59~ No Idea

"My Little Letty, If only your mother could see us now."

Carmen evaluates me in the mirror as she pulls my hair back with a clip. I laugh, remembering the day she let me wear her makeup. I thought mom was going to kill her.

"Let's just hope for better results this time around." I tease, silently hoping I don't end up looking like a clown.

Ashton might draw the line at taking Bozo to prom.

She pops my cheek before getting to work, taking breaks in between to fix Stella's hair and help Ella into her dress. As she works I can't help but be amazed by her focus, no flaw goes uncorrected.

She chats with me to pass time, rambling about her wedding. It won't be until after she graduates from college, that way her focus can be on finishing her bachelors degree. They plan on staying in the West Side, working with the schools to mentor kids. Her main goal is to become a criminal defense lawyer, to protect those who have been wrongly accused.

It's funny to hear plans for a future with the guy she used to hate. Drew used to knock on her door everyday, even going as far as to use Gabe as an excuse to see her. Eventually, Carmen began to let him inside and then she started inviting him over.

It's crazy what I missed in two years.

By the time she finishes my butt is numb, I didn't think it was possible to sit still for this long. The results are worth it though as I stare at my reflection. Carmen kept everything natural and dewy, golden eyeshadow and a dark lip.

After I change into my dress she calls Saffron in to evaluate me, claiming no one has a better eye than her. No one has a more judgmental eye than my sister. I don't say anything as she walks around me, taking her time to inspect every inch.

Finally, Saffron stops in front of me, a grin on her face. "I think you look like a princess."

A genuine smile breaks out on my face as I glance back in the mirror, I guess I sorta do. "You really think so, Squirt?"

She nods her head, giving me a big hug. "Of course, plus your boobs look good."

And with that she flees from the room, undoubtedly going to find Ronnie. I just stand there at a complete loss for words. She's seven, she shouldn't even care about my boobs.

Manny laughs, opening the door for me. "She's more of a handful than you were and that's saying something."

I roll my eyes, trying not to trip on my dress as I walk down the stairs. "I wasn't that bad of a kid."

She gives me a look. "Drew almost got banned from bringing Gabe to my house because you wouldn't stop abusing him."

"He was annoying and he still is." I protest remembering the time he tried to steal my jump rope and in return I tied him up. That's the worst thing I've ever done to him and that's not even that bad.

"I heard that!" Gabe yells from the floor below.

What person can hear a conversation when they're on a completely different floor? I manage to make my way down the second flight of stairs without tripping. Halfway down, I'm able to hear voices.

"Where exactly are you two going for dinner?" Sage asks in a serious tone.

"Dude, the same place you're going." Ashton replies.

What in the world is going on?

"What time will you be bringing her home?" Emmy asks, his voice sounding a lot more terrifying than I thought possible.

"What a bunch of assholes." Carmen mutters and I'm about to agree before she continues. "They were supposed to wait for me."

After her comment, I rush down the stairs in a complete panic. Why can't they ever just sit down and shut up? Surprised with my running I almost make it safely to the first floor when my foot catches on a golf ball on the stairs.

"Scarlett, watch out!" Carmen cries but it's too late. I go flying forward, trying to catch the railing.

I brace for my face bust against the floor when an arm wraps around my waist. "You should really stop falling for me."

I roll my eyes as Ashton sets me back on my feet, annoyed by the fact he caught me and still managed to say something arrogant. "You should really prioritize if you're going to be sweet or rude, I can't handle both at once."

After flattening my dress out I look over at him, surprised he hasn't already made a comeback to find him staring at    me.

"Like what you see?" I ask, reaching up to fix my hair as I throw his words from Valentine's Day back in his face.

His hand stops mine, "You look nice."

We smile at each other for a moment, forgetting about the collection of people in my entry way.        

"Get a room." Gabe and Sage cough, breaking us from our concentration.

"Or don't." Emmy and RJ say together, slapping their backs.

