip. This is the life. We've spent the the last four weeks in a hotel, with gormet food, room service, and the beach just on the other side of the fence.

I don't have to lift a finger.

"How's your day off, Mister Hot Shot?" I ask my brother, barely able to keep a straight face as I use the nickname his team gave him.

Sage rolls his eyes, "It's almost perfect."

I catch what he doesn't say, it would be better if Ella was here. They talk on the phone even more than Ashton and I do, especially since Ella's parents started sending her to therapy.

The divorce is at a standstill for now, waiting till she's 18 to do anything. That way there's no custody battle wasted for a child who's about to be an adult. She's going insane, and Sage not being home isn't helping.

But my brother is currently killing the game. He doesn't pitch a game without someone in the stands to watch him. He's won MVP for the last two tournaments he's pitched. It's caused a change in him, he's filled with so much more life down here.

In a way we all are. We make it a mission to go eat at all the places dad and his parents loved. Saffron might be a little addicted to Cuban coffee but that's okay. We go out and soak up the culture, and our Spanish is being put to the test. I had forgotten how out of practice the twins were.

Opening a Snapchat from Ashton my heart hurts a little, we're only an hour and a half apart but we haven't had the chance to see each other yet. His Abuela took this visit as an opportunity to have him completely fix up the house. He's painted walls, planted flowers, cleaned gutters, and he's loving every second of it.

It just makes me sad to know he flies back home in a week for football and we'll only have maybe two days together.

I miss you

Grinning like an idiot, I reply, you'll see me in like two days.

Instantly my screen is filled with his contact picture. Preparing myself, I answer. "Yes, Charming."

"I still have every right to miss you."

Such a drama queen. "And how much do you truly miss me?"

"So much, it physically hurts how empty I feel without you." Trust me, I can relate.

"I miss you too." I whisper, rubbing water off from the boys splashing.

"I miss your laugh. I miss your touch. I miss your kisses." His voice gets lower, "I miss kissing you, all of you."

My body begins to burn and it's not because of the sun, does this boy have no decency? "You are with your family."

"Not at the moment, doesn't mean it's not true." He chuckles.

He's going to be the death of me, I swear.

"Hey, Scar, tell Ashton we say hello!" The twins yell, noticing my discomfort. Risking a glance over at Sage, he's three seconds away from laughing.

Why would they even want to admit they know what he's talking about? Flipping them off, Uncle John and Miss Miller, I mean, Melissa, walk over to us.

"Scarlett, I'd like to take you somewhere." Uncle John says, somewhat uncomfortable.

Why can't I ever catch a break?

"I've got to go, Charming." I say, more than ready to leave the embarrassment this conversation has caused behind.

"I love you." He offers,

"I love you more." I tease before hanging up, we could stay on the phone all day but the look Uncle Johns giving me doesn't support that idea.

"The punk isn't even here, you should be enjoying the sun." He mutters.

"Uncle John, the glory of the phone is that I can tan and talk to my boyfriend. I'd like to assume you know the drill." He talks to Melissa for hours when he's away. One of the weeks Gabe was interning he kept count.

20 times was the highest he got to on one day. Sage and Ella don't even call each other that much.

"Just go get changed."


An hour and a half later a hard hat gets slapped on my head as John leads me through a construction sight.

He walks me through the layout of the hotel, pointing out where he wants the ball room to be and where the kid zone will go. There's so much here to love.

"So, what do you think, Bean?" He asks somewhat nervous.

"It's going to be a beautiful hotel, what's the name going to be?" As a kid my favorite part was guessing the name.

Dad would always tickle me when I got it wrong, by the end I would have tears in my eyes begging for Uncle John to save me.

"That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about." Things just got serious.

"Okay, I'm ready." At least, I think so.

"I was thinking, the Rhodes Resort." He explains and I'm suddenly at a loss for words.

It's perfect.

"A portion of every visit would go to preserving the rainforest. And the jobs will all be for the locals, something your dad would've loved. And I want to fill the gift shop with local vendors and support artists." He tells me and I'm sure there's so much more to say but I stop him.

"They would love it." I whisper, drying a tear that escapes my eye. Everything from the design to the donations, they would've been estactic.

"You think so?" He asks, almost In relief.

Nodding my head, I hug him, "Absolutely."

We sit there for a while, holding onto each other while we cry and I imagine my parents walking through here with their own hard hats. Mom sticking rocks in dad's shorts whenever he would be distracted.

Something soft caresses my face, almost as if the wind is attempting to comfort me. I don't open my eyes, afraid to ruin the moment but I feel them. They're here.

This is their legacy.

Pulling back, Uncle John dries his eyes. "Good, your mom always loved hand picking the vendors for the gift shop and the art hung throughout but I was wondering if you'd like to take over?"

