49~ Satisfactory

I've checked the bag five times.

Everything they could need in case of an emergency is in there. A spare pair of Sterling's glasses, a brand new inhaler for Saffron, extra dosages of medication in case anyone losses theirs.

Sage pulls the bag from my hands, "Scarlett, it's only one night. I know exactly what to do if any emergency under the sun arises."

I open my mouth to protest but he turns me around and forces me up the stairs. "If you don't go get ready you won't be going to any concert."

I hurry up the stairs, he has a fair point.


An hour later everyone arrives at my house. They're taking two cars, ours since it seats eight and James's truck since it's four wheel drive.

I hug Sterling and Silver, reminding them to make sure the girls don't run off and to make sure the older kids don't do anything too stupid.

Saffron jumps into my arms, demanding I carry her to the car even though she's getting too big for me to hold. "I love you, Scar, and don't you worry. I won't run off, even if I see a bear."

I tug on her braid, "Thank goodness, Squirt, if anything like that happens you run and get Sage."

She shrugs as I buckle her up. "Or I could scare it off."

I begin to panic again, that is the last thing she should do. Maybe those karate lessons were a mistake after all. That or being around Ashton, her confidence has skyrocketed these last few months.

I walk back to Sage, "Please, for the love of God, do not let her out of your sight."

He hugs me, "We will be fine."

I give him an incredulous look, "She threatened to fight a bear." He laughs, I punch his gut. "I'm serious."

So much could go wrong tonight and  we will be over an hour apart.

"Love you." He says, handing me off to Ashton, who wraps his arms around me. Keeping me from going to double check the cars gas level.

"They'll be fine." He whispers in my ear as everyone else says goodbye.

I relax a little, Sage is responsible and Zev is trained in CPR.

Gabe is the last one to get in a car, pausing right before he gets in James's truck. "Don't do anything I would do." He tells us, a suggestive smile on his face.

Thankfully Zev pulls him in, hitting his head before shutting the door. Best friends aren't always there to take your side. Ashton runs his hands up and down my arms as I watch them go, Sterling sticking his hand out the window to wave at me.

"You look nice." Ashton mumbles against my neck.

Despite the fact he's my boyfriend, I can't help but blush. I have on black jeans and a cream, cropped, off the shoulder shirt with billowy arms. My neck and stomach exposed for the world to see, and for him to touch.

"I hope you never stop doing that."

"Doing what?" I ask, fighting the shudder I get from his lips brushing against my skin.

"Getting flustered when I compliment you. It's one of my favorite things." His hands run over my sides, resting on my hips.

I roll my eyes, butterflies swarm within me as he rubs circles with his thumbs. Someone's very affectionate tonight. Just as I'm about to stop him to keep me from going insane  he kisses my jawline. Despite myself, I lean into him as he works his way down my neck. My heart rate picking up with each kiss.

He kisses my collarbone, smiling against my skin as I giggle.

"Ash." I start, my voice hoarse. He stops instantly, loosening his grip on my waist. "As much as I would love to continue, we really should go."

He nods, leading me to his truck. "You know, this might be our first real date."

"Really?" I ask, there's no way.

He opens the car door, "Yeah, my girlfriend happens to be really busy." I roll my eyes, "But that's ok, she's worth the wait."

I hop into the cab, grabbing his arm to keep him in place. "Then it's about time you get a proper date."

Ashton kisses me, a smile on his lips. We haven't really had time to go out since we became a couple. He comes to my house, where four other people pop in and out, or we go to his, Ronnie always excited to see me. If we go out, someone ends up joining us. Then all the meetings and preparation for custody thrown on that.

This night is long overdue.


After the concert we're walking downtown, a mixture of live music flooding out of all the different bars. People of various drunken states stumble by us. I just stare at Ashton as he leads me through the crowds, he sang along to every song.

The same boy that's never finished a song, let alone learned all the words, sang along with me all night.

"What?" He asks, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I just shake my head, "You surprise me sometimes."

He smiles, opening the door to a restaurant. "I would hate for you to be bored, Sweetheart."

Maybe going out on a Friday night wasn't my brightest idea, people are everywhere. We're lucky to find a secluded high top by the bar, the only noise coming from a group of college kids playing pool.

We don't pay much attention to them, talking quietly to ourselves as we eat. Not that I can focus on anything with Ashton continuously touching me, my body feeling like it's on fire.

His phone rings and he goes to pick it up, a frown on his face as he throws it back down.

"What's wrong?" I ask, reaching for his hand.

He shrugs, "Don't worry about it, tonight's supposed to be about us." I wait expectantly. "Scarlett, please just drop it."

Again, I just wait. Whatever the problem is it sure is bothering him, eventually he sighs. "Please don't get upset."

"I won't, you can tell me anything." I assure him.

Ashton focuses on the table. "They want me to graduate early."

