
There are loud and noisy voices outside making me slowly opened my eyes. It's too early in the morning for the villagers to wake up, I slowly sat up, reaching the small window to open it. A smile crept in my face when I saw childrens at my age playing outside making snow balls and throwing at each other. I totally forgot that it's already winter, but it's so covetous. They can easily play outside, without someone stopping them.

I sighed before sadly closing the window and standing up while grabbing my haori and wrapped around my shoulder before going out. Some servant started greeting me making me just smiled before greeting back. A small giggles can be heard making me followed the sound, when it's  already near I peaked, only to see mother  and my little brother playing together in the snow. They look really happy making me just sadly smiled, why can't even mother notice and play with me also?

" Neechan!" I snapped out when my little brother's cheerfully yelled at me. He suddenly tackled me into a hug making me giggle at his action.

" Sora, don't run it's slippery." I said making him just chuckled, he is two years younger than me also he will be the next heir of our family. I give a glance to my mother but she is coldly staring at me which broke my heart.

" Neechan, come and let's  play with mom!" Sora said while tugging the hem of my haori but I smiled before kneeling down to reach his height before tapping and ruffeling his hair.

" I'm sorry Sora, neechan needs to do something. We will play later." He just  pouted before looking away making me giggle at his cute behaviour.

" But you always tell me that, you never even played with me." He said, I sighed, if ever he can understand my situation right now, but he is still six years old and don't still understand everything. I just give him a grin before kissing his forehead.

" Okay, after I'm done later we will play." I reassured but he still give  me a doubtful look making me sighed again. " I promise." His face then glimmed into happiness as he nod his head making me stand up and faced mother. She was still coldly looking at me but I gave her a warm smile before leaving them.

I'm the first daughther of the Azamaki family, a wealthy family or perhaphs a princess of Fugaku village. Every first child should be the heir but that's wrong, my family needs a boy as a heir. That's why my father and mother didn't pay attention to me but to my little brother, Sora. Because he is a boy he is very welcomed in the family pushing me aside like a stranger. More likely they don't treat me as a part of the family because I am a girl.

I'm always alone in this big palace, I may have servants beside me but it still didn't stopped me to feel loneliness. I stopped from my track when father appeared infront of me. I smiled warmly just what I always do when meeting him before bowing my head and greeted him. He didn't said anything but just stared at me coldly.

" How's your training?" Same question he always ask when I meet him, did he even care about me? He always asked my training, my studies, my accomplishment. Is he not worried? Well, I should be used to it already but it really hurts that your own father didn't asked about you.

" It's getting better, father. My studies are also doing good and I accomplished a lot." I said with a big smile, wanting to be complimented, but he seems not satisfied and happy with it. He just nod while humming then faced  me with a cold smile.

" That's good then, in the future you can really protect Sora if he will be the next king." My smile vanished, that's right. Father always think about Soma's future without even thingking mine. Protect? Of course I'll protect my little brother because I love  him, but why is father treating me like a gaurd not a princess, not even his daughter.

" Of course, father. I'll protect Prince Sora." I said with a smile before politely leaving him.

All I wanted is to be loved like Sora, to feel my parents love, to talk to them and to smile with them warmly. I didn't even made any mistake to deserve this punishment and it's not even my fault if I'm a girl. When I already arrived at the training area, I forcely grabbed the sword and started swinging it vigorously, letting my anger and sadness out.

After doing it for who knows how many times did I swing, the sword in my hand then slipped, falling down in the ground. My hands was also shaking but I don't care, my legs weakly went to the patio before sitting down. I leaned my back in the wall while hugging my knees as tears started to pour down in my eyes. I can't take it anymore, this pain, this suffering, I'm already tired.

Everything in this world is so wrong, there are many people who should feel like this but why me? Since I was born, my parents rejected me because I'm not suited to be a heir and because I'm a girl. Why does the world rejected me? I want this miserable life to end, if there is someone listening to me please  help me.

My eyes then started to close, after crying I can't help but to fell asleep. I don't have time to take a nap, Sora is waiting for me because I promised to play with him. I don't want him to feel sad because of me, but I guess my thoughts are betraying me, I'm already sleepy.


I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that it's already getting dark and no servants wake me up making me sigh and stand up. The place was a mess making me sigh for the second time, no one even cleaned it so I started fixing the mess I did. I gently picked the sword before putting it to the it's place. Also, my stomach started to grumble, I should asked  one of my servant to cook for me.