"I'd love to!" My mind already racing through the possibilities as the touch moves to the back of my neck. So many little shops to choose from. "Didn't she also pick out the menu."

He laughs, "She did, but I figured you'd have to share that privilege with your siblings."

Of course, one opinion isn't good enough.

Looking me dead in the eyes, Uncle John clears his throat. "You're still in school, kid, and I'm hoping you're a student for a long, long time." I roll my eyes, remembering his college lecture. "And I know you're building your instagram influence or whatever that is but I want you involved. One day I want all of you kids involved but you start now."

My mark, it's mine to leave. Every hotel could be influenced by me. "Sounds like a deal."

He smiles down at me with nothing but pure pride in his eyes. "Good, now lets go get ice cream before the punk calls again."

Shaking my head, I follow him back out, disappointed to know the touch doesn't follow me but that's okay. It was more than I could've ever asked for.

They know and I think they're proud.


Walking through the hotel we're staying at, hoping to snag another drink before going back to my room a hand slaps me on the ass. "Hola, Mamacita."

Seeing pure red I spin around, fist raised when I notice the face grinning down at me. "Ashton Brecken McClain, I'm going to kill you."

He laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I missed you too, Sweetheart."

Slapping his chest, he leans down for a kiss and I dodge it. His grip tightens and I try to wiggle away, not amused by his hello. I thought he was a pervert, even worse, I almost hurt his face.

"Excuse me, Miss, is everything okay?" An employee asks cautiously.

Finally stopping to think how this situation looks to an outsider, I relax. "I'm fine, my boyfriend just doesn't know how to properly surprise someone." She eyes him, almost not believing me and I smile, "I assure you, I'm not in danger but I appreciate you asking."

With one last look she walks away, Ashton begins kissing the top of my head repeatedly. "I missed you so, so, so, so much."

He works his way down my face onto my neck and I'm stuck trying to process the fact that he's really here. "What are you doing here?"

He still had two more days of work before he could visit me.

"Finished early, would've been here this morning but I had to pick Ella up from the airport and her flight didn't land until five." He mumbles onto my skin.

"I can't believe she's here." Sage undoubtedly cried a river. "I can't believe you're here."

My hands rest on the back of his head, playing with the shortened locks as he continues to hug me. We're in our own little bubble, uncaring to the world around us.

"Scarlett Rain, what are you doing?" Silver demands.

Almost in our own little bubble. Next thing I know Ashton winces in pain, "Get away from my sister, you freak."

"Saffron, it's me." Ashton cries, finally pulling away from me.

Turning around I find three of my siblings staring at us, ready to fight. "Ashton!"

I get shoved aside as they hug him, "Sorry, dude, I couldn't see your face." Silver explains.

"Yeah, you got a lot darker. I didn't recognize you." Sterling adds sheepishly.

"Ashy, where's Ronnie?" Saffron demands.

Overwhelmed by the chaos, he starts with Saff, "Sorry, Squirt, she's with my Abuela still."

She huffs out in disappointment but still hugs him tighter.

Turning his attention onto the twins, he frowns. "One, do you think your sister would cheat on me?"

"Absolutely not!" They say together, offering me a guilty look.

"We thought you were a creep." Silver explains.

"Did Ella not tell you I was here?" He questions.

Sterling coughs, somewhat uncomfortable so Silver speaks. "No, she didn't really have time for much talking on their journey to his room."

Well, there goes my appetite.

"Her shirt is still on the couch though." Sterling says weakly.

"Good news, Scar, I think I found that yellow shirt you were looking for before you left." Silver adds brightly.

I shudder, no longer desperate for it back.

Leading Ashton to the pool deck, I snag two of my favorite drinks before joining him on a couch.

"You look so different." He mumbles, pulling me into his lap while studying my face.

"It's only been four weeks, nothing drastic has happened yet." Although, I found a place down the street to pierce my nose.

"You're a whole heck of a lot tanner." He states, mesmerized by my skin.

"I'm Puerto Rican, the sun tends to do that to me." I offer dryly.

He tugs on a curl, "It's still different. Plus time away allows me to relearn all the small things and to appreciate the new ones." He better get used to it, soon enough all we'll have is distance. "Like the freckles that make you look like a cheetah."

Saffrons obsessed with them, claiming that there's finally proof we're related.

Studying his face, I can't help but smile. "How's your Abuela?"

"Just as awesome as always. She put me to work on that house though." He laughs, studying a few callouses on his hand.

I grab it, tracing over the new bumps. "Why the sudden urge to fix the place up?"

Taking a swig from his drink, he squirms a little. "She's selling the house."

My jaw drops, "Really, where's she going to go?"

"Move in with us. She was afraid of the cold weather but this winter she did just fine." He says and I know he's excited but something seems to be holding him back.

