The days have gone by super fast and today is already Friday. I've been writing a lot with Kiara and we want to go to my place after school to do nothing.

Ella hasn't contacted me since Sunday and I don't want to be the first to write to her, because she said she would contact me again soon.

"Hey Leya. Don't fall asleep. We only have 15 minutes of class left," K's voice wakes me from a half-sleep. "Seventeen," I correct her, "I don't care. Stay awake. Otherwise you'll have detention or something." "It's okay, it's okay. I'm wide awake." "Yes, of course," she laughs.

"Never mind. What do you want to eat later? I can ask my mum to make us something or we can order in." "I want pizza." "Good choice."

We spend the rest of the hour talking about what else we want to do until the bell finally rings. We both run out of the building..."I'll just call my mother and see if she'll order the pizza."

K is my new nickname for Kiara, by the way. Anyway, she nods brieflyin agreement and I call her.

"Hey mum. We both want to have pizza. Can you order it for us already?" "Sure. Same order as always only twice?" "Yes. Thank you." "Leya,don't forget dinner later though. It's very important to me. I think I've found a friend for the first time in ages." Shit, I had completely forgotten about the dinner. "Yes, of course I haven't forgotten the dinner," I say, looking at K innocently. "Bye. See you soon," I finally say and hang up.

"Shit." "What's wrong? What dinner?" "Phew. My mum's made a new friend and she's dragging me to one of those dinners now. I totally forgot." "I love eating somewhere different. Then you never have to pay." "Yeah. I do, but if you knew who this dinner was going to be at."

"Now I'm curious. Tell me." I take a deep breath. "Bellingham's.", I whisper, hoping she has heard me and at the same time not. "What? I didn't hear a word you said."

"Bellinghams.", I whisper a little louder this time. This time she definitely understood. The look on her face says it all. "Do you mean THE Bellinghams? The ones with the famous footballer? With Jude Bellingham? Omg. You're kidding me, right?" "Nope." "How do you even know each other?" I tell her everything about our first encounter until we are suddenly interrupted by Tiffany and her girl clique.

"Did I just hear the name Jude Bellingham here?""No.", I answer quickly. "Are you sure, Cutie? When he was still here at school a few months ago, we were both inseparable. We still do a lot together if he didn't have to train so much because of football. But he's so talented, that's incredible. I've been to a few of his games, you have to know. I know him almost as well as his own mother." Me and K roll our eyes at the same time, turn around and just go away.

"She's lying," we both say at the same time and laugh. When we arrive home, the pizza is already there. We are eating and just want to go up to my room...

"Wow. This is the most beautiful house I've ever seen." "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I just wanted to tell Leya that we're leaving here at 6:30pm. Kiara we can drive you home then." "Yes, that would be nice," she replies. "What time is it now?" I ask my mother. "4:30 pm."

Oh God. That's only 2 hours left. "And what should I wear? I mean, sweatpants will be enough, right?" I ask the two. "No.", the two answer at the same time. "Denise said she has specially organized a chef cook and that he is a bit more elegant. So we dress accordingly and certainly don't go in sweatpants."

"I totally agree with her," says Kiara as she stands next to my mother. "Okay. Ok. But Idon't even know if I have something like that." "I'm pretty sure that you find something suitable. So and now I have to get ready too. Be on time," she says and then leaves. "I can see. We have a lot to do. So let's not waste time and get started.", K says.

After we put on make-up and did my hair, now it's the outfit'sturn. "What about that?" I suggest. "No," she replies. This has been going on for half an hour now. "I think I'm looking for something out for you now?" she suggests."Okay, okay," I agree, but only since I have half an hour left to change. "That's it," she finally says. It doesn't actually look so bad. "Okay, I'll put it on."

"Wow Leya. You look stunning.", K says after I get out of the locker room. "Do you think?" I ask her uncertainly. "Are you done my darling?", asks my mother as she enters the dressing room. "Wow. You look beautiful," they both say.

I'm wearing a black dress. I don't like wearing dresses that much but for that one time it's okay, I guess.

"Don't you think I'm a little overdressed?" "No," they both say again at the same time. "We have to go now, otherwise we'll be too late."

On the way, we let Kiara out. "Have fun," she says as she leaves the car. "Bye,"my mother and I say at the same time.

"I'm a little nervous," my mother admits as we pull into the driveway of the house. Their house is even bigger than ours. "You don't have tobe excited. I'm sure she likes you, otherwise she wouldn't have invited you to dinner, would she?" "You're right. Let's go inside."

My mother rings the doorbell and a few seconds later the front door opens. "How nice of you to come. And how nice you both look," Denise greets us and gives each of us two kisses, right and left, on the cheek. "You look great too," my mother says back.

"But come inside first. " We walk through the house while she shows us everything in detail, until we finally sit down in the dining room. It's all very elegant here, even more like our home. But the table is only set for three people. Does that mean he won't eat with us? Maybe I should ask her, but then it comes across as if I would like him to be there. Which is absolutely not the case. As if my mother could read my mind, she asks: "What about your son? Isn't he eating with us?" "No, unfortunately not. He's in training right now and is probably eating with some teammates afterwards. But he'll be home around 8pm."

Oh no, so I have to see him after all. "Excuse me? The starter, would be ready now," the cook interrupts us, coming out of the kitchen.

Dessert is being served and Denise tells us what it was like for her to move with her son, without her husband and her other son. She is about to continue when suddenly the front door opens...
