A few days have passed. I'm feeling a bit better, thanks in large part to Jude. He made me feel that I am good enough and that I shouldn't compare myself to others.

 At the beginning it didn't really work, especially here, where really one girl is more beautiful than the other. 

But when there is someone who loves you, who takes your mind off the bad things and laughs with you, then at some point you forget the things that once made you feel bad.

 Okay. I wouldn't say that I forgot everything, but I would say that those things are no longer there to destroy me.

"Are you coming?", Jude asks me as he walks into my room.

 Today is our last day on the boat before we move to a hotel and spend the rest of the holiday there. 

"Yes. I'm ready," I say as I take one last look in the mirror. 

"You look beautiful.", he says as he leans against the door frame and watches me.

 "Aren't you going to tell me where we're going?", I ask him with my puppy dog eyes. 

Most of the time it works, but not on this one. He remains stubborn and just tells me every time that it's a surprise and if he tells me, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

 "It is a surprise. If I tell you, then..." he starts. "Yes, I know. But let's go now, please. I don't want to wait anymore."

He takes my hand and leads me off the boat in the direction of a small wood. The sky is already a little dusky, which is why you can almost no longer see anything in this forest.

So I certainly wouldn't walk here alone. Who knows what kind of animals there are here.

"Is everything OK?" he asks me as he stops for a moment.

He must have noticed that my grip has become tighter and tighter.

"Yes. I just think it's a bit, um, creepy here," I say as I try to make out anything in this forest.

"You don't have to be scared. Nothing will happen to you here and besides, we'll be there soon anyway," he says as he pulls me a little behind him.

When I see bright lights at the end of the forest, I automatically walk faster and faster.

This must be the exit and behind it is somewhere where Jude is leading me.

As we stand there, I look speechlessly at the landscape in front of me.

It is a very small fishing village with old stone houses and an old harbour.

The sky, which glows in pink, red and orange colours, is reflected in the water.

I don't think I have ever seen anything more beautiful in my life.

Jude doesn't stop, however, but continues walking into the fishing village.

I follow him and take a good look at everything.

"Come on, we're almost there," he says as he turns a corner.

"How can it be that such a small village even has so many alleys?", I ask him, confused.

"I don't think there are that many alleys. We're just walking in circles for the fourth time.""What? Why?" I ask him. "I don't know. I thought we had to go this way.", he says, looking around a bit.

"Where do we have to go?", I ask him as I stand right in front of him so he can't avoid my gaze anymore.

"Um. Here's the address," he says as he shows it to me on his mobile.

Okay. So I walk a few corners further and we're already standing in front of a restaurant, right on the water.

"Well, it wasn't that hard to find, was it?" I say as I pat him on the shoulder and laugh. I only get a stupid look from him.

"Good evening. Have you booked a table?" asks a waitress about our age.

"Yes, in the name of Bellingham," Jude says and the waitress first looks at us with wide eyes and then she looks for the name on the guest list.

"Okay. All right. Follow me, please," she says and walks ahead.

"Okay. I have an idea," I say as the waitres gives us the menu. 

"What's your idea?" he asks.

"I'll order you dinner and you order me dinner, okay?" I ask him, completely convinced of my idea.

"Okay, but only if we order what the other likes to eat." "Okay, deal," I say as I hold out my hand to him. He looks at it a little at first and then shakes it a moment later.

I can think now. Should I be nice and order him something he likes or should I order him something he doesn't like?

"I'm going to the toilet. Order my food and then you go and I'll order," I say as I get up and walk into the house, to the toilet.

Ten minutes must be enough, right?

When I come back, Jude is already waiting patiently for me.

"Where have you been for so long? I almost wanted to come in there to see you."

"Why didn't you?" I ask him demandingly as I sit down.

"Okay, next time," he says, winking at me.

"I've already ordered your food inside so you don't have to go in again," I say.

"I love you, you know that right?" he asks me as he takes my hand.

"Yes," I say and smile at him. "I love you too."

"What's your idea?" he asks.

After a while, he goes to the bathroom and just then the waitress comes and brings us our food.

He ordered me a pizza and I ordered him fish and chips.

He always says that's his favourite food.

"Excuse me, but can I tell you something?" the waitress asks.

"Of course," I say and smile at her. "You are a really nice couple. I've been helping my grandparents here for a few years and I've never seen such a beautiful couple in love. Good luck to you," she says and leaves without me being able to answer her.

"What did she want?" Jude asks me, suddenly coming up from behind.

"Nothing, nothing. She just wished us bon appétit," I say, smile at him and start eating.
