
My feet pound against the pavement, echoing through my ears.

My body protests with every step but I don't stop. I don't want to see Ashton. I'm mad at him. He had the audacity to kiss me then kiss my backstabbing cousin.

Ok, I may have kissed him first but that's beside the point.

On top of that, the comment Bennett made about my pills rings through my mind. Ashton didn't know about that but now he does. I end up inside a park that connects to his neighborhood, slowing to a walk in order to blend in. Finding a bench and sitting down, I drag my knees to my chest.

Why is he at Ronnie's house?

Liz said she had an older son and she was at the game. But Ashton was in the elementary school office on a Monday, Ronnie didn't start till Thursday. And they have two completely different last names.

It all meshes together in my mind.

"Scarlett." A voice says from beside me. I know who it belongs to, I just don't want to look

"Sweetheart." He tries again gently. 

I push my glasses up on my nose. "Go away, Ashton."

Instead he sits down next to me, thankfully keeping some distance. We sit in silence for a while, he clearly doesn't know what to say and I don't have any words for him.

"Ronnie's my half sister." He begins. "Her Dad, Mark, is my step father. My mom met him when I was six. My actual father left before I was born, he didn't want me or my mom. Mark in every way is undeniably my real dad."

He looks at me for a reaction but I just stare at him, he takes it as an invitation to go on.

"Ronnie was sick those first couple days of school and the office was giving me a hard time since I have a different last name then her. That's why I was so rude when we first met."

I think about Mrs. Z, the office manager, knowing his story is completely reliable. Countless times she's given me problems with paperwork since I'm not an adult. I just got better at forging Karen's signature.

"Ok." I mutter, a pang in my chest after hearing his story.

I  know this is hard for him to talk about by the way his fist clenches and unclenches. It's a peace offering. He shares information on his family, I share my own story. He would understand. Right?

"What about Avery?" I ask, hating the words as they leave my mouth.

He pulls at his hair in frustration, a pained look on his face. "She kissed me the moment she saw you walking back. I, in no way, shape, or form started the kiss but I finished it as soon as I realized what was going on. Not gonna lie I went into shock. It wasn't pleasant."

I raise an eyebrow for him to continue, not wanting to believe him.

"And at the party she was trying to make you upset. I told her to screw off and you saw, which doesn't help this situation at all."

I purse my lips in thought. Avery's a bitch who would do anything in her power to ruin my life. It wouldn't be the first time she's done something like that.

He leans close, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear, I don't panic like I did with Bennett. "I promise you, I would never choose Avery over you. Hell, I wouldn't choose anyone over you."

My heart flutters, no one's ever really said that before. I've grown accustomed to placing second in our life long competition. Instead of addressing any of the thoughts in my head, I search his gray eyes, nothing but sincerity and hope showing.

Eventually I cave, ducking my head sheepishly. "Well, now I feel like a bitch."

He lets out a laugh, "Don't, I was an ass last week so now we're even."

Fair enough. Although, my actions were more justified than his.

His laughter stops as he notices my nose, my hand flies up to cover it. I flinch in pain as my fingers brush over the bridge of my nose. The bruise, I forgot about it. "What happened last night?"

Oh no. That's something I don't want to talk about.

I take sudden interest in my hemline in order to avoid his gaze, "Didn't anyone tell you?"

He grabs my hand to still it, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my palm. "No, they said I should hear it from you."

Damn them. This was their way of telling me It's time to spill the beans on our parents, the two situations completely connected. I don't speak for a while, unsure of what to say. I take in the bruises covering his knuckles. He helped fight for me, I owe him an explanation.

"That guy, Bennett, he was my first and only boyfriend. We dated my freshman year." I hesitate, unsure of how to continue. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "I was happy at first, my parents hated him but I was intrigued. He offered something I had never experienced before, trouble. We dated and then life got in the way. I went through somethings and was in a different place mentally then he was."

I remove my stare from his hand, accidentally looking at his eyes. They watch me intently. I can do this, it's Ashton after all.

"One night we were together and I wasn't interested in doing a certain thing. He wasn't too fond of my rejection after the fact he had waited so long. So.. so.."

My mind flashes back to that night, we were in his room. The radio blaring some shitty rap song. A month after my parents accident and I was still a mess. Living with Karen was a nightmare. My anxiety and depression had rocketed to new levels. I had said no repeatedly, the first time was bad enough. He claimed he deserved it.

I was terrified of him.

Ashton flexed his hand, "Did he-"

"No... Sage had shown up to walk me home since it was getting late, walking over from a friends house. He stopped Bennett before anything could happen. I hadn't actually seen him face to face since then, that's partially why I was so unhinged last night."

I'm shaking, again.

Ashton wraps me in a hug, pulling me into his lap. I don't protest, perhaps it's better to just go with the flow for once.

I watch Ashton think about something, "What did he mean about meds?"

This is it Scarlett. A perfect segway into a conversation about my parents and life I live.

