I quickly look at the clock hanging on the opposite wall, only to see that it is already 9:05 pm. Oh no. That must be him.

"Oh. That must be Jude. I'll just go and have a look," Denise says and gets up to go to the door. "What do you think so far?" my mother asks me quietly, so that no one can hear us. "Quite nice. The food is good and she's actually quite nice too. And what about you?" I ask her back.

"I agree with you. She's really very nice." She smiles a little. I am glad that she has found something like a friend. Her last best friend was about 21 years ago. Her former boyfriend cheated on her with her then. Since then, my mother has only had acquaintances who came for tea once or twice a year.

At this moment Denise comes back into the room. "Jude has brought another friend with him. He'd totally forgotten we had guests but they'll join us for a bit in a minute." She sits back down in her seat and we start on our dessert.

A few minutes after we finish, the door to the dining room opens and the two boys enter.  Their eyes move from Denise, to my mother and then finally to me. "There you are at last," Denise complains to her son.

"Yes, we're sorry, but Jude didn't know what to wear," his friend replies. "Shut up," Jude whispers to him quietly. "Let me introduce you. So this is my son Jude, but you already know him and this is Gio or Giovanni Reyna, a teammate and friend of his.", she points to her son again.

"And these are Sandra," she points to my mother, "and Leya Martinez," she points to me. "Won't you two join us?" she finally asks. The two nod and sit down directly opposite me. My mother and Denise talk about God and the world, while the three of us just sit there in silence. Every now and then one of them does something funny and then they laugh.

"How are things with you, Leya? You are such a beautiful girl. Do you have a boyfriend?" Denise asks me surprisingly. She didn't really ask that, did she? She can't ask me if I have a boyfriend in front of everyone here. How awkward. "Thank you. And no, I don't have a boyfriend," I say with a fake smile on my face.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Jude elbow Gio and give him a warning look. "Oh, is it that late?" my mother finally says. "It's time for us to go." Thank God. "All right. I'll walk you to the door," Denise says.

After saying goodbye to everyone, we get back in the car and drive back to our house. "What did you think?", I want to know from my mother. "The evening was very nice. I get on really well with her." "That's nice to hear."

"Did you also notice that Jude was looking at you the whole time?" "Mum. No. He wasn't." So it wasn't just me who noticed.

"Yes he did. That's why Denise asked you if you had a boyfriend." "Did she notice too?" "Everyone in this room noticed." Oh no, this is worse than I thought.

When I get home, I go straight up to my room to change and shower. Afterwards I write to Kiara to tell her everything.


We're back home

How was it? Tell me

He came with a friend
a bit late because of
training and then  he was
  looking at me and it just
was a bit uncomfortable

Wait a second. He was
looking at you?

Yes. Even our mothers
noticed and that's why
Denise asked me if I have
a boyfriend

I'm glad you don't
you two would make
a pretty good couple

Omg  don't start 
with that too

I'm just about to go to sleep when I suddenly get a notification from Instagram. *judebellingham started following you*. I can't believe what it just read. Should I follow him back? No. Or should I?Okay, I'll do it.

Jude Bellingham

I think I know you

Really? I don't know
where  from

You were the girl
in my dining room earlier
The girl who hasn't
said a word all evening?

You're quite funny today,
aren't you?


And I was talking , you
haven't  been at home half
the evening so you can't know
and I answered your mothers
question and said goodbye

Right, I can remember

Well, I'm going to sleep now


Actually, he seems quite nice and funny. Maybe he will become a friend here next to K? Maybe, but maybe not. We'll find out sooner or later anyway.
