34~ Charming

I have a love hate relationship with cheering basketball games.

The bright side is that I'm inside, actually able to see the entire game. The downside is it's a million degrees with all the people crammed in the gym and it's loud as hell.

This is my first game back in full force, tumbling and all. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement.

It's not about the people, the heat or the fact my long sleeved undershirt is way too tight to be comfortable. It's the creeping thought that something could happen, getting seriously injured this time. Or I could've forgotten how to tumble and fall flat on my face. Breaking a tooth and being stuck like that forever because I don't have the money to fix that.

Ok, maybe I'm being a little over dramatic but, still, a lot can happen.

I go for a roundoff back handspring back tuck but fall short after my handspring. Something that's never happened to me. Madison doesn't say anything, thank God, I can only take so much mortification.

I try it again and this time I land it, but it's rocky. This is so stupid.

The anger I have builds as the game starts, causing me to mess up simple cheers I've had memorized since freshman year, even some I created.

Avery's noticed too because she makes a comment every time it happens. Tonight she's in charge of calling cheers, something the upperclassmen switch around since it's pretty common to lose your voice during basketball season.

It's after the third quarter, when we go onto the court for a stunt formation while the teams have a break. Avery's eyes rapidly scan through the cheerbook before she lands on a specific one.

"Formation 33 ladies." She calls out and my stomach falls.

This is the only formation where I fly and, to make matters worse, Avery is my base. There's a reason we stopped doing this one. I try to protest but Avery demands it since she's in charge. Madison tells me to do it so we can actually do something before the next quarter begins.

Fine. It's totally fine.

The counting starts and I go through the motions.

1, 2
Smile wide
3, 4
Squeeze my stomach
5, 6
Don't panic
7, 8
Don't look down.

I focus on the stands to ease my nerves. I can see the twins sitting with Sam, Saffron and Ronnie mocking us from the sideline. I try to find John but suddenly I'm no longer standing straight. I'm falling.

I close my eyes and say a prayer that I don't break my nose as I head towards the hardwood floor. Oddly, the crash never comes.

"Am I dead?" I whisper, honestly that would be a better option right now over total humiliation.

"No, Sweetheart, I got ya." An all to familiar voice whispers in my ear, hair tickling my cheek.

Wait a minute, I open my eyes. Sure enough, Ashton is holding me in a perfect cradle position. Our faces inches apart. I stare at him, completely mind blown that he caught me. Hell, right now I don't even care that he's a sweaty mess. I'm not broken into a million pieces.

The entire gym begins to clap and whistle, causing a smug smirk to form in his face. "I guess this means I'm your hero."

I roll my eyes, patting the side of his face. "Ok, Prince Charming, please put me down." His eyes light up as he walks me back over to the sideline and sets me down, that way there's no more accidents.

Ashton winks at me before hustling back onto the court and I'm sure half the student section fainted. He truly has an effect on people.

Avery, on the other hand, is simmering in the corner. I glare back at her. I know she didn't drop me on accident.


After the game, I'm waiting outside by the outer locker room door for Ashton. No one judges thankfully because Sage has yet to come out either and most likely he'll be the last one out, as always.

I'm beginning to doubt my decision and head to the car when someone clears their throat behind me. I whirl around to find a guy standing with his arms crossed.

I squint, trying to make out who it is, really regretting being out by myself. I back up against the wall, please let me be wrong. "Scotty?"

"Scarlett," I gulp as he finally steps into the light. "Long time, no see."

I don't say anything as I take in Bennett's best friend. He looks the same as he did two years ago, if you take away the spider tattoo now webbed across his neck. The same dark eyes and cruel smile that always gave me the chills. I fight the instinct to look at my car to check on the kids, the last thing I need is for him to know where they are. If he doesn't already.

"I see you finally joined." I say steadily, pointing at his neck. He cracks his knuckles, a sickening smile on his face. "Why are you here?" We didn't play Steinborn tonight, we played a team from the city.

