Chapter 35

Yua's POV
The pillar training is still on going, I can already tell that everyone ish improving. Still, demons didn't appear making everyone lessen thier guard for a while. The Hashira's are still take turns for night patrol, including me. Tanjiro and Sanemi also caused some troubles, and because of that Tanjiro was banned in meeting Sanemi.

I stopped from walking and stared at the moon, this night is peaceful but also the wind is telling me that something bad will happen today. I just shrugged my shoulder and continued walking. Sora called me for training because he is free  and now both of us we're finished, I decided to go back in the flame estates to see Kyojuro.

" Yua! Oyakata-sama wanted to see you." Hiro suddenly landed on my shoulder making me smiled and nod my head. Why does Oyakata-sama wanted to see me? Does this mean all the hashira's are coming also? I then changed my direction and went towards the Ubuyashiski estates.

When I arrived, I didn't hesitate and entered. I was expecting all of the Hashira's are present but only Himejima-san was there with Oyakata-sama who is sitting in his futon and Amane-san who is besides him. I was confused but gently kneeled down. 

" I'm happy to see you doing well Yua." Oyakata-sama's gentle and soothing voice said making me smiled at him. I can't say anywords but just smiled at him, I don't want to tell him that I'm happy to see him doing well. His illness is getting worse and it's hard to see him in this situation.

" I want to tell you something, Kibutsuji Muzan started to move and I'm afraid this night will be full of bloods and deaths, we can't kill him right away. And I decided to become a bait and slow him down as soon as possible and I'll leave the rest to all of you."

Both Himejima-san and I didn't said anything but I was shocked. Make Oyakata-sama as a bait?? It's hard for us to accept it, no one will let Oyakata-sama become a bait for Muzan.

" I don't want that to happen Oyakata-sama, there are still ways to slow Muzan down, please don't say that." I said while clenching my fist, hoping that he will change his mind, but instead his warm hand tapped my head.

" I already can't live long, and this is the only choice I made to slow Muzan and also help all of you." Tears started to cascade in my eyes, why does it have to be like this? Am I going to lose someone important to me again without protecting him?

" Hime....jima-san please say something." I said while facing him, he was also crying and shook his head. Himejima-san also decided to let Oyakata-sama become a bait. A hand then cupped my face making me face Oyakata-sama.

" Yua, I want you to face Muzan without fear, he still wants you and do everything just to get you. Don't blame yourself in what will happen, protect the everything that needs to be protected and defeat everything that needs to be defeated. I want you to do thesame things also Gyomie." He said then faced Himejima-san, both of us then nod our head silently. I then wiped my tears and held Oyakata-sama's hand with a gentle and sad smile.

" Thank you for everything you had done to us Oyakata-sama, thank you so much." I said making Oyakata-sama smiled warmly then nod his head a little.

" Thank you also for everything, I want you to pass my sincere gratitude to everybody. And I want all of you to wipe your tears and face forward."


I was staring blankly at the moon, waiting for Muzan to appear and waiting for the signal to attack him. My heart feels so heavy, only me and Himejima knew about Oyakata-sama being a bait for this fight. The air started to changed and my body trembled in fear, no doubts, Muzan is already here. The demon who made my life miserable, the demon who took so many life and the demon who will take Oyakata-sama's life.

Despite the fear in me, anger started to grow inside of me. I can hear all of the kasugaigarasu calling for the Hashira's, but I ignored it as I grabbed my sword while started walking towards the Ubuyashiku estates. No matter how much I wanted this to stop, it's too late. We can't let Oyakata-sama's sacrifice become a waste.

The Ubuyashiki house exploded, tears started to cascade in my eyes. That's the signal, indicating that Oyakata-sama was already done with his job as a bait and Muzan was trapped inside of it. I then wiped my tears and dashed towards the burning house, we should end this and defeat Muzan. Defeating him will make everything okay, no more deaths, no more suffering and no more innocent people involved and for Muzan to pay for what he did and totally rest.

When I arrived Himejima was already there and already attacked Muzan. But his regeneration was fast and he can't die easily, my eyes widened when I saw Tamayo infront of Muzan. I hurriedly clenched my sword and dashed towards them.

" Tamayo-san!" I then destroyed some of the things that stabbed Muzan fot me to save Tamayo but she faced me with a smile and shook her head, saying that I can't save her anymore. I felt Muzan's hand behind me making me cut it as give him a glare. " Let go of Tamayo-san, Kibutsuji Muzan."

" Oh Yua, do you know how much I wanted to see you. You've grown so well." He said while smirking, I don't want to be honest but I can feel my body tremble in just standing infront of him. " Also, Tamayo is the one who came to me."

" Yua, listen to me. Don't let Muzan destroy your heart, it will only make him easily control you. Also, forget about me and focus in this battle." Tamayo said with a smile and sad face, I shook my head and clenched my sword. Will I sacrifice another important person to me again without even saving them?

" I'll spare Tamayo and all of the demon slayer if you come with me. So join us Yua."

I can hear all of the Hashira's coming, if all of us will attack now it will slow Muzan but Tamayo will get involved. I stared at Tamayo, she was smiling sincerely while nodding her head. Telling me that it'll be fine and I'll be fine, I can hear Kyojuro and Sora's voice calling out for me. I then smiled before backing away as I clenched my sword.

" Joining with you will not turn Oyakata-sama's life, not even my family and friend's happiness."

' Breath of the Ice, second form: Ice vortex'

All of us started using our breaths, Tanjiro also participated. If all of us can push Muzan until sunrise then it's a win. But something is wrong in here, Muzan came here without upper rank demons, does that mean he also serve himself as a decoy? My eyes widened when he smirked, the ground then shaked making me looked down and it widely opened, Kyojuro and I stared at each other as he stretched his hand making me tried to grabbed it but it's impossible all of us are falling down separately.

" Did you seriously thought you cornered me!? You pathetic Demon slayers, I'm will kill you all tonight! Amazaki Yua and Kamado Nezuko will be mine!"

I clenched my hand, everything turned into a mess. We successfully trapped Muzan and even let Oyakata-sama sacrifice his life but Muzan also expect for this to happen. I can already sense the upper moon's aura, is it because Muzan's blood? Now that I finally met him, my senses became strong. Does this mean if Muzan dies then I'll also die? I then shook my head, if that will happen I should take the medicine Tamayo made. And I hope she will be fine, all of us will save her.

