
It's perfect baseball weather.

The sun's setting and there's a light breeze out. Sage is in the bullpen warming up to pitch, of course they'll throw him first. He's the best they have.

I notice, back by the tree line, a group of about ten men varying from around 25 to 50. All wearing hats of various colleges: Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, Vanderbilt, and so many more. They all holding clip boards and radar guns.

Holy shit.

I slap Ella's arm repeatedly, "What?" She asks looking, up from her phone. I just point at the group and her eyes go wide. "All of them are here for him?"

"I have no idea." I admit, shaking my head, there's no way that many people would be focused on Sage, he's just a sophomore.

I buy a Gatorade as an excuse to see how he's doing.

"Here." I toss the drink to him, he's already starting to sweat. He peaks his head around the dougout, counting the scouts. "Don't pay attention to them, Bud." I order, pushing him back into the dugout.

"Scar, I'm not worried. I'm just here to throw a ball whatever else happens, happens." He shrugs nonchalantly.

I chuckle at our father's mantra being repeated. I'm envious that Sage never gets nervous about this sort of stuff but that's just who he is. Laid back about everything.

"Love you." I hug him tightly, he's not worked up but it's still a nice thing for him to hear.

"I love you too, Scar."

Of course, just as I turn to go Ashton comes over, half dressed in his catching gear.

"Any advice?" He prompts, setting down his jug of water to hug me. The game hasn't even started and he's already dirty, somehow that doesn't surprise me.

"Don't get hurt." I pop his cheek before turning to leave, slightly worried for his well being.

Since middle school, Sage hurt RJ every season. The first year he broke his thumb, the second he gave him a welt on his ankle so huge he couldn't walk for a week. Hopefully Ashton holds up better.

Sure enough as soon as Sage steps on the mound all of the scouts move behind home plate and lift their radar guns up. The ball is thrown and a collective gasp is let out.

"Holy shit." The LSU coach mutters.

The guy from Clemson compares his with Tennessee just to make sure his own isn't broken. He throws the next pitch and the Alabama coach lets out a low whistle.

Trying to be stealthy as I can I walk over and peer over the Vanderbilt's coaches shoulder. Then I check the Mississippi coach just to be sure.

92 miles per hour.

"Well boys, let the games begin." The Tennessee coach says before going to make a phone call.

Like that, all the others disperse, some stay and continue to radar, others make calls or write notes down intensely. Is this really happening?

"Well I'll be damned." A voice mutters in disbelief, draping an arm over my shoulder.

I jab my elbow into their side, turning to see who it is. "Oh my God! RJ, I'm so sorry." I panic, looking at my friend who is doubled over in pain.

He slowly pulls himself back up, wincing in the process. "It's fine, Letty, I forgot you were so strong."

He collects his breath for another moment, I didn't mean to hit him that hard.

I scan him over, surprised by the subtle changes college brought. Muscles and facial hair making him appear all grown up, which is silly since he's only 19 but, still, it's weird to see someone you've grown up with no longer look like a kid.

Once he's managed to stand back up, he gives me a hug, "Tell me all about Duke."

He laughs, "There's nothing much to talk about. I'm staying on top of my classes. I joined a frat."

Of course he did, RJ loves to party. Actually, he's the one who taught Gabe everything he knows. He pushes his hair back while he talks about his classes and I shriek, pulling his arm out to the side. "Is that a tattoo?"

He stops talking, momentarily covering his chest in shock before focusing on his arm. "Yeah, you like it?"

I pull his sleeve back to reveal a snake coiled around his upper bicep, the black ink a contrast to his tanned skin. "It's beautiful, did it hurt?"

He admires it with me before pulling his shirt back. "Not as much as my first one and thanks, Riley helped me pick it out."

Wait a second.

"You have another tattoo?" RJ's mother hated body art and now I'm learning he has two tattoos.

He winces, "That's a story for another time, Letty."