"What?" I whisper, the words jolting through my mind.

"It's for football, go to college after the fall semester of senior year to prepare for football season. The summer alone isn't enough time."

That means in less than a year he would be gone. Three hours away living the college life while I'm here, still in high school. "Oh."

"I don't want to and I'm trying my best to get out of it." He rushes, wrapping an arm around me.

"No." I blurt out, surprising both of us. "This is what you need to succeed, Ashton. You can't let something as silly as graduating early hold you back."

I attempt to smile and it falters, for once there's no smirk on Ashton's face. "Please, don't let this scare you. There's FaceTime and texting, plus I plan on calling you everyday."

His words make me smile but I sigh, "Don't worry about me, you need to focus on you."

Football will be his life, practice and school won't leave room for much else. I was there when they discussed his schedule, it's definitely not a light load. His spare time should be spent doing homework and sleeping, not focused on me.

I begin to fidget with my napkin but he grabs my face, taking in the tears I'm trying to hide. "I'm nothing without you, Scarlett, so you better be prepared for good morning texts at four thirty in the morning and random calls between classes just so I can hear your voice."

He wipes my face, making me feel like a big baby. It's scary to think about not being with him and then he has to go and say such sweet things.

I reach up and brush away a tear that escapes from his eye, I thinks he's going to miss me more than I could ever miss him and that's saying something. "Only If you're okay with me sending you goodnight texts at two in the morning when I can't sleep."

Ashton smiles, nuzzling his face against my neck. "I already have a plan to help with that."

That doesn't surprise me, he seems to have a plan for everything when it comes to us. "And what's that?"

"I'm going to give you some of my clothing and you'll get to wear it for a while before exchanging the old sweatshirts and stuff for new ones. That way you get things that smell like me and in return, I get things that smell like you."

A smile works its way into my face as the amount of thought he put into it. He never fails to surprise me.

"Here I was thinking you thought I smelled." I tease, throwing my arms around his neck.

Resting his forehead against mine he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Sweetheart, I'd give up my ability to smell everything else if it meant I got to smell you everyday."

We sit there for a while, two teenagers afraid of what the future holds for them. Time is a fickle thing and our hearts are fragile but we're stronger.

"Hey." I kiss him, surprised by how different it is. So gentle and tentative, unlike any we've ever shared before. "I'm not worried, you're the one thing in life I'm sure about, Ashton."

I'd be willing to suffer distance and time and every form of communication to stay with him. He's my person.

His face wavers, almost on the verge of crying as he wraps me up in a hug. "Thank you."

"Besides, the sooner I'm able to brag about dating a college guy, the better." I attempt to joke, relieved when a laugh escapes from his mouth.

"Maybe now I can lie and say I'm the older one in the relationship."

I'm about to make a smart ass comment about his ego when he kisses me, stealing all the words from my mouth.

Eventually I go to the bathroom just to simply take a breather, completely frazzled. My face flushed in the fluorescent lights.

Oh my God, Scarlett, get yourself together. Tonight's been an emotional roller coaster. My phone rings, Sage's picture flashing across the screen. I panic, fumbling to answer the call.

"Scarlett, we have a problem."

"What's wrong? Is everyone ok?"

I'm about to start heading towards the door when he starts to laugh. "We're having way too much fun and you're not here."

I let out a breath, "Sage Forest Rhodes, I swear to God, I am going to beat the shit out of you tomorrow! Do you have any idea how terrified I was?"

He laughs again, "Scar, calm down. It was just a prank, everything's going great."

"Put the twins on." I demand, more than a little annoyed by his stunt.

"Hey, Scar." They say together, the phone now on speaker. I can hear Gabe singing along to a Ariana Grande song in the background.

What in the world are they doing?

"Boys, is everything ok?" They're reliable sources.

"Yeah!" Silver laughs, "I jumped off a cliff. It was awesome."

"Silver, are you trying to give me a heart attack? Sterling, honest evaluation of the night?" My palms are beginning to sweat a little.

"Everything is fine. How's Ashton?"

I roll my eyes, obviously they're just dandy. "He's fine, let me talk to Saffron."

They snort, "Whatever."

I hear more shouting and music, the sounds of giggles getting louder. "Scar?"

"Hey, Squirt, are you having fun?"

"Totally! I threw my back handspring."

A surprised laugh escapes my lips, I missed it. She's spent months trying to perfect it and I missed it. "Wow, that's amazing. I miss you."

"Miss you too! Here's Sage." She rushes out before the sound of shouts enter my ear.

"Now do you believe me when I say everything's fine?" He demands, with an I told you so tone in his voice.

I nod my head, a weight lifted from my shoulders. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just difficult not being there."

When I'm there I have control over the situation. My eyes are on them and whatever happens is on me.

"I know, but you're on a date with someone who's crazy about you and, after the week you've had, you deserve a night off. We love you and will see you tomorrow."