Oh my God, is Bennett here?

Scotty spits on the ground, "I'm here to give a warning. Tell Sage, James, and Ashton to watch their backs." My stomach rolls, he sent someone just to threaten them. "He let the first time slide because Sage was a kid, this time he plans on collecting."

I shudder, hearing Bennett say those same words in my mind. Based off his grin, Scotty used them on purpose.

"Why now?" I blurt out. It's been two months since the party, he would've retaliated by now. Sending a meager threat is so unlike the boy I once dated. Bennett struck fast and stealthy. You don't notice his poison surrounding you until it's too late.

I would know.

Scotty chuckles, "Bennett likes to take his time, especially when it comes to you." And with that he turns and walks away.

I watch him go, panicking when he stops. Slowly glancing back at me, a smug gleam in his eyes. "Nice show you put on tonight, it almost beat the last one."

My heart beats in my ears as I watch him get on his bike and drive off. This is all my fault, I just had to say yes to the boy who wouldn't leave me alone. Now some of the very few people I care about are in danger.

I should've listened to my parents, they hated him. That was our first real fight. I claimed they thought the west side was below us since we moved out. I'd never seen my dad flinch before. The west side was his home, it was where his dad died, it was ours too.

I actually met Bennett for the first time when I was visiting my Abuela.

It was the summer before freshman year, I was visiting to keep an eye on her. We took turns, Mom, Dad, John, and I since she couldn't be left alone anymore. I was in the middle of reading a book when a baseball crashed through the kitchen window, scaring the shit out of her. I got so mad, I picked the ball up and stormed out of the house, ready to raise hell at whoever was being so careless.

But then he appeared in the driveway, a smile on his face that didn't fit his apology.

"You know, you'd look a lot prettier if you smiled."  He told me, a few of the guys with him laughing. I didn't recognize any of the faces, I knew everyone who lived on our street.

That should've been my first warning.

I snarled, hurling the ball at him. "And my Abuela's house would be a lot better if you didn't put a hole in the window."

The guys behind him all took a deep breath at my outburst but Bennett laughed. "Oh, I like you. What's your name?"

He ran his eyes over my body, lingering a little to long, even then I was grossed out.

"None of your business." I gave him a dismissive once over, ripped jeans and tank top. Slightly impressed by the intricate spider web tattoo displayed on his bicep before turning on my heel and storming back inside.

He showed up every time I was at her house, somehow always knowing when I was alone. Setting his web around me and I never saw a thing.

That's how it all started.

Places don't make people, Scarlett, people make people.

I never understood what my dad meant, now I do. No one in Bennett's life ever told him no, I honestly think I was the first one. That's what made me a challenge.

I'm still trying to process what just happened when Ashton comes walking out. Instantly feeling better once I see him.

"What are you doing?" He demands and I immediately shrink back.

I'm an idiot. "I just wanted to say thanks for saving my ass earlier." At least no one is around to see me die of humiliation.

"No, not that, it's freezing and you have no pants or jacket on." Ashton throws his bag down, instantly removing his letterman's jacket.

I go from mortified to surprised. It wasn't that cold out to me, once I adjusted to the temperature I was immune to it.

"I have a jacket Ashton." It may be at home because I forgot to take it out of the washer but I have one.

It's useless, before I'm even done complaining the jacket is thrown over my shoulders and he's pulled his basketball fleece out of his bag.

"Here, I'll take that one." I insist, reaching for his other jacket.

Why was I being so difficult? Definitely not because his other jacket was softer, it was like sandpaper. But you don't just go around wearing someone else's letterman jacket.

That's a relationship thing.

Ashton grabs my shoulders and looks me dead in my eyes, taking my very cold breath from me. "I want you to wear it, now stop being stubborn."

I nod wordlessly and put my arms into the jacket. All the coldness I didn't feel before completely noticeable. The purple on my hands showing how badly I needed this after all. The jacket is still stiff in the arms but that's because it's new. It also smells like leather and mint, my nose is having a field day right about now.

