"Do you have all your things in the car already?" my mother asks as she comes into the kitchen. "Yes. Everything is ready, but do I really have to come? I'd rather stay here," I say as I stir my cafe, lost in thought. 

"No. We can't bring that now. Denise has been talking about nothing but this holiday for 4 weeks and I'm looking forward to it too. I'm sure it won't be so bad." I'm sure it will be much worse. 

After I've finished my drink, we're already in the car and driving to the place I didn't really want to go. Four weeks have passed since our fight and we still haven't talked. 

As we pull into the driveway, Denise is already standing at the front door with her suitcase, smiling like a little kid at Christmas.

 "I haven't seen you in so long," she greets me in a hug. I just smile a little and then look up at the still dark night sky. 

Since I was already not allowed to stay at home, I at least tried to change the flight from 5 a.m. to a little later, but to no avail. "Jude should be here any minute," she says as she smiles nervously and looks around. Why does she do that? 

I'd say it's being clarified right now, because he comes running down the hall, hand in hand with a beautiful girl. 

Shit. How should I react now? Okay. Just pretend it doesn't bother you. Because that's exactly what he would like.

 I smile at them both. It's not even a fake smile. They look good together and happy. That's all that matters. Even though right now I feel like someone ripped my heart apart once. 

"This is Emma. She's going to come with us. Only by boat, though. She has to go home earlier then," Denise explains to me. I hold out my hand to say hello. 

She accepts my hand, but only very briefly and then immediately lets go again. "Excuse me, but what was your name again?" she asks with an arrogant smile. "Leya.", I answer her briefly and succinctly.

 If she didn't know my name, does that mean he didn't tell her anything, really anything, about me? "If that's all cleared up now, we'll be on our way. We have a bit of a time crunch," my mother says. 

We all go in one car and I have to sit in the back next to Emma. She talks the whole time about how sweet Jude is and all sorts of things.

 When we finally arrive on the plane after a while, I want to sit right at a window seat. The sun is about to come up and I want to see it. 

Just as I'm about to sit down, Emma comes and sits down on the seat and pretends not to have noticed me. Little bitch.

 My mother and Denise sit a few rows in front of us, but far enough away not to notice what's going on. "This is my seat," I say as I look down at her sourly. "Well, not anymore," she says, looking out the window. "Get up," I say, but she just looks past me. 

When I turn around, Jude is standing there. Sure, who else. "Emma, get up. I want you to go in the middle," he finally says. 

Thank you. He just doesn't want to sit next to me, but I don't care as long as I can sit by my window. 

If I didn't know the jumper Jude was wearing, I probably wouldn't have recognised him. He always puts on a cap, a hood, sunglasses and then he puts on a scarf that he puts in front of his mouth and nose so that almost no one can recognise him. 

The two of them finally sit down in their seats and I also wait until we fly off. I put on some music again, snuggle into my jumper, because it's 10 degrees outside, and wait until we fly off. 

I wake up because it's kind of warm and when I look out of the window I can already see beautiful blue water below me.

I just hope that I can ignore the two of them as much as possible and that it will still be a nice holiday.

"My husband and Jobe are already waiting for us at the boat. So let's not waste any time," Denise says as we are leaving the small airport with our suitcases.

The car journey is almost the same as the flight. Emma still talks all the time about how great Jude is and she's really starting to get on my nerves.

You can even hear her through my music.

I look out of the window and it's really beautiful here. We're driving through a town, which is also the harbour where our boat is.

"Omg. Do you see that? There's the sea!", Emma screams with excitement. "Do you have to shout so loud? We can all see it for ourselves," I say and turn away from her again. At that moment the car stops. We have parked.

Emma immediately jumps out of the car and spins in a circle a few times, hugging the air a little.She is the complete opposite of me. That's probably why Jude is with her now and not me. I've never been his type. But I can't really blame him. She really is much more beautiful than me.

"Mum. I don't want to be here," I whisper sadly to her as I see the two of them hugging. And there is this feeling. It's not jealousy. I don't know how to describe this feeling myself.

"My darling. It will be all right," she says as she takes me in her arms. Either she knows what's going on, or she's just there for me.

"But let's go to our boat first, okay?" she says and walks ahead with her suitcase.

I follow her, but I don't see a boat anywhere. Only when I turn the corner do I see a huge thing. But that can't be it, can it? It's not a boat, it's a huge yacht.

There are a few people standing around this yacht. They are probably waiting there, hoping that someone famous will get off or something.

"Mum, but that's not the boat, is it?" I ask them with my mouth open. "Yes, it is," she replies.Oh God. Help.

"We want the biggest room," Emma shouts across the boat and runs inside, presumably to take the biggest cabin. When we came in, the people on the outside all looked at us strangely. They were probably expecting more, like an unrecognisable Jude Bellingham.


Sorry for the short chapter today, but I'm back at school at the moment and therefore under a lot of stress. I try to upload a part as often as I can <3
