2~ Sweetheart

I forget to breathe for a moment as I take in his entire body.

He's huge, not simply in a height way. He's tall, I'm sure a few inches shorter than Sage, who stands at a solid 6'7. However, he has a presence about him, he demands to be seen. Muscles that no 17 year old should be capable of possessing on display underneath a pale green shirt. His black hair falls just above his eyes, I can't help but appreciate how well sculpted he is, from an artists standpoint of course.

Like I said before, damn.

"As I was saying before being interrupted class," Ms. Miller begins, staring directly at me, "this is our new student, Ashton McClain."

The class mumbles a few hellos while most of the girls, including my two best friends, drool over him. They're like animals at a watering hole and all the girls are thirsty.

If he's a high schooler then what was he doing in the elementary school office, I wonder quietly. But the thought of seeing him reminds me of what an ass he is.

"Mr. McClain, please take this book and find a seat." He moves to take the book and it's almost like a trance is broken.

Ella and Stella both turn around and squeal, drool still showing on their lips. I did mention they're boy crazed.

"Don't even bother." I say harsher than necessary.

"What do you mean?" Ella asks, still in a daze.

"He's an ass, that's what I mean." That seems to get their full attention. Stella looks at me with wide eyes.

"You mean you've talked to him?" She questions in disbelief.

"No, I bumped into him this morning and he was extremely rude."

They gasp loudly.

"And you didn't tell us." Ella states, somewhat in shock.

"It literally happened like five minutes ago." I explain, annoyed by how dramatic they're being. He's just a guy.

"Ladies, I suggest the three of you quiet down before you receive detention. Especially you, Miss  Rhodes."

I glare at my teacher. She holds a special hatred for me in her cold, empty heart. I don't plan on being late on most mornings, it just happens. She would know this if she had any children of her own to take care of but she's an unmarried hag with seven cats.

I finish glaring at her to find Mr. Gray Eyes, I mean Ashton, walking towards the only empty seat in the class. The same seat that just so happens to be behind Stella and right beside me. I cry mentally as he plops down beside me.

I know Mondays suck but today that's really an understatement.

For a moment I think Ella and Stella forget how to breathe, because they both just stare at him. Stella, being the talkative person she is, quickly recovers.

"Hi, I'm Stella." She offers with a pretty smile, for once not appearing terrifying.

"And I'm Ella." My blonde friend adds with a flip of her hair, hitting my face in the process.

He offers them an easy grin before Stella adds, "And she's Scarlett." Sliding me a sly glance.

I roll my eyes as his attention turns to me, the grin replaced with a smug smirk. "I believe we've met before, isn't that right, Sweetheart?"

I grip my pencil tightly, the smirk now gone from Stella's face. If anyone knows my hatred of pet names it's them. I turn to him with raging anger, "Listen here asshole, call me Sweetheart one more time and we're gonna have a problem."

He has the audacity to laugh at me. Ella winces while Stella just silently shakes her head in warning.

This will be fun.

"So you're a feisty one?" He asks. When I refuse to respond he continues, leaning his face closer to me. "Tell me, Sweetheart, what exactly are you going to do to me?"

I see red. If he had caught me on any other morning I probably would just ignore him, but I've already experienced more stress today than a normal person should in a week and it's only 8:05.

I'm done. I raise my fist to hit him but Ella grabs my hand as Ms. Miller calls out. "Miss Rhodes, is there a problem back there?"

I give her an overly fake smile, subtly lowering my hand. "No, Ms. Miller, we're just getting to know Mr. McClain here, aren't we girls?"

They both nod in agreement.

The hag eyes me, sensing my bluff. Thankfully she doesn't call me on it. "Very well, but pay attention to my lesson, this will be your last warning."

"Yes ma'am." The three of us mumble before fully facing the front,

After a few moments Ashton leans back over, "So you're feisty and a liar."

I don't bother to look at him as I reach over and punch his side. Thankfully his muscles were relaxed or else it wouldn't have hurt. He hisses in pain and glares at me but doesn't say anything else. I look over and offer him a short, innocent smile.

My bad.

Forty minutes later the bell rings and the three of us walk out of class.

No sooner than we enter the hallway Stella squeezes my arm, her nails piercing my skin. "Oh. My. God. Why did you punch him?"

"Because he's a jerk, Stell, we've already been over this."

"Well he's a hot jerk and you shouldn't have punched him." Ella mock scolds me.

I roll my eyes, "But it was fun." Definitely made me feel a little better. "If it makes you feel any better I think I broke a nail in the process." I offer, examining my now loose acrylic nail.

She pretends to think, "Hmm, it will suffice as a punishment, for now."

Stella lets out an aggravated cry, "Who cares about your nail or why you punched him. That boy is fine." Did her mind ever think about anything other than boys? Probably not.

