Chapter 15

Yua's POV
I keep on thingking last night that I can't even make myself sleep, now that Kyojuro and I had a mission, I can't help but to feel nervous and excited at the same time. What should I say to him when we meet? I don't want to have an awkward situation with him, especially now that we had a mission. I yawned while preparing myself, a smile appeared in my face and grabbed the haori that Miyoko gave to me.

It's white and had pattern of red on it, it may looks plain but for me it's beautiful. Miyoko even used her money just to buy me new one, I really should also buy her a gift after our mission. That girl is so kind and lovely, though sometimes she acts like an adult. I can't help but to laugh, Miyoko really acts the same like Shinobu. I then looked at myself in the mirror before smiling and going out, one servant appeared with a basket on her hands before greeting me as I greet back.

" Yua-neesan, Kyojuro-niisan is waiting for you outside the estate." My heart started to beat fastly when Miyoko mentioned Kyojuro's name. My hand started to fix my hair and fixed my haori making Miyoko giggle at what am I doing. " Geez, you're really inlove neesan."

" S-shut up, I'll be going now." I said with a blush making Miyoko smiled and nod. Miyoko may don't tell me to take care and don't injure myself too much but she don't need to tell me that cause I already knew it. While walking, I can hear footsteps and also someone screaming in one of the room. Tanjiro and his friends are still training, well it's their last day after all. After their training, they will joined us in our mission.

After walking past through that room and totally went outside, my heart started beating fastly again when I saw a familiar yellow hair with red streaks on it infront of me. He was crossing his arms like he always do, I slowly breathed out before approaching him. Kyojuro slowly faced me with a smile, I also smiled back, it's been a while since I saw his smile. Even if I deny it, I miss him so much.

" Let's go." He said cheerfully with a grin making me nod as we started walking side by side. Hiro and Kyojuro's kasugaigarasu went off first, they told us the details that forty people disappeared in the train called infinity train. Oyakata-sama also sent demon slayers but none of them reported back that's why he will send a Hashira and that will be Kyojuro. He also requested that I should help so I didn't hesitate and agreed.

" Kyojuro, if Oyakata-sama sent us in this mission, does that mean we're going to face one of the twelve kizuki?" I asked before facing him, more likely wanting to have a conversation with him, confessing was a bit early, especially now that we are in a serious situation. He then faced me with a smile before returning his gaze infront.

" There will be chance we will face them, like Oyakata-sama told us in our meeting, the lower rank kizuki's stopped moving for some reason. So there is also a chance that we will face an upper rank one." He said, he became serious after mentioning the upper rank demons. Kyojuro had a point, we don't know what will we face in this mission. We need to be cautious, Tamayo wrote me a letter that my demon art technique became limited after Yushiro injected a strong drug to suppress Muzan's control.

It didn't mean that I became weak but I can't just release a full power, I'm afraid that I'll become a burden that's why I didn't tell Oyakata-sama and Kyojuro about this. I still need to defeat Muzan, even if my ability was limited, I'll make it strong. I really should train after this, I can't just rely on my demon art technique forever, Shinobu told me that I had the ability to use breath and my great grandfather was a demon slayer. Sora can also use breath, I already decided to learn how to use breath. The problem is, how can I ask Sora to teach me, it's still complicated for us to talk and approach each other.

" Yua? Is something wrong?" I snapped out when Kyojuro spoked while tapping my head, I then raised my head to face him. He had a smile on his face but also worried, I then gave him a reassuring smile before shooking my head.

" I'm fine, sorry for making you worried." I said, Kyojuro just stared at me, more likely want me to tell what am I thingking, but he just smiled befote ruffeling my hair. I wanted to tell him about my plans in learning Ice Breathings but I should, after this mission was finish and also for me to confess.

It took five hours for us to arrive in the city where we will ride the infinity train and it's already night. There are lots of people than Asakusa City, it's more advanced too. Kyojuro and I started walking in the crowded path, making it hard for me to follow Kyojuro who is fastly walking. I gasped when someone pushed me making that person apologized, I just smiled before she asked me a gentle hand held my wrist before pulling me gently.

" A festival was held that's why this area was crowded. It's really hard for us to walk!" Kyojuro said cheerfully while enterwining his hands unto mine, I can't help but to blush at his sudden action but let him hold my hands. It's big, rough yet warm, I smiled while staring at our hands before returning my gaze infront.

It takes minutes before we arrived in the train station, Kyojuro excused himself to buy us tickets. I stared at the train, if you look at the train, it looks normal. But people don't know that a demon is lurking in this train. Also, this is my first time riding a train, Asakusa had one but I just ignored it.

" I'm back! Now, time to ride." He cheerfully said making me giggle and followed him. I expected for us to talk awkwardly but I'm happy that it's not like that at all. It's like we we're back in our usual selves, when we entered I started to look around. There are only few people sitting, patiently waiting for the train to move. Kyojuro picked a seat for us, I then sat next to him near the window.

" Should we eat, I'm kinda hungry!" He said cheerfully, now that I also realized that I'm hungry, I then faced him before nodding. We should fill our stomach before fighting a demon, it's hard to fight with an empty stomach. Kyojuro then asked one of the woman who works inside the train for food. It didn't take long when the food arrived and I'm shocked to see lots of bentos infront of us.

" K-kyojuro, we can't eat a lot, also are you sure in using too much money?" I asked while facing him, he just chuckled and faced me also.

" Food