I roll my eyes, punching all four of them as I make my way into the kitchen. They all grunt in pain but I'm too focused on my brothers' eating pizza.

"Silver, how did a golf ball end up on the stairs?" I demand, tossing the ball that tripped me in the air.

He drops his pizza mid bite. "Whoops." I chuck the ball at him and he barely dodges it, "Did I mention you look beautiful sis?"

How sweet.

Before I can do anything else Uncle John walks up to me, "You know, Bean, I thought I was completely okay with you growing up. I take it all back."

He pulls me in for a hug and I begin to lose air flow. I slap his back a few times before Melissa comes over and pries him off of me. "She needs to breathe, John."

He gives me with a determined look, waving her off. "Are you sure you're okay with me leaving?"

I nod my head for the millionth time, "Yeah. Manny, Emmy, and RJ are staying with the kids and we should be home by midnight, one at the latest."

They were very insistent on spending time with the younger kids after such a long gap and I couldn't say no. Plus, I think they want to make sure we actually come home, which we plan on doing. Everyone is so over reacting.

I liked it better when I was alone, I can't handle all the people hovering.

We go outside where everyone else is waiting, the parents dying to take pictures on their phones before Ella takes over. I watch my friends as they're all moved around, Stella stunning in a black dress that Kim surprisingly picked out. Ella smiling in her pale blue two piece dress as Jane takes a picture on her phone at a terrible angle. I hold back a laugh at the amount of self control she's using not to correct her mother. Ever since she found out about the separation she's been distant from her parents, spending more time at our house to cope with the fact that hers no longer feels like home.

Zev and Gabe surprisingly took a pair of best friends as their dates, breaking their rule of going solo. I think they just wanted to fit in with us, after all, it can be boring when you're the odd man out. Little does Gabe know, Drew paid me extra to ensure he comes home with us.

"You certainly look great in nude." Ashton says as he comes up from behind me.

Why am I not surprised by his comment? Honestly, I thought he would say something in the first three minutes.

"Is that the best compliment you got, McClain?" I tease, flicking his nose as I watch Sage twirl Ella around.

"I can promise you there are plenty of compliments in my mind, just not the ones you want to hear." He whispers in my ear, kissing my temple.

"You've always had a way with words." I offer dryly, pretending that I'm not blushing like a fool.

He laughs, "You haven't complimented me once, I'm beginning to feel insulted, Sweetheart."

I roll my eyes, poor boy's ego can't handle being ignored for this long. Turning around, I give him a once over, surprised by how nice he looks in his tux. "You clean up well, Mister McClain, I'm rather impressed."

He smirks at me, his hands wrapping around my waist as I fix his tie. "I figured you would be." I pop his cheek, turning to go but he holds me in place. "I'm surprised you didn't straighten your hair."

Reaching up, I tuck a loose curl behind my ear. I'm not sure what Manny did to my hair but it's never looked this good. "I thought about it but then I remembered something some asshole told me."

"And what's that?" He asks, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Curly hair suits me better."

And it does. I only ever straightened my hair to look normal or to please my aunt, it just isn't me. Ashton leans down to kiss me just as a whistle pierces my ears. Frowning, he buries his face in my neck.

"Can't we just ignore them?"

I laugh, running my fingers over the nape of his neck. "I don't think Sage will give up that easily."

On cue, my brother whistles again. Ashton groans, tightening his grip. "Best friend my ass."

I hate to break it to him but I think little brother will always trump best friend. Instead, I shake my head, "Come on, you don't want lipstick all over your face."

He shrugs, leaning back in. "I'd be okay with that."

Shoving him off of me, I fix my dress, "Yeah, well I'll be pissed if your face is dirty during pictures so move it."

Everyone starts to laugh as Ashton collects himself, clearly he wasn't expecting me to use so much force. Grabbing his hand, I walk back towards our friends.

"So temperamental." He mutters underneath his breath, I just squeeze his hand a little harder.


