7~ Cheesecake

For the second morning this week I'm woken up by Sage. This time in a somewhat more pleasant way.

"It's game day baby!" He shouts, jumping on my bed.

I blink the sleep out of my eyes, gazing up at him. He looks like a five year old on Christmas morning. He jolts me up and down. And up and down.

"Sage, what are you doing? It's-" I check my phone, "5:30?"

Normally no one's up till six, besides me.

He continues to jump on the bed. "I know, I'm just so pumped for today. We have three games till that championship is ours. Just three." He's rambling.

He jumps higher until his head hits the ceiling with a loud dud. "Ouch."

I expect him to be still for a moment but he jumps right back up. "I need to go get the twins up, they have that test to study for." And then he's off without another word.

I'm surprised he remembered the deal with the twins to study since we went to Sonic, because I didn't. Showering, I take my time getting ready since I'm certainly not short on time. 

Once I put on the red and black uniform I look in the mirror and sigh. It fits me perfectly, my skirt isn't too short and the top not too cropped. I wonder what my mom would say if she could see me today. Do I look like she did all those years ago?

I take one last look and throw my wet hair up in a bun, I can put it in a ponytail later. I do my makeup without a rush, something that rarely happens in the mornings. I put on grey and black eyeshadow and a red lip to complete my uniform.

As Madison likes to say, no cheerleader is complete without her face on.

I head down stairs and get Saffron ready, packing extra clothes for the game tonight since it's going to be freezing. Surprisingly, she isn't that tired from last nights late outing.

Our parents never gave us bedtimes and I definitely don't have one for her. We all normally stay up pretty late. Usually she puts up more of a fight in the morning, especially to go to school.

Entering the kitchen, I find Sage making smoothies. He enjoys being productive when he's excited, if only he could be this helpful every other day. I pull out my phone and video him as he sings along to Demi Lovato while using the blender.

I hesitate before deciding to add Ashton to the group chat that consists of Sage, Ella, Stella and me. He deserves to see this, if need be we can always remove him later.

The replies start to flood in while I sip on my strawberry-banana smoothie.

OMG. His booty tho.

*sigh* I'm jealous of his ass. And his dance moves.

I let out a laugh before replying. No person could lie, my brother was definitely blessed with a nice butt.

Aren't we all. That ass is legendary... the dance moves not so much.

Everyone loves my dance moves! And don't worry El, I like your tush just fine.

Did I really need to read that first thing in the morning? I think not.

Get a room and then please give me dance lessons.

I'd prefer it if you didn't.

I would like your workout schedule instead. I need a booty like that.

I don't know... I'm pretty satisfied with my bum.

Don't worry. So is Scarlett

I spit my smoothie all over the table, Sage laughs and I don't know if it's over the text or the mess I just made. Probably both.

There's always room for improvement

Next thing I know there's a video of me spitting my smoothie in the chat. Thanks Sage. A bunch of laughing emojis are sent, then Ashton replies.

Well I guess we know she spits.

There's another round of laughter at his reply. Why did I not see that coming?

To bad you're never going to find out.

Challenge Accepted

He's delusional.

Dear Lord, is this what it's like to be in a chat with me and Sage?

It's worse.

You're all delusional

No dear sister that would be you.

I send back the middle finger emoji before putting my phone away. They can all kiss my ass.


We get to school to find a sea of red and black swarming the hallways. Everyone dressed up in anticipation for tonight's game. We play an unknown team from two counties over, the likelihood of us losing is slim.

The majority of the buzz is over Ashton. Everyone wants to see him play, or just to see him. I'm betting there will be a record breaking amount of girls in attendance tonight.

Sadly, that excitement doesn't carry over into Ms. Miller's class.

"You have a project due the week of winter break. It's 50% of your semester grade."  Her voice drones out like nails on a chalkboard.

The class groans and I lock eyes with Ella and Stella, we always do our projects together. The three of us nod in agreement just as the hag speaks again.

"You may only have one partner."

Well, shit. The girls glance between me and Ashton, who sits there wordlessly. He doesn't know anyone else in the class. They share a look. Oh no. I'm not about to be partners with him just so they can prove a point. My grade is more important than a scheme.

I shake my head violently at them but it's too late.

"I'm going to work with Stella." Ella says.

"So, Ashton, Scarlett's all yours." Stella finishes.

I hate both of them. He sends me a smug smile and I prepare for torture as we're given a literary novel of Ms. Millers choosing to study.

The girls are given The Great Gatsby.

We get A Devil In The White City.

I went over this book last year in my gifted class. It's an easy discussion if you know what to look for. I don't wait for my friends once class is over, still not amused by the stunt they pulled.

"So, Sweetheart, I vote we get together this weekend and work on our project." Ashton begins, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walk. Why does he always want to touch me? Hasn't he ever heard about boundaries?

I scoff. "First off, the project isn't due for a while, there's plenty of time." I remove his arm from me, "Secondly, don't worry, I'll have the project done in no time."

He stops walking in the middle of the hallway, a frown on his face. "What do you mean, you'll have it done?"

I raise an eyebrow at him, trying to avoid getting hit by people walking by. "You actually want to do this project with me?"

He nods his head, "Of course. I could never turn down an opportunity to be with you."

I blink at him in shock, no one ever wants to do a project with me. I always end up doing the work by myself. It's one of the many downsides of being smart.

