6 weeks have passed again and today we are going on the class trip.

Luckily, the class decided to go to London in the end.

I thought for a long time whether I should go at all, because of my mother.

Her condition has improved a bit in the last few weeks, but she is still not completely fit.

But after she told me 200 times that she would be fine and that she had Denise to look after her, I decided that I should go.

We are going to London by train as the flights are far too expensive for the school.

I was also lucky with the room allocation. Four people fit in one room, but since there are 10 girls and they have already split into four each, the two of us have to sleep alone in one room.

I haven't seen Jude for weeks. He was in England for the national team and the international matches.

He only came back on Saturday night and slept through the whole of Sunday.

But he has a Champions League game against Chelsea in London on Wednesday. Maybe I can persuade my teachers to let me go.

"24 pupils. We're all here," my teacher says as we stand at the station with our luggage.

"The train should be here any minute. Please sit in the exact seats you have been allocated. This has been registered online, so changing seats will cause too much confusion," she says and gives us our tickets.

"What seat do you have?" Kiara asks me when she gets her ticket.

"145 and you?" I ask her back.

"136," she says.

Great, so we're not sitting together.

"Oh no. I have absolutely no desire to sit next to any of them," I say and look around once.

Just then the train pulls in and stops shortly afterwards.

By the time we're all on the train and looking for our seats, I notice Kiara isn't even sitting close.

I sit down at my seat, which is luckily by the window, put my Airpods in and wait until we leave.

"This is my seat," Tiffany's voice suddenly says. She stands in front of me with her arms crossed and gives me her bitch look.

"No. This is my seat. Look at your ticket.", I say and turn away from her again.

She doesn't answer me again, just sits down and is quiet.

It was obvious anyway that she was the one who had to sit next to me.

When we finally arrive after 8 hours, the first thing we do is go to our accommodation.

Everyone goes to their room and has 1 hour to rest a little. Because at 5 pm we meet downstairs again to have something to eat.

"Is it okay if I sleep for 45 minutes?", I ask K.

"Sure. I'll try to get some rest too. I'll set an alarm okay?" she asks and I nod my agreement.

So we turn off the light. We don't even need to close the curtains because, as is often the case here in London, it is raining and the sky is therefore very dark.

When the alarm clock rings after 45 minutes, we both get up and freshen up a bit before finally going downstairs where everyone else is already waiting for us.

"We are now going to Camden Market by train. There you'll have a little time to explore everything, eat something and so on. Afterwards we will meet again at the meeting point, which I will show you. There we will also discuss the programme for the next three days," she says and then we start walking to the underground station.

"This is our train," my teacher says as we almost get on.

"Sorry, but this is the wrong train. If we wait for the next one, we'll get out right where we want to go and if we take this one we'll have to change trains again or walk," I tell her quickly and she just looks at me.

"Are you sure, Leya?" she asks me as she looks at the train that should be leaving any moment.

"Yes. I lived here for sixteen years. So I am 100 per cent sure."

"Okay. Then let's wait for the next one."

And I was right. The metro takes us exactly where we want to go.

"We'll meet back here at 8pm and then we'll go back to the hotel. I'm sure you're all tired. Tomorrow we'll leave right after breakfast. To Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and then the London Eye. The rest of the day you can do whatever you like. You are old enough. On Wednesday we'll go to a few museums and on Thursday you're free to do what you like."

We all nod understandably and then finally start walking.

"You really have to show me a few things here. Maybe your old house too," K suggests.

"Yeah, I should probably really do that," I say, smiling at her.

"What do you feel like eating?", I ask her as we walk through the hundreds of food stalls.

"I don't know. Maybe something Mexican or something?" she says as she looks at me questioningly.

"Yes, there is one just around the corner. I used to eat here after school with my ex-best friend and a few other normal friends. We were here almost every day. The owner already knew our names and our orders by heart."

I laugh a little when I think back to those days here.

"Okay. Let's go there then," she says, walking beside me.

Once there, we get in line. It's always very busy here.

"Hey. What would you like to eat?" asks the slightly older man who is looking down at his block.

When he looks up at us, his eyes widen a little in surprise.

"Leya. Is that you? What are you doing here again?" he asks with a big grin on his face.

"I'm here with my school. Long time no see," I say with a smile.

"Do the others still come here regularly?", I ask him.

"Yes, but not together anymore. Ella has had a boyfriend for a few months and they haven't been here together since. Always just apart."

"Oh okay," I say.

"Is your order still the same?" he asks me.

"Yes." I answer him and he turns to Kiara.

"And what about you young lady?" he asks her.

"I'll have the same as her," she says quickly.

"Will you be coming back to London at some point?", Eduardo asks me suddenly.

"I'm not quite sure. At the moment I'm very happy in Germany. I've built a new life there now, my mother has a job, friends and the most important thing is that she's happy. And as long as she likes to stay there, I'll stay with her," I say and smile at him.

He gives us our food and we pay.

"See you again soon," I say and wave to him as we leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back here?", K asks me as we sit down on a meadow to eat our food.

"I haven't even thought about the fact that I would like to live here again for the last few months. I don't know how it's all going to work out, but so far I really don't plan to," I say and K nods in understanding.

After 2 hours of eating and drinking all kinds of things, we both feel a bit sick and so we slowly walk back to the meeting place we have arranged.

"Here come the last two. Then we are complete," my teacher says again as Kiara and I arrive.

We drive back to our hotel and almost everyone goes back up to their rooms.

"You can go upstairs. I want to discuss something with Mrs Schwarz," I say to K, who nods and then disappears.

"Excuse me, Mrs Schwarz?" I say to her.

She looks up from her mobile phone and gives me a friendly look.

I am glad that the two best teachers came with us here.

"What is it Leya? Sit with me," she invites me as she points to the opposite armchair, which is also in the loby.

"My boyfriend has a football match here in London on Wednesday night. I haven't seen him for several weeks and I was wondering if I could go. The game is very important to him and he asked if I wanted to come."

It's quiet for a few seconds. I would say she is thinking about it.

"Is there any chance the whole class could go? I don't know your friend, but I think it would be nice if we all go on a little football match."

Oh God.

"I don't know exactly. I can ask if it's possible."

Does she think I mean some small club and a small football match? Oh no.