After finally breaking away from the parents, an overly emotional Uncle John, and go to dinner, we manage to make it to prom a little later than planned. Everyone else walks through the doors with smiles on their faces while I lag behind, purposely taking my time.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asks, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Nothing." He gives me a look. "I just sorta forgot the fact that I hate large crowds and dancing in front of people."

Granted, the room is dark and everyone else will be to busy making fools of themselves, it still bothers me. It's one of those things I can't get over, trust me ,I've tried. That's how I completely embarrassed myself at freshman year homecoming.

Crowds and I don't mix.

He stops, turning to face me. A couple moves around us while offering a dirty look. "First of all, if people are going to be paying attention to you it's going to be because you look gorgeous, not because of your dancing."

That does nothing to make me feel better.

"Plus, you'll be dancing with me. That's practically every girls dream." He adds with a smug smile.

And with that I walk towards the doors, completely annoyed by his antics. He just wants to hear himself talk. I make it halfway up the steps before he stops me, begrudgingly, I turn around.

"But I'm lucky enough to dance with you, even if you step on my feet."

"I never said anything about stepping on your feet." I protest.

He laughs, "You didn't have to, I already know it's going to happen."

Fighting the urge to shove him again, I smile, feeling a little better. It's just us.

"It's a good thing you're cute or else I'd dump your arrogant ass." I tease, throwing my arms around his neck.

"No, you wouldn't."

He's right, I wouldn't. He kisses me quickly as another group of people push by us, I suppose the entry way isn't the best place to stop. Ashton goes to walk but I let out a giggle.

He stops, completely confused as I continue to laugh. "What?"

I try to catch my breath but I can stop, "Your... face."

"I have lipstick on my face, don't I?" He asks, reaching a hand up to wipe it off.

Nodding my head I use my thumb to rub it off but there's still a slight stain. "It's a good thing burgundy looks good on you."

"Sweetheart, I look good in anything." He teases, opening the door.

Of course he does. We walk down the hall and I'm surprised by how nice everything looks. Balloons and glitter are everywhere, honestly, I'm surprised the hotel let the school do so much. Then again, who doesn't love a little sparkle.

Once we get closer to the ballroom, the more people from school I see. After waving to a few people Madison walks up to me, dragging her boyfriend along.

"Scarlett, just the girl I was looking for." She cheers, pulling me in for a hug.

What have I done now? Granted, I missed tryouts last week because of everything going on but I texted her about that. "What's up, Madison?"

"Well, I was going to wait till Monday but I'm just so excited, you're cheer captain next year." She exclaims, hugging me again.

I just stand there, unsure of what to say. "What?"

"Everyone voted last week at tryouts and it was unanimous." She explains, her smile so wide it hurts my face to look at.

"Oh, wow." I whisper, fidgeting with mom's ring.

Madison runs off to go say hi to someone else and I'm left standing there completely dumbfounded. What just happened?

"You know that makes us a completely cliche couple right?" Ashton asks, an amused grin on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I counter, still trying to process everything that just happened. I certainly wasn't expecting that, I figured I'd be lucky to still be on the team after missing so much. Half the squad doesn't even like me.

"Well, Sweetheart, you're looking at one of the football team co captains that just so happens to be dating the cheer captain." He teases.

That snaps me from my shock, "God and you're the quarterback too, I don't think I can handle all this stereotype in one relationship."

He rolls his eyes, kissing me before I can tease him further. I'm pretty happy with our relationship, it's been anything but normal.

We're about to finally make it inside prom when a shrill voice comes from one of the side rooms. "Avery, are you really getting a nose job?"

I stop walking, Ashton running straight into my back as I try to figure out where the voice is coming from.

"Yeah, I'm flying to California as soon as school gets out. Mom found me the best plastic surgeon in the country." My cousin offers in her usual snotty voice but something sounds off.

"Oh my God, you're going to look gorgeous." Ana cries and with that I dart to my right, following her voice.

I find Avery looking in a mirror while Ana and some other girl look at her phone, undoubtedly seeing which nose she picked out. My cousin makes eye contact with me in the mirror and her face hardens.