"What's wrong?" Ashton loves his Abuela.

"Nothing." I purse my lips and he caves. "Fine, it's just that my Abuelo died in that house and now I know I won't ever feel connected to him again."

Oh. "The house is just a place, Ash, he's in your heart."

Squeezing his eyes shut, I cup his cheek. "I know, it was just a shock at first."

I can imagine. If someone told me I had to move out of my house tomorrow I'd be devastated. "Why didn't you call me?"

He avoids my gaze, trying to hide a tear, "I didn't officially find out till today so I wanted to tell you in person."

"It's okay to feel confused, no one gets that more than I do, just know you can talk to me." I assure him.

He pecks my forehead, "I know, but enough about me. How's the hotel going?"

Instantly a smile spreads across my face but a small portion of guilt flows through me. I can't tell him about what I felt when he's losing something. "It's amazing. I get to pick out the art and what goes in the gift shop."

"That's wonderful, I can't wait to see it." He exclaims, I try to match his enthusiasm.

"It's only a four minute walk from here actually, just right down the beach." I say and the next thing I know I'm standing up, holding a hand out for him. "Let's go."

He hesitates, "It's almost nine, won't John get upset?"

Someone's afraid of my uncle.

"Nope, he's out on the town with Melissa tonight. All I've got to do is send a text and I'm good."

Lugging him off the ground, I practically drag him to the construction site. He lets out a whistle as he takes it all in, "Damn, it's definitely bigger than I thought." Of course, go big or go home. "What's the name."

Squeezing his hand, I study the building. "The Rhodes Resort."

"After your parents?"

I nod my head trying to zone in on the same feeling I experienced earlier but I get nothing.

I don't even notice I'm crying until Ashton pulls me to him. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Trying to calm down, I hide my face. "It's stupid."

"Nothing that you care about could ever be stupid."

"I... I thought I felt them when I was here earlier. Almost as if my mom was caressing my face but now I just have nothing." And it actually hurts to think I believed that.

Holding my shoulders, he looks down at me. "Scarlett, that's anything but stupid."

"I know, it's just that this place is their legacy and I'm so desperate to feel that connection with them again. I think I made it up." I admit, feeling like Saffron.

Ashton studies me for a long while, trying to find something to say that doesn't make me feel like I should be in a loony bin. "This hotel, no matter how grand or beautiful it ends up being, will never become their legacy."

How could he say that? It's being modeled and planned just the way they would want it.

"You are their legacy. Sage is their legacy. Sterling is their legacy. Silver is their legacy. Saffron is their legacy. You five are the most important things left on this earth that could possibly honor them. Every time you do something that would make them proud, you are carrying their legacy. Not some stupid hotel." He says sternly.

I want to fight him but he's right. We are the living, breathing legacy my parents left behind.

"I guess the advice I gave you sorta works for the both of us." I joke.

"You are the wisest woman I know." He admits, kissing my brow.

We watch the moon reflect across the water for a while before he clears his throat. "You didn't feel your parents all the way out here, did you?"

I laugh at his strange question, thankful he believes me. "No, I was all the way inside, by the entrance. Why?"

He relaxes, leaning towards me. "Because now I don't feel weird doing this."

Our lips meet and I forget all about the hotel. Yanking his shirt over his head, I laugh as he falls in the sand. Snagging my hand, he pulls me on top of him and I kiss him without a care in the world.

Water tickles my feet, causing me to squeal.

"Let's go swimming." Ashton says.

"My dress is dry clean only." The water would ruin it.

He smirks up at me, already reaching for the zipper. "I never said you should wear the dress."

Taking my time to stand up, I try not to freak out. This is a private property that's sectioned off for construction, there's no one around for miles. I'm going to do something new with my boyfriend and I'm not going to talk myself out of it.

That's right, Scarlett, I can do this.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I step out of my dress and after a glance down at Ashton's clothes I take my underwear off as well.

Looks like I can check skinny dipping off the bucket list.

Making it up to my waist I pause, not liking how cold the water is. Before I know how to react I'm tackled into the water, surfacing to find myself pressed against Ashton's chest.

"Like I said, it's nice to be reminded of the simple things." He explains, "Like how breathtakingly beautiful you are."

Blushing like a fool, I wrap my arms around his neck. "You're pretty handsome if I do say so myself."

By far, too good looking for me.

He shakes his head, throwing me into the water.


I wake up to find Ashton's arm around me, a hand holding mine above our heads. I've missed this.

Sitting there, afraid to jostle him, a kiss gets pressed to my spine. Of course he's already awake. Turning around, I offer him a sleepy smile.

"Good morning." He says groggily.

I forgot how hot his morning voice was.

"There's sand everywhere." He points out, shaking the sheets in attempt to get rid of some.