I smile, thinking about Ashton. He's right, everything's okay. "I love you guys too."

A toilet flushes from a stall, great, I wasn't alone. I take my mom's ring off to splash cool water on my neck, A girl from the group playing pool joins me at the sink. I blink at her reflection in the mirror, she's gorgeous.

Ink black hair that hangs to her jaw line, an effortless smokey eye drawing attention to her brown eyes. Caramel skin that looks beautiful even under the fluorescent lighting.

She stares back at me, a puzzled look on her face.

I offer her an awkward smile, shaking my hands dry as I reach for my ring. On accident my fingers drop it, sending it into the sink. She snags it lightning fast, reading the inscription before handing it back.

She scans me over, making me squirm. "Nice ring."

I take it back, her voice sticking in my mind. I've heard her voice before. "Thanks, it was my mom's."

Her eyes light up as she turns to leave.

I follow her a few seconds later, my mind working in overdrive to figure out who she is. I look for Ashton, who is nowhere in sight, my eyes falling on the girl from earlier. She's whispering in a guys ear, who looks strikingly similar. She points back at me and they both look, along with another guy.

"Scarlett!" Ashton calls, walking towards me with my bag. They're eyes jump from me to him.

He wraps his arm around me, kissing my temple. "You ready?"

I nod my head, not breaking eye contact with the girl until he turns me around, leading us back onto the street.

How do I know them?

We walk along the sidewalk, looking for our hotel, my feet ache with each step. Wedges were not a good idea.

I'm about to stop for a break when Ashton throws me over his shoulder.

I slap his back, "Put me down, Ash." A group of people watch as we walk by. "People are looking at us." I hiss.

He chuckles, slapping my butt. "Who cares?"

My mouth hangs open, did he just? I smack his butt back, my hand stinging from hitting him so hard.

"Save it for the bedroom, Sweetheart." He taunts, a new spring in his step.

I roll my eyes, "You're insufferable."

I can see the hotel in the distance, slightly disappointed he'll be putting me down soon. He tosses me onto the bed once we're in our room before taking my shoes off. Ashton crawls on top of me, resting his head on my chest. Ever since my birthday he does it more often, almost like he was afraid to do it before.

"How did my girlfriend like our date?" He asks, wrapping a curl around his finger.

I run my fingers through his hair, part of me wishes I could replicate the color but I've never gotten it right. "I think it was pretty satisfactory."

We cried like a couple babies and kissed more in one night than I thought humanly possible but I wouldn't change a thing.

He lets out a huff of annoyance. "Just satisfactory? Because I'd say it was a pretty damn good-"

"Hey, Ashton." He hums, releasing my strand of hair. "Just kiss me."

He smirks, pushing himself up to hover over me. A kiss gets pressed to my shoulder, a second one on my neck.

No. I push him off of me, his face scrunched in confusion as I get up, setting myself across his torso. I kiss his lips, pulling away when he tries to deepen it.

Two can play the tease game.

I work my way down his neck, stopping once I reach his collarbone. I unbutton his shirt, helping him throw it off before working my way down his abdomen. Ashton tries to pull me back up to him and eventually I cave.

Our lips meet, my hands tugging his hair. I get really annoyed by my sleeves which cover his face. I reach up, yanking the shirt over my head. His hands, which were roaming, freeze as he takes me in, his mouth slightly open.

I smirk at him, somehow this always seems to stump him. My finger closes his mouth before I kiss him. "You know, you really should work on your reactions."

He flips us over, I don't breathe as he takes me in. His eyes gleam as they roam over all of me. "Have I ever told you you're beautiful?"

I shrug, "Once or twice."

"Well you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on." He states, lowering his face to mine.

My heart skips a beat as he kisses me, this time not stopping him as he moves down my neck. I do, however, gasp when his lips press against my stomach. He smirks against my skin as he continues.

What an asshole.

His hands reach for my pants, stopping once he realizes what he's doing. He looks up at me, his face flushed. "Scar, we don't have to..."

"I'd prefer it if we did." I tell him, surprised by how confident I sound.


Ashton presses a lazy kiss to my spine, goosebumps appearing on my skin. "We should probably get some sleep."

Now he suggests that. I hum in agreement, turning around to rest my head on his chest. I could stay here forever listening to the sounds of his heart beat.

I don't know how long I'm asleep before my phone rings. I ignore it the first time, annoyed at the fact that Gabe is probably drunk calling to tease us. For some reason he seems to always know when we do something even slightly scandalous. After the third call I reach over to the night stand not bothering to see who it is before answering.


"Scarlett," Ella starts, her voice panicked. "How quickly can you meet us at Jackson Memorial?"


Happy Wednesday, you're going to absolutely hate me but oh well...
You should go vote on all the past chapters and maybe I'll update early