Sticking my tongue out, I roll my eyes, that's rude. He knows I'm intent on getting a tattoo one day, have been since I was 14. Our old neighbor got a tattoo when he was 16 and I got to watch, I've been hooked ever since.

I smirk, remembering the second part of his sentence. "And who's Riley?"

RJ digs his hands into his pocket, a dreamy smile appearing on his face. "A girl I met." And with that he goes into detail about her. She's 19, from Massachusetts and she loves baseball.

It's nice to hear him talk so passionately about someone. Right before he went off to college, his girlfriend of three years broke up with him. She claimed she didn't want to do distance but a week later she was caught hooking up with someone else. RJ was heartbroken.

"How does your Mom feel about her?"

"She's half Italian and Catholic so Mom loves her. She didn't even say anything about the tattoo once she found out Riley picked it out."

Sounds like this one's a family favorite then, his ex wasn't very popular in his house. Bella, his mom, even threw her out for being rude once or twice. A month.

"What about you, any guys in your life."

I snort. RJ hated Bennett, not that he was wrong to, he just happens to be very opinionated when it comes to my love life. In the 8th grade he even terrified Gabe and we were just friends.

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"The hickey on the side of your neck." I reach up in a panic before remembering its on my collarbone and currently hidden.

He's two seconds away from bursting with laughter so I punch his arm. I take back ever missing him.

"I'm sorry, you do realize Sage and I talk all the time. Plus, I can read the number on your back."

Stupid Sage and his stupid mouth, one day he's really going to get in trouble.

"Fine. His name is Ashton and we're not-"

"Dating." he finishes for me, "Yeah, I was told that's what you would say." He puts an arm back over my shoulder, "Oh, little Letty, so mature yet still so naive."

I roll my eyes, annoyed by his antics. I've never really had to wonder what it's like to have an older sibling, RJ did a pretty good job of making me thankful I'm the oldest. "Big talk coming from the guy who's still afraid of the dark."

He pulls back, putting an hand over his heart. "You never know what's lurking in the shadows."

The sad thing was I wish he was kidding. "What? Are the Angels going to take you away." I tease, mentioning the old myth our mothers used to tell us to stay in bed.

RJ tenses, a serious look on his face so unlike the grin he wore seconds ago. "Good one."

We join the others, forgetting about his weird attitude. Saffron instantly climbs onto his shoulders, happy for a seat to see over the crowd. He asks for the stats of the boys game yesterday. I watch the game, chiming in from time to time.

Ashton gets up to bat, he looks over and I wink. He takes the first pitch. The second he swings the bat effortlessly and a ding fills the air. The ball flies right over the fence for a home run. We all shout as he rounds the bases, the twins running to get the ball.

We end up winning 8-0, Sage threw a perfect game. All the scouts left the field with impressed looks on their faces and pride swells within me.

I see Sage walking out and I run to hug him, mindful of the ice on his arm.

"I'm so proud of you and dad would be too." He squeezes me a little tighter after that. Dad didn't throw his first perfect game till his junior year.

Ashton comes out seconds later and twirls me around. I laugh, pecking his cheek, amazed he can be drenched with sweat and somehow still smell wonderful.

"Sage, my man." RJ says, doing their very obnoxious handshake, sound effects and all. "Letty and I were betting on whether or not you would hit number 5 just for running his mouth."

"I thought about it." Sage shrugs, "Decided he wasn't worth it."

"Ha!" I shout, pointing at RJ, "Pay up."

"Later, I have gifts for you guys in the car."

"Cannolis?" The twins ask. My stomach growls at the thought of his mother's food.

"Perhaps." He turns his attention to Ashton, "Sup man, I'm RJ."

He extends his hand and Ashton ignores it, his grip on my waist tightening. I dig my elbow into his side, "Ashton." He offers bluntly, shaking RJ's hand.

"Tough man to be able to withstand one of Letty's jabs. She knocked the breath out of me earlier." RJ attempts to strike up a conversation, sending me a look asking for help.