"You two get back to the dance, I'll join you later." She tells the girls and when Ana tries to protest, she snatches her phone back. "Now."

They both turn on their heels, glaring at me as they walk out. Neither of us say anything as I walk further into the room, brushing off Ashton's hand when he tries to hold me back.

"Are you really getting plastic surgery?" I ask, not breaking eye contact.

"Do you really care what I do, I need to make it in the modeling business somehow. My height is great and so is my body, mother just thinks my nose is holding me back." She tells me, looking away to fix her lipstick.

I take a moment to study my cousin, her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail. A sparkling, skin tight red dress that's absolutely stunning on her. If I look like a princess then she looks like a queen tonight.

"Avery, your nose is perfect." I counter, taking another step towards her.

"Of course someone like you would say that." She snips, closing her purse.

"We have the exact same nose, Hell, we have the exact same face and you certainly wear it a lot better than I do." I tell her, voicing the thoughts I've had for years.

I may look like mom but Avery could've passed as her duplicate. The same blonde hair and blue eyes that seal the deal. People used to assume we were both her daughters when we went out in public the very few times Karen let Avery come over. Most times mom would smile and agree.

"That's so typical of you, Scarlett, have you ever thought that I don't want to look anything like you?" She demands, finally turning around to face me. "Why would I want to look like my perfect, goody two shoes cousin that everyone seems to love no matter how weird you are?"

I flinch at her words, not expecting such an outburst from her. It's not until Ashton tries to pull me away that I get angry. If she wants to do this right now, we can do it now. I've got nothing holding me back at this point.

"You know what, Avery, I've taken eighteen years of your bitchiness and I'm over it. You think my life is perfect, try again. My parents are dead. My ex-boyfriend is a complete psychopath that tried to ruin my life and I've spent the last two years trying to take care of my siblings while your family sabotaged me every step of the way."

"Oh, boy." Ashton whispers, running from the room.

I look away from Avery long enough to shut the door and that's all it takes for her to push me.

"You want to blame that on me? Try being Scarlett Rhodes cousin. Never pretty enough, never nice enough, never smart enough. Dear God, my own mother can't even stand to look at me I'm such a disappointment."

Whirling back around I shove her to the ground, enjoying the sight of her falling on her ass. We haven't fought like this since we were kids and damn does it feel good.

"Why is that my fault? You turned the entire class against me just to make yourself feel better. I already felt so alone and you just had to go make everything worse. I was miserable and you constantly pushed! And pushed! And pushed!" I scream, not really caring where we are.

The door flings back open, revealing Ashton, Sage, Gabe, and Ella.

"Holy shit!" Gabe whistles, taking us in.

There's the sound of a camera flashing but I don't take my eyes off of Avery as she pulls herself back off the ground. "This is a family matter, so unless you're Sage please kindly get the hell out."

They hesitate and I clear my throat, "I didn't stutter."

They shove Sage into the room and close the door back.

"All I wanted was a friend and you were anything but that." I tell her, finally letting two years of anger break through the surface. "Family is supposed to be there for each other to build one another up, not to tear each other down."

Her anger dissolves, the mask finally slipping away. "I tried to help."

Sage snorts from behind me and I can't help but join him. "No, you didn't. You actually did the opposite of that."

She focuses on the ground, "You're wrong."

I walk towards her, trying my best not to punch the daylights out of her. "Really, please tell me how you helped make my life easier, Avery."

I could use a good laugh right about now.

"I tried, okay. I forged mom's signature on a note to excuse your absences after they died. And I did it again when the office wouldn't allow you to sign paperwork." She tells us, her face crumbling.

Sage stands next to me, at a loss for words. She has to be lying.

"And yeah, I made everyone stop talking to you but I knew that would be the only way they wouldn't ask you a million questions. So I did it and I felt bad but I knew it would kill you to be constantly asked how you were feeling or if you were sad. I'm sorry I constantly provoked you but it was the only way I knew how to interact with you."