"Hey, Charming." It takes a moment for Ashton to realize I'm talking to him, "Thanks." I nudge him with my shoulder and he smiles.

It becomes easy to block Scotty's visit from my mind.I'm not going to let his empty threats get to me.

"No problem, Sweetheart."

The silence is comfortable between us as we walk.

We reach the cars and I turn to say goodbye, unsure of what to do. After a moments debate I initiate a hug with Ashton for the first time, taking him by surprise.

"Charming, really?" He asks as we break apart.

I simply smile, "It suits you."

And it does, sometimes Ashton seems to good to be true. Straight from a story book, saying and doing all the right things.

He makes a face that causes me to I laugh, "I don't complain about Sweetheart." I used to but I've grown to love his name for me. "Why do you call me that?" I've never actually asked him.

He blinks, faint pink spreading across his cheeks. "It suits you."

I shake my head, getting in the car, it looks like we're in agreement. I sigh as I buckle my seatbelt, watching as he drives off. What a night it's been.

"Nice jacket." Silver says, poking his head upfront.

I push him back, "Not another word bud."

I ignore their giggles, snuggling further into the jacket.


"Genuine question?" Uncle John asks as he unloads Greek takeout on the kitchen table Saturday night.

Now that he's back in town permanently, he's been spending a lot of extra time around the house. It's nice to have him back. Work actually on the back burner for once in my 17 years of knowing him.

"Do you guys ever actually miss me or is it all show?"

I set down my tzatziki sauce, to pretending to think about the question before rolling my eyes. "Of course, you're family after all."

I would never say it out loud but Uncle John is like a second father to us.

He sets down the sauce, "About that-"

He's cut off by the boys storming into the kitchen hollering for food, Saffron not too far behind. What a bunch of banshees.

"Scarlett, how's the punk?" John asks unenthusiastically as he passes the rice across the table.

I shrug, "Ashton's fine" He lets out a grunt, two can play this game. "How's your love life Uncle John?"

He shoves food in his mouth, avoiding my gaze. "Perfectly non existent."

Sure. He totally doesn't have a contact in his phone labeled My Lady and the lipstick I found in his car while getting the food certainly isn't mine.

We eat in a comfortable silence for a while before Uncle John coughs. "Did I ever tell you guys about the time your mom and dad got stuck in a ditch before junior prom?"

We all shake our heads and he launches into the tale.

We die laughing at the image of moms dress covered in mud, walking with her head held high into the gym. My dad following, his jacket covered in tire marks. It reminds me of what used to be like. Uncle John eating dinner with us twice a week, always trying to embarrass my parents.

Except, back then, they would counter with an even more ridiculous story about him. Sometimes, mom would turn on dad and throw them both under the bus. The stories were always different but we always walked away from the table with new knowledge about my family.

Now it's one of the only times we're able to learn more about them.

Once we finish eating, Uncle John pulls me aside. I stare up at him, waiting for whatever news he has to tell me. Maybe it's about his girlfriend.

"Dave called me today." He begins, a knowing look in his face.

I raise my eyebrows, trying not to show my anger at where the conversation is going. I have time before I need to worry about anything. "What did he call you for?"

"There are things he needs to go over with you. Soon."

I cross my arms, "Then why doesn't he call me?"

John copies my position. "He did, twice, you didn't answer."

I glare, Dave really prepared him for this conversation. I don't want to discuss my parents will with anyone until I absolutely have to. However, I know John won't let this go till I agree. "I'll get to it, schools really crazy right now." He gives me a look, I throw my hands in the air. "I'll call him."


He leaves after denying Saffron's pleads to stay over, compensating by reading her four chapters of her bedtime book.

No love life my ass.


Low-key can't wait for you to read the next few chapters... it's Valentine's Day if you know what I mean.

Also thank you for reading