"I've had practice." Ashton offers before excusing himself from the conversation, kissing me before he goes.

What the hell was the for?

We walk to the parking lot, Sage and RJ chatting about the game. I'm too humiliated about the way Ashton acted not to join in.

RJ comes over with five plastic bags, I tear into mine desperate for a cannoli. Inside there's a Duke sweatshirt, cannolis and a rolled up poster. Setting the other stuff down I unroll the poster to reveal a sketch of New York City.

"Oh my God." I hug him, amazed by the details. "It's perfect."

"I remembered you had one of L.A. and Nashville so I figured you could add it to the collection."

I remember he went over thanksgiving break to visits family, I didn't expect him to think of me while he was there. We thank him profusely for our stuff as Ashton comes back over, pulling my back against his chest as he buries his chin into my neck.

"I'll see you guys later." RJ says, turning to Ashton he adds. "It was nice meeting you man."

"Likewise." Ashton mutters.

What a brat. Once RJ is out of ear range, I elbow him in the gut again.

"You know, Sweetheart, if you keep doing that, I'm going to bruise." He mumbles onto my skin, his lips tickling me.

"No shit, that's the point." I say, removing myself from his grasp. This is not the time to get distracted. "Now get over there an apologize to my friend."

He lets out a huff of annoyance, reaching out for me. "I don't like him."

I don't give a shit if he's your worst enemy. I feel like I'm talking to Saffron on the importance of not hitting Dasher Williams. This will get me nowhere.

"Let me make something very clear." I poke his chest, "You acting like a child isn't cute, I've known RJ since I was in diapers. So help me God, Ashton, if you don't go over there and make nice I will never talk to you again."

I may be slightly bluffing, I don't think I could go that long without talking to him if I tried but right now I'm pissed the hell off so who knows.

He crosses his arms, "But-"

No buts today mister, I get behind him and shove him towards RJ's car, which is thankfully still here. I watch Ashton walk over to the car, he looks back at me with apologetic eyes and I flip him off. He better make it a damn good apology.

RJ gets out and they talk and I sigh, knowing my job is done. I open up the container of cannolis, doing a happy dance as I eat one.

"You guys go home." I tell my siblings, Sage sticking around while the other three get in the car. I'm about to ask him what's wrong when he sighs.

"Go easy on him, Scar. Ashton's an idiot but he has his reasons." And with that he walks off, giving Ella a hug before she joins me.

"Where's Ash?" She asks, digging in her bag for her keys.

"Saying sorry for being an ass." I huff, glancing back find them in a serious conversation.

"Do you blame him?" Ella scoffs, looking at me.

My eyes bulge, "Yes, how would you feel if Sage was rude to one of your friends."

"Sage doesn't get jealous." She states, for a moment something flickers across her face. I want to tell her just how wrong she is but Ella changes the subject. "Besides, Ashton had no idea RJ wasn't a threat. It's natural for him to act like that."

The very thought of RJ and I being a thing makes me want to laugh. I mean, he was cute and all but when you've witnessed someone go through their bed wetting phase you can no longer view them that way.

"He should know better." I counter but as I say it I begin to see things from his perspective. I hug RJ. He's someone I actually talk to and feel comfortable enough to be myself around. I usually reserve that behavior for Ashton alone.

Ella leaves as Ashton walks back over, his head down is shame. I ignore him as he wraps his arms around my shoulders, putting us in the same position as earlier.

He can wait.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart." He whispers into my hair, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"You should be." I snip.

He drops his arms, I turn around and jump onto the tailgate of his truck. Now we're closer to being the same height. "He said we were cool."

I look into Ashton's eyes and instantly feel bad when I see how remorseful he is. Of course RJ did, but my main problem isn't with that. It with the way Ashton handles himself when it comes to me around other people. He got upset when I hugged James. He got snippy when I wore Zev's jacket. He got rude with RJ.