Avery takes a deep breath, her face turning red as a tear escapes. My mind screams as it processes her words, not wanting to believe it.

"Every time I thought you were consumed by the grief I did something to piss you off because even if it was for a second, you felt a different emotion. Mother didn't want me to be your friend but she didn't stop me from being rude."

By now she's full out crying, sobs escaping in between words. It sounds utterly horrible but it's also completely believable.

"And I'm sorry for being so terrible about Ashton, I learned about what type of person he was and I was scared you would get hurt. So I threw myself at him and tried my hardest to scare you away from him. I didn't know Bennett was such a terrible person or I would've never told him where to find you that night. I had no idea what he had done and I was so ashamed afterwards I threw up."

"What about the anniversary? Do you have any idea what position you put me in?" I demand, not wanting to give in to her.

"I told him about your parents on accident, mother had been up since midnight drinking and when I walked downstairs she yelled at me. She called me Katherine. I tried to remind her of who I was but she got angry. She threw a crystal glass at me. It missed but it was enough to scare me out of the house. When I found Ashton I was upset and I snapped, wanting to take out my pain on someone else."

It's getting difficult to understand her between the broken sobs that shake her body but I don't have to ask her to repeat herself. Karen almost hurt her but it's more than that. Avery is terrified of Karen, I can see it in how she acts. A part of me always recognized it, I just never truly understood how much. Never really understood why she smiled a little when mom would claim her as her own too.

"It wasn't until I overheard what Ashton had told that girl he used to go to school with that I backed off. Finally believing he wouldn't hurt you." She continues while I still try to swallow the horror of what I've just realized. Sage looks as pale as a ghost as he probably comes to the same conclusion I have.

Avery collapses on the ground, holding her knees to her chest while she cries. "I make myself sick, you should just go ahead and slap me in the face. It won't hurt as much as Stella punching me but I deserve it. Or you can punch me. I'll have a new nose in a month anyways, now it will be justified."

Sage panics as I take a step towards her, grabbing my shoulder but I pry his hand off of me. I study Avery on the floor, remembering back to when we were kids. What would've happened all those years ago if we had been raised to unconditionally love each other instead of competing for the top spot. Mom always tried her hardest to defend Avery in our fights but Karen was always there. She pushed Avery into hating me, telling her I wasn't her friend every time she would find us playing together.

Avery isn't a heartless monster, she's never been loved.

She gulps as I finish walking towards her, closing her eyes as I sit on the ground. I throw my arms around her and she tenses before latching onto me. "I'm so sorry."

Avery gives me a weird look, "Why are you apologizing to me? I'm the one who made your life a living hell?"

I laugh, "You did but I never cared to think about you. Mom was always there for you too and I never really realized how cruel Karen could be. Thank you for trying your best."

We sit there for a little while, opening our arms out for Sage who joins us on the floor. After we calm down I finally ask a question that's bugged me all night, "Avery, why were you jealous of me? You had everything."

She blows her nose. "Not really. You had friends who genuinely liked you and good grades. Parents that loved you and a kind heart. Plus, you had Gabe."

"What does Gabe have to do with anything?" I ask, mildly surprised.

Avery avoids my eyes, turning bright red. "Because I liked him and he was too busy following you around like a love sick puppy."

Sage starts to mock gag but before I can say anything there's commotion from outside the door.

"You liked Scarlett?" Ashton demands.

"You liked me?" Gabe asks at the same time in complete disbelief.

Rolling my eyes, I walk towards the door, slamming my fist against it. They both hiss in pain. "I thought I told you idiots to leave us alone."

"Sorry." They offer and I know they still haven't left.

Turning my attention back to my family, I sigh. "I can't change the past Avery. We both did terrible things to each other."

"You definitely did more things than us." Sage offers and I slap his arm.

"But we can control our future and I'm willing to start over if you are." I extend my hand to pull her off the ground.