No pressure.

"I have anxiety and I was depressed. Around the time Bennett and I ended things I was in a rougher patch." That's the understatement of the year. "That's why he mentioned it. Also, he probably guessed I hadn't told you about it and he wanted to bother me." Which he succeeded at.

I can't do it. Call me chicken but I can't, I've already unloaded too much emotional baggage today.

I watch his face, waiting for him to realize not only do I have relationship problems but I also have a fucked up mind. I'm a real winner ladies and gentlemen. Instead, his grip tightens.

"If I ever see that piece of trash again, I'll kill him." Ashton spits out and I gape at him, I wasn't expecting that. Questions definitely. Comments maybe. But certainly not that.

"So..." I cough, time for the really awkward conversation.

The one I'm literally dreading. He looks at me expectantly, our faces so close together.

"I know we kissed last night and I would like to apologize. At times when I'm in high paced situations like that I act without thinking." Just a smidge.

He seems confused at my apology, clearly not expecting it. "Last night was nothing to apologize for, I don't regret it for a second. Actually-"

"Really, great. Because I think for now it would be best if we just stayed friends. I mean, I think today proved that we still don't completely know each other. But I really like being your friend, last week definitely proved that."

I'm rambling like an idiot. Great.

He frowns slightly before shifting to a smile. "Friends sounds perfect Sweetheart."

I look at him awkwardly, unsure of what to say after my weird declaration of friendship. Honestly, it's for the best. Life with Ashton as a friend is safe, I can count on him to always be there. In a relationship I could lose him and that would hurt me all over again.

I check my phone. It's 10:30, so much for not being late.

"I think I should go get Saffron, after all, I said I would pick her up almost an hour ago."

How we sat there for that long I have no idea. I do know; however, that Sage is going to kill me when I get home. He stands up before setting me on my feet, keeping an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, my mom knows." He informs me sheepishly.

We begin to head down the trail to his house, the pain barely noticeable. "How?"

He shrugs, "She may have been watching through the window."

I let out a chuckle I didn't know I was capable of making. That's something my mom would've done in a heartbeat. The walk back is nice, we don't speak but for once in my life the silence is comfortable.

My hair is still wet from my impromptu shower, the wind chilling me to my bones. I really should've dried my hair. I need to remember it's November before I get sick.

Ashton pulls his sweatshirt over his head, revealing a worn out shirt. He hands it to me without asking me if I want it. I put it on, not having it in me to protest. The jacket smells like him, causing a smile to appear on my face.

"How come I get to wear your jacket?" I ask, remembering the displeasure he showed while I wore Zev's last night.

He shrugs nonchalantly, pulling me close, "Because it's mine."

Ok then.

As we near his house I see Saffron and Ronnie watching for us out the window. They jump and run away after they discover we've spotted them, Saffron tripping as she tries to flee from view. It's wonderful to watch my sister play with someone her own size.

He opens the door for me and we go inside, the warmth of the fire making me sigh. Ashton takes his shoes off and I follow suit before he leads me through the halls.

I take notice of pictures on the wall of Ronnie and Ashton on various vacations. Ashton playing all different types of sports: baseball, football, basketball. A big smile on his face in each picture. It turns out Ronnie does karate, not to say I'm surprised. Maybe I should start Saffron in some classes.

We end up in his kitchen and the smell of coffee takes over my senses. I feel myself begin to salivate on the spot, going against my better judgement knowing coffee is no good for my anxiety. Ashton chuckles, walking over to the pot.

Thank God because it would've been rude if I had to do it.

After searching through his cabinet he pulls out a mug, pouring me a cup. I read the word Sweetheart in bold letters as he slides it my way.

I smirk at him before taking a large gulp of bean water goodness.

"Who's this?" A deep voice asks from the side of me.

I'm startled a little, my coffee almost spilling. A tragedy, I know, but I recover. I turn to find a man, probably around forty, in sweats standing there with a warm smile on his face. Like Ronnie, his skin is darker and his hair black.

"Dad, this is my friend." Ashton says, shifting to where I can't see his face.

A moment of realization passes over his face before he nods his head. " I'm Mark Valdez, Ashton's Dad, and you're?"

I set my coffee down and shake his hand, very self conscious of the bruise on my knuckles from punching Bennett. "Scarlett Rhodes, I'm-"

"She's Saffrons sister, dear." Liz offers, pecking her husband on the cheek as she enters the room.

She looks so put together. Her blond hair wavy and clothing cute yet comfy, ready to go before 12 on a Saturday. She seems more like a TV mom than anything else. And her house is clean. I'm jealous.

It's then that I become aware of how messy I look. I begin to play with my hair in attempt to fix it but Ashton stops me. I arched a brow at him forgetting his parents were right in front of us. The couple smiles fondly at us, parents were weird.

After watching them watch us, I uncomfortably clear my throat. "I should go get Saffron now."