"Why did you act like that?"

He scratches the back of his head, so I know he's nervous. He stays silent for a long moment and I'm beginning to lose my patience when he looks up at the sky. "Fuck it."

I'm about to question him when he crashes his lips to mine. Instantly I push him off of me. "I want an answer."

He rubs his face, "My answer, Scarlett, is that I like you."

I blink at him. "I like you too but you don't see me being rude to your friends."

He just stares at me like I'm completely clueless. "No Scarlett, I don't just like you. I actually have feelings for you and for some reason you just don't get it. I've tried to make my feelings blatantly obvious and wait patiently for you to understand but you never see it."

My jaw hangs open, he's breathing heavy by this point. The tingling feeling spreads through my whole body. We aren't doing this right now, we can't.

"Right now you're doubting everything I just said and it's driving me insane that you don't understand." He says moving to stand between my legs. "And, yeah, I was a big, jealous asshole tonight but it's only because I can't stand it when someone else makes you laugh."

My mind races a million miles an hour. How do I react to this? Ashton pulls at his hair, a conflicted look on his face. "I understand if you don't feel the same way, it's totally fine, but I don't think I could hold that in any longer."

I'm still sitting there gapping like a fish as he turns to leave. I panic, grabbing his hand so he's facing me again. "Don't be stupid." I whisper, pulling his face down to mine to restart our kiss from earlier.

Ashton McClain likes me. I think back on the past four months, all the times I waited for him for leave. To get bored of me.

We break apart and he presses his forehead to mine, his breath hot on my face. "You're so beautiful." He whispers.

I instantly roll my eyes, now he's just being silly. He pecks my forehead.

"And smart." He moves to my temple.

"And funny." My cheek.

Ashton looks at me with his smirk in place. "I think you need more reassurance." He places a lingering kiss on my lips.

I'm certainly not gonna stop the boy.

"You're so feisty." My jawline

I move a hand to the back of his head, thankful the parking lot is empty.

"So determined."

"And kind."

"And you're tough." He reminds me as he works down my neck.

"You're so stubborn." He whispers and I fight back giggles as he kisses my collarbone. I'm not giving in that easily.

"So. So. So stubborn." Each time he lingers a little longer.

"And violent." I expect him to move on but he stays in the same spot, a giggle escapes.

Ashton squeezes my hips, "Do you know," he moves down my shoulder, pushing his jersey out of the way. "That I love your laugh." He moves back to my spot and I giggle again.

"And your hair."

"I absolutely love the way you look in my clothes." He follows the same pattern, down the shoulder and back.

"They make you look so sexy." I gasp at this, his words taking me by surprise.

"Not that you need my clothes for that." I run my fingers through his hair, tugging slightly at his scalp.

I can feel him smile, "I love it when you do that." Another trail of kisses burn into my skin.

He doesn't say anything for a while and I think he's done speaking, his lips finding their way back to mine. By now my mind is complete mush, I couldn't string a coherent thought together if I tried.

"But you know what my absolute favorite thing in the world is?" His forehead is back on mine, his lips swollen from their journey. His eyes are dilated to the point where only a faint line of gray is noticeable. I reach out to touch his lips, completely entranced. He pulls a hand from my waist, clasping it over mine.

"It's that you are my person." And in that moment my heart explodes into a million pieces.

He's my person, through and through. Not one doubt in my mind.

Soft eyes stare down at me, raw emotion showing through, "More importantly, you're my light."

My heart stops at the mention of those three words, remembering the first time he spoke them. I run my hands through his hair. The list of things I love about him growing as quickly as my heart beats. As I sit there in the moonlight studying the work of art that is Ashton Brecken McClain I come to a startling realization.

I don't think I'll ever be alone again.


Hello, I've been waiting for months to finally share this scene with you. I hope you like it! Also, out of curiosity what are your three favorite chapters? Which are the best, most well written ones in your opinion, discuss below.