Without hesitating she grabs my hand as I pull her in for a hug once she's back on her feet. "I'm really sorry."

Fixing her now messy hair, I smile. "I know you are but let's just move on."

She smiles, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

I'm about to say no when Sage catches my eye. A plan begins to form in my mind as I readjust her necklace. "I think there's something you could do for me."


After fixing our hair and hiding the fact that we cried, I leave Avery to apologize specifically to Sage, knowing she plans on doing this to everyone. I find Ashton waiting right outside the door, Gabe right beside him.

"Look, Letty, about that-" Gabe offers but I just hug him.

"Once upon a time we liked each other but I think we both agreed friends is what we're meant to be. It doesn't make it weird just because she brought it back up." I assure him.

That was years ago and we're different people. The only reason he's so worked up about was because he never directly said anything about it. That and the fact that Ashton now knows but that's not important.

"Thank God, because you're not my type." He jokes to lighten the mood.

I roll my eyes, "Good, I was worried I attracted all the idiots."

He laughs as he walks down the hall, leaving just Ashton and I. We stare at each other and I'm somewhat amused by the expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping, I just wanted to make sure you didn't kick her ass too hard." He offers, scratching the back of his head.

I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him. "I thought about it but she's just as much a victim as I am. Karen's the real monster and I plan on making sure she knows that."

To go as far as to convince your daughter to get plastic surgery, my mom would've come unglued and taken Avery away from her in an instance. I hope what I do is just as effective.

"I'm proud of you." He whispers, kissing my forehead.

A smile works its way into my face as I walk towards the ball room, so am I.


After explaining to everyone what happened and watching Avery come into the room to pull Stella and James aside, I finally have a chance to enjoy myself. Grabbing Ashton's hand, I drag him out onto the dance floor.

"Someone's eager to make a fool of themselves." He teases, resting his hands on my waist.

"I promised you a dance, Mister McClain, and I plan on delivering." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck.

He leads us through the motions and I follow, not even caring what song is playing. "You're not as bad as I thought you would be."

Wow. My foot lands on his toes, "Whoops."

He grimaces, but instead of complaining he glances down at my feet. "You aren't wearing heels?"

"Nope." I lift my skirt to reveal a pair of platform converse. It gave me some height but also prevented me from spraining my ankle again. It's a win-win.

"You're constantly full of surprises, Sweetheart." He says, kissing me.

The songs change out but I don't move, resting my head on his chest. I thought prom was going to boring and damn was it far from that. Eventually, a thought pulls me from my bliss.

"Hey, Ash?" He hums, removing his head from on top of mine. "What did you tell that girl that night at the game?"

Avery mentioned that that's what finally caused her to back off and I've been curious ever since. At first I figured it was private but I remember how handsy that girl was.

He coughs uncomfortably, "I, um, I told her you were my girlfriend."

Oh, I blink at his admission.

"Not to use you or anything but we had gone to school together in Atlanta and she wasn't taking a hint. I liked you and you alone so I told her that. I didn't know Avery was listening-"

I can see the panic in his face and laugh. "Ashton, it's okay. We both lied and said we were dating each other. I think it's kinda cute."

We were in a relationship long before either of us put a label on it, part of me feels stupid for holding out for so long but it worked out the way it was supposed to. We weren't rushed or forced into something we weren't ready for.

We were just us and that was enough.

A million different emotions flash across his face before he rests his head against mine. "I love you."

"I love you."


LiC is officially a year old and I'm completely shookith. A year ago I couldn't have dreamed of having a million reads in general, let alone before it was finished. Also I can't believe I almost never finished this book. Thank you guys for reading and loving them even a fraction of the amount I have for them.

Confession, Avery's character is one that I originally intended to be static but then I got curious as to why she acted the way she did because often kids are taught to act a certain way. While she's not innocent, neither is Scarlett in their fued, she truly does deserve a chance to start over.

One last chapter and the epilogue left... I hope you're ready because I'm not.

You should vote and follow me