For some stupid reason I blush.

As if reading my thoughts, he smirks, leaning over to kiss me. Our lips meet just as my door gets thrown open.

I scream, undoubtedly reaching a new octave as I hold the sheet to me. Ashton covers his face with a pillow, this has never happened.

Uncle John makes it four steps before he covers his eyes, "Jesus Christ, why does this keep happening?"

He tires to get out of the room and ends up hitting the wall.

"You two, put on clothes and meet me on the deck. It's time for a family meeting!"

Well, this better be entertaining.


Being walked in on is awkward.

Being walked in on and having to face your entire family is uncomfortable.

No one says a word as Uncle John paces in front of the couch, pinching his nose. Taking a seat next to the twins, Ashton pulls me onto his lap.

"Don't do that!" He snaps and when I refuse to move Melissa forces him into a chair. Ella makes a smarter decision, taking the seat to Sages left.

Counting to five, Uncle John clears his throat. "Obviously this family has teenagers and with teenagers come things."

"Like sex." Silver coughs.

John blushes, "Yes, and while there are precautions I hope you're taking-"

"Stop!" I yell, covering my ears. "I can't take a repeat of the grocery store conversation, that scarred me for life."

Somethings you just can't forget.

"I must agree with Scarlett." Melissa shudders.

"What's the grocery store conversation?" Saffron asks.

"Nothing." I assure her, motioning for Sterling to cover her ears. She insisted on being here for this, that's what happens when a grown man over reacts.

"What I'm getting at, is that I know I can't prevent these actions from taking place." He continues.

"Sex." Silver coughs again.

John glares at him, "There needs to be a better system in place so what happened last night and this morning doesn't happen again."

Wait, it happened to both couples? Looking over at Sage, who looks like he's three seconds away from jumping over the balcony, it's confirmed.

I hold back laughter, "How did it happen to you two because mine was all on Uncle John, my door was locked. He made the decision to let himself in."

Sage fumbles for his words and somehow, through her blush, Ella manages to speak. "We we're asleep. The door wasn't locked but it was shut."

Uncle John gets met with four pair of questioning eyes. "I didn't realize Sage and Ella were in the room, I was simply trying to find my stripped bow tie he borrowed."

Something tells me the possibility of them even doing something remotely scandalous didn't even cross his mind.

"As for you, young lady." He turns to me. "You never told anyone you were back and I got worried."

"It was two a.m, I don't think you wanted me knocking on your door." Why is he fighting me on this.

"A text would've been nice!"

"My phone was dead and Saffron broke my charger yesterday." Somehow she got the idea to throw the plug in water.

"Sorry if I got worried." He crosses his arms.

"You didn't think to knock?" I question.

He opens his mouth and then shuts it, at a loss for words. "That was my mistake, and I'm sorry. I'd like to apologize to all four of you."

We all mumble acceptance under our breath. "Can't this conversation be over?" Sage begs.

"I want to see if there's something we can do to ensure it doesn't happen again."

This conversation just keeps going south.

"Put a sock on the handle." Sterling offers, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Send it in the group chat." Silver adds.

I swear, I'm going to make their lives a living hell when their in our positions.

Ashton scratches the back of his neck, growing more uncomfortable by the second and I can't help be agree.

"How about, if we think something along those lines might be happening-"

"Like sex." Silver coughs.

Thank you, darling brother, for using that word like it's going out of style.

"We just keep the distance and assume it's better to wait."

"Yeah, that's what we do with you." Sage informs our uncle and he turns an even darker shade of red.

"Well, I guess that settles it." The twins say, getting up.

Easy for them to say.


Once the horror of our morning conversation fades, I drag my siblings down to the hotel.

"Scar, why are we here?" Sage asks, squinting.

"I wanted to introduce you to the Rhodes Resort."

"No way." The twins mutter in awe.

"He named it after them?" Sage asks in disbelief.

Nodding my head, I grab his hand. "This hotel has their name, but it's up to us to honor them."

We sit there for a while, imagining what this place will look like once it's done.

"I felt them here yesterday." I find myself confessing. "It might've been nothing but I know they would be proud of you guys."

Because at the end of the day, that's all that really matters. We're a pretty decent batch of kids.

"They'd be proud of you too, sis." Sage tells me.

Nodding my head, ignoring the tear that escapes, I can't help but hope he's right.

Something brushes across my cheek and I can't help but laugh. I think this place is gonna end up being pretty magical.


Bonus chapter number one is out and I cried and laughed so hard writing it!

Hopefully you enjoyed it!!

If you haven't already started reading Life in Search I hope you give it a try. At the end I plan on giving it its own set of bonus chapters that build up to Life in Love!!

Thank you guys for 3 million! I think once this chapter gets 10k reads I'll post the next one!!