Before I can reply arms are draped over Stella and my shoulders, a wonderful smell fills my nostrils. "That's right ladies, I'm fine -but Sweetheart, I do believe you owe me an apology for that punch."

I scoff at Ashton, feeling the eyes of people staring at the four of us as we walk. "Oh really and what apology did you have in mind, Mr. Ego?"

He lifts his arm off Stella's shoulder to tap his cheek. "I was thinking a kiss would be fair."

I pick his arm up and remove it from me. "Ok, Ashton, kiss this." I say, kissing my middle finger and pointing at towards him.

His gray eyes light up in surprise, "I'll collect my apology at a later time." He promises, sauntering away. I could feel the cockiness radiating off of him.

I turn back towards my friends, as we reach my next class. "See, he's a total jerk and arrogant."

"He's still hot though!" Stella shouts as her goodbye, earning the attention of the hallway. I laugh at her loud mouth before entering pre-calculus.

The best. Not.


I walk into fourth period Anatomy with a major migraine beginning to form. I rest my head against the cool desk waiting for the bell to ring.

Only three more classes after this and lunch is in 45 minutes. I'll survive.

But I have cheer practice and the boys all have football. Then dinner had to be made and homework would need to be done. There's always something to do.

A familiar scent fills my nose. It was a perfect combination of mint and musk, somewhat calming.

I initially welcome it but groan in frustration when I see that Ashton is seated beside me. I had third period Spanish III with him as well. I can't take a another minute with him.

The boy hasn't gone more than three minutes without flirting with a girl, making a smart ass comment, or messing with me. Half our schools population is already in love. Or lust.

"I thought I got rid of you." I complain with my head still on the table. The thrumming of my brain getting louder and louder. I really wish Sage was here to rub my head. For some odd reason he could make even the worst migraine feel better.

"Don't worry Sweetheart, I came back." He smirks. That damn smirk seems to just irritate me more. That and the sound of his voice.

I'm not used to talking to anyone from second period to lunch. Then I go from lunch to the end of the day in solitude again. I like my silence, it's peaceful.

Today hasn't been peaceful.

I begin to rub my temples to the beat of the pulsing. "Oh, joy."

Ashton leans down to my ear. "You okay?" His breath leaves goosebumps on my neck. The close proximity of his face to mine making me extremely uncomfortable.

I begin to lift my head, wincing in the process as black spots dance in my vision. "Just peachy."

He eyes me skeptically, "Are you sure? Because you look like you're gonna hurl."

I narrow my eyes at him, but a pain shoots through my head. Caring questions always have a catch. "I'm sure I'd feel a lot better if you left me alone."

He shuffles through his bag, the noise echoing through my skull. Eventually he hands me a stick of gum. "It's mint flavored if that helps."

I smile weakly at him, surprised that he knows mint helps migraines. "Thanks. You're still an ass though."

He chuckles softly, "Fine by me as long as I get to be hot too."

I make a weak attempt to roll my eyes, the arrogance never fails. "Take that up with Stella, not me."

Mrs. Meyers plays a video for the class period so I sit with my head down trying to block out the noise. The gum slightly helping.

Halfway through the video the door opens and Sterling walks into the room. He may be in seventh grade but he's currently taking freshman Biology. After talking with the teacher for a few moments and handing in some work he looks back at me.

Sterling mouths what's wrong?

Migraine. I reply silently, pointing to my head.

He reaches into his backpack and pulls something out before walking to my table in the back of the classroom.

"Here" he whispers, handing me his Ironman ice pack. I take it from him, receiving a quick hug before he leaves. I smile remembering the day we bought the ice pack. The twins lost a bet with Saffron so she got to pick out their school supplies. The ice pack came with Hello Kitty pens and Barbie folders. How two 12 year olds failed to outsmart a seven year old completely beats me.

I gingerly place it to my head, sighing at the contact.

My peace was short lived when Ashton starts to ask questions. "Who was that?" I chose to ignore him but he just continues to question me, "Is that your boyfriend?"

I scowl at him for interrupting my rest, "What, no. That's my younger brother, he's 12."

I mean I knew the twins looked mature for their age, granted that they were 5'10. I don't think they could pass as high schoolers, let alone juniors.

"Oh." He mutters, becoming silent for the rest of class.

I begin to zone out the video as fatigue settles in, a nap should make me feel better.


My spring break is in TWO DAYS and I'm PUMPED.
I'm not going anywhere but I do get to sleep in and do nothing all week. Then it's just 8 more weeks till summer and junior year will be over for me.

Ok for everyone commenting on the height I'm just gonna put out there that I used the actual height of my 17 year old brother for Sage (6'7) and the actual height of my 13 year old brother for the twins (5'11). I didn't think the heights would be a big deal tbh. And no my parents aren't giants, my moms 5'3 and my dad is 6'2.

What's your favorite color? Mines lavender.