"I'll help you." Ashton offers, ushering me out of the kitchen and away from his parents.

I don't have to search long for Saffron, finding her in the tv room watching a movie with Ronnie.

"Time to go, Squirt." I say, ruffling her hair.

She tries to barter with me for extra time before eventually grabbing her bag and heading towards the door. She stops at the threshold, looking up at me with pleading eyes. "I was so sure you would want to stay" she mutters before marching out.

Why would I want to stay here? I have a mess of paint and an angry Sage waiting on me.

We're halfway down the porch when I remember the jacket I was wearing. "Ashton, wait!"

He steps onto the stairs, shaking his head profusely when he sees I'm about to remove the sweatshirt, "Keep it."

I thought about protesting but the wind picks up again. I'm not that stupid.

"But while your here do you want to work on the project over break? The girls can play together while we work." He offers, scratching the back of his head.

His arms looked really nice. Stop it, Scarlett.


"Um, sure. We can work out the details later." I say, Saffron skipping the rest of the way down the stairs.

A smile breaks out onto his face, next thing I know I'm in another hug, "I'm really happy you're ok, Sweetheart."

The hug takes me off guard but I squeeze him back just as tightly. So am I.

I'm walking down the road with Saffron, a newfound joy in me.

She rambles on about her night of making cookies and learning new karate moves from Ronnie. I'm sure I'll be getting a call from her teacher in the next week.

At least she had fun.

We walk through our front door and I'm expecting to be bombarded by Sage just like I was the day Silver got knocked out. Instead the house is eerily quiet. I notice the twins shoes by the stairs so they must be around here somewhere. The car keys are in the kitchen so Sage didn't go anywhere.

Where is everyone?

All three boys come in through the back door moments later.

"Hey, you're back." Sage says, offering me a warm smile. Normally he freaks when I just go off without him, especially after an episode like last night.

I smile back cautiously, setting Saffron's bag on the floor. "Yeah, I went to get Saff."

The twins both hug me lightly so I know Sage told them about last night. Or Stella did. Yeah, it was probably her.

Sage strolls over to the fridge, pulling out the orange juice to take a swig. "I know, Ashton texted me right after you got there."

When did he- oh wait he had plenty of time to do so when he chased me.

But that would mean Sage would've known that he was related to Ronnie. "How did you know he would be there?"

Sage just shrugs, this entire nonchalant attitude is really starting to bug me. Where's the loud concern? Where's the lecture on not being impulsive? Maybe he drank something last night and was still being affected. Maybe he's sick.

"He told me last night when he came by the house."

Ok, that made sense.

Wait what?

If Ashton had come by the house last night then that means he was the person I heard knocking on the door. Why didn't he tell me this morning? Surely that would've been mentioned in the conversation.

The boys all disperse to different parts of the house. Sage going to the garage to clean his baseball bats, pathetic I know, while the twins go to the basement to play video games.

I blink, completely bewildered by the conversation we just had before picking Saffron and her bag up. I guess I'll go get her changed.

I can smell the dirt from last nights game on her. My germaphobe side scratching to break through. It's fine, nothing water and soap can't fix. It's not like a whole day had passed and slept in it.

Forget getting changed she's going straight to a bath.


Saffron sits in the tub playing with the crayola water paint while I wash her hair.

"So are you and Ashton dating now?" She questions, drawing a heart.

I roll my eyes, doing a final scrub of her scalp. "No. Is that why you thought I would stay?"

She looks back at me, her green eyes wide with a duh look. I plug her nose and dunk her hair underwater.

When she comes back up for air she sighs, "Well, I mean, you did kiss last night and he seemed sad when he came home so I figured he missed you."

I don't think he missed me, he was just a little concerned that's all. Last night was enough to freak anybody out. I most definitely don't want to tell Saffron about what happened last night so I just splash her with water.

"You're crazy, Squirt."

She giggles, splashing me back. "Am not! You're just blind."

I scoop up a handful of bubbles and blow them in her face, "Excuse you!"

Saffron jumps up from the tub and runs from the bathroom stark naked, leaving a trail of water and bubbles in her path.

I chase after her, a towel in hand, somehow not slipping on all the water.

After tackling her and managing to get her dressed in something clean I go back to find Sage mopping up the floor with a dirty towel.

Now I'm really concerned, he never does housework unprompted.

"Ok, we're alone now, yell at me." I blurt out, the calmness finally becoming too much.

"What?" He questions, picking the towel up.

I let out a frustrated growl, "I left with no warning and you seem completely fine."

Sage walks over and places an arm on my shoulder. "After everything that happened last night I'm just happy you're ok Scar."

He embraces me in a brief hug before taking the dirty towel to the laundry.

"Besides you were with Ashton." He adds smugly.

Even my own brother has turned to the dark side.


What do you think Ashton was gonna say before he was interrupted?
I can't believe this story hit over 1000 reads that completely unimaginable. THANK YOU ALL
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