My dining area is separated from my parents and to Sora, but I always eat my food in my room. It's better in there to eat than feeling the loneliness from the dining room. It feels like I'm a real strange in this place despite the princess, the villagers may respect me but they also don't like me.

" When will my miserable life stop?" I asked while looking up the sky, seriously I'm talking to myself again.

" Well, let me help you." I flinched when a sudden voice appeared behind me making me hurriedly grabbed the sword and point at that person. My eyes widenen a little, it's a man with crimson eyes and also it feels like he is not a human.

" Who are you?" I asked seriously making him chuckle before raising his both hands.

" Relax, I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you." He said with his creepy yet cold voice, I didn't lower the sword and slowly approaching him.

" Help me? For what?"

" I know you're suffering. Amazaki Yua, a name that means tie and love but didn't even feel loved at all." I furrowed my eyes, how on earth did he know my name? I didn't even saw him outside the village he is a complete stranger to me. " You're curious on why I know your name? Who will not know the Princess of Fugaku, especially Prince Sora." 

Is he a mind reader? This man is dangerous, I need to alert everyone and need the guards to seize him. But why do I feel fear in just standing infront of him? Who is this man infront of me?

" Yua, let me help you change that miserable life that you had. I promise that you will feel love that you are seeking." I didn't said anything but lowered down my sword. I don't know but this man looks so trustful.

" really going to help me?" I asked, he showed a creepy smile before nodding as he approached me. His cold hands then holds my chin and I can totally saw his crimson eyes.

" Yes, Yua. I'm the one who will help you change this miserable life of yours."

" Yua!" I flinched when a loud voice appeared making me tilt my head and saw father with some soldier in his back. I also saw mother looking at me worriedly while hugging Sora. I feel like laughing after seeing their face, worried? I clenched my hands, why do they feel worried after all this time?
" Get away from Muzan right now!"

Muzan? My father knew about this man, but why is he afraid of the man infront of me? Before I open my mouth to talk I gasped when I felt a sharp pain in my waist. I slowly tilt my head and saw an injection (idk if it exist in the anime xd) that was shot at me. The man named Muzan grinned as he wrapped his arms around my neck and cupped my face.

" It's too late, she will be my weapon for the demon slayers and her life will change today. She will kill all of you, a someone that make her suffer." My eyes widened, weapon? I can see father's shocked but showed an angry face.

" Let her go, right now Muzan!" Muzan just chuckled before leaning down in my ears.

" Kill them." He whispered, I shook my head but my conciousness suddenly disappeared.

I kneeled down while facing all the dead bodies infront of me. Tears started to fell in my eyes while shakingly raise my hands, only to see bloods on it. I can hear Muzan's laugh as he patted my head but I slapped it before glaring at him.

" What did you do to me!? All I wanted is to change my life not like this! I don't want to kill people!" I yelled at him but he is not affected to it making me just run and approached my mother who is coughing blood.

" Mother!" I hurriedly kneeled down while placing her head to my lap. Her blood is not stopping even if I tried pressing it. " Mother! I-i'm sorry. I'm sorry." I expected her to push me away but I was shocked when he smiled warmly while cupping my face.

" Yua." For the first time I heard my mother call my name, my heart started to feel warm. " Don't ever blame yourself, maybe this is our punishment for pushing you away, for not giving you the love that you wanted. I'm sorry my dear Yua."

" No, no, please don't say that, please."

" Run, run with Sora. He might be waiting for you. And take this." She then grabbed a small box before giving it to me. " Open this when you feel like you are breaking." She whispered while wiping my tears and smiled.

" You can still be saved, mother."

" No, run before the Muzan will get you." She said making me hurriedly stand up, I gave her one last glance and to Muzan before running. I'm afraid that someday Muzan will take me and will hurt Sora. He put something in my body that I can't control and he will control. I'm afraid that I'll kill Sora like what I did to our parents and soldiers.

It feels like I'm possesed and Muzan is the only one who will control me. I'm going to find someone who will help me before I'll kill someone else again. I feel bad for leaving Sora but I knew he is in good hands. I'm going to make myself strong and kill Muzan someday.


Well, another Kyojuro fanfiction! Yeyyy! Well, yeah sorry for that. It's been a while since I made another  Kyojuro fanfic, after writing Sanemi's fanfiction. I was debating if who will I use for fanfiction, first person that came in my mind is Sanemi again but then I change my mind and it's Kyojuro.

Then again, I hope you will like this one.

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