Ashton puts his arm back around me as he moves us down the hall. "Move along, Sweetheart. You're holding up traffic."

I don't even try to fight him I'm so happy at the thought of not doing all the work.


At lunch I sit beside Ashton and try my best to explain the cheers we say. So he, as he claims, can get accustomed to the words. Stella watches, clearly amused,  knowing this is torture for me.

Sage and Ella walk over to us, angry looks on both of their faces.

"No, it isn't ,Sage, now stop!" She exclaims, slamming her tray onto the table. Her fries falling from the amount of force she used.

Stella and I share a look, they never fight.

"Yes, it is, Ella, and I'm going to prove it to you." My brother declares as he takes his seat, turning his attention to us. They're seriously fighting right now.

We wait in anticipation, not wanting to poke an angered bear.

"Is cheesecake considered pie or cake? Because unlike some people," he looks pointedly at Ella before continuing, "I think it's pie.' 

Stella, Ashton, and I share a look before laughing at them. They're fighting over cheesecake.

"Cake literally is in the name Sage." Stella says, choosing Ella's side. That was an obvious outcome.

He looks at her with a hurt expression on his face, "But it comes in a pie tin."

"So?" Ella asks, her pale face turning red in agitation.

We're a bunch of 16 and 17 year olds fighting about the classification of cheesecake. Two of us in a very heated argument. High school at its finest folks.

"No, Sage has a point here." Ashton counters, holding up a hand. "It comes in a tin and there really is no cake part, just cream cheese."

The boys high five triumphantly. For once Stella looks like she would rather kill Ashton than make out with him, this is getting out of hand.

All eyes turn to me. I'm the tiebreaker in this stupid debate, of course. I pretend to think this over just to annoy them. "Hmmm, I don't know. It's comes in a tin, sure, but it also has the title of cake." I move my hands up and down to weigh the possibilities.

"Dear God woman, make a decision!" Sage yells, slapping the table. A wild gleam in his brown eyes, I should mention that he really doesn't enjoy losing.

"It's doesn't have an icing or a glaze so I'm going to have to agree that it's pie."

The girls stare at me in distrust, it's a dessert people. Sage gets up and runs around the cafe in victory, almost hitting our principal in the process.

After a couple of laps he sits back down out of breath. "I... told... you... so." He pants, pointing triumphantly at Ella. She huffs in annoyance before getting on her phone. She's a sore loser,  always has been and always will be.

It's a wonder their relationship works.

I tune them out as I eat my chicken fingers, enjoying the breaded deliciousness in all its glory.

"I can't wait to miss Chemistry." Sage says, snapping me from my thought.

"Why are you missing class?" I demand, trying not to let the parental side take over.

He sips on a juice box, looking very much like Saffron in the process. "We have a pep rally to celebrate the beginning of states."

Just what I wanted to hear. Another way for the entire school to watch me shake my pom poms.


We're all lined up for the pep rally. Varsity players escorted by the cheer team, each of us paired up. Pairs chosen by Madison and Kent, her boyfriend and the captain of the football team, very cliche but they're cute.

Usually I'm partnered up with Sage but I have a feeling today's gonna be different.

Sure enough, Ella is called to walk with Sage. An understandable decision since half the school thinks they're  official. Although Madison knows better.

Stella, much to our surprise is placed with James King. The very James that's dating Avery. Stella doesn't mind, considering she and Avery have a rivalry that's almost as bad as the one we share. It all started after I moved in with Karen and Avery stole one of my shirts, that just so happened to be Stella's. She put a hole in it when she found out who it belonged to.

Avery tries to protest but Madison gives her a warning glare that shuts her up. Stella sticks her tongue out before latching onto James' arm. Very mature.

I'm placed with Ashton, something that just angers Avery even further. She actually seems more upset over Ashton than not being with her boyfriend. The best part is that Madison places her with Smelly Jim, a senior that no person will willingly touch with a ten foot pole until the day he discovers deodorant. Sadly for Avery, that day hasn't happened yet.

I must admit, Madison is golden at revenge. I don't think Avery will mess up at another practice again.

The names are called one by one and I hold on to Ashton's arm. The thought of being in front of so many people is finally starting to have an effect on me as I grip his arm tighter. It normally takes a few moments for the anxiety to pass. If it even does.

"Like what you feel?" He asks me, not bothering to take his eyes off the crowds of students as we walk onto the court.

I pinch a piece of soft skin, still not used to his unwavering arrogance. "Not really."

He winces in pain, "That's gonna bruise later."

"Not my problem, it's our turn. Smile pretty."

One of Ella's yearbook committee photographers snaps a picture, the flash momentarily blinding me as Ashton leads me to the side. We stand patiently as the principal goes over the pleasantries of welcoming the team and giving the daily reminders.

"Hey." Ashton whispers.

I pretend not to hear him. He begins to poke my side, ignoring the giggles I'm fighting to hide from the crowd.

"You look really nice in your uniform Sweetheart."

My stomach flutters at his compliment. A smile forms on my face but I don't answer him. Instead I flick his nose and go out to perform with the squad. The anxiety gone from my head after our little encounter.

Perhaps cheering him on won't be as bad as I thought it would be.


Oh my god I love you all. I would love to get this story up to 200 reads by Monday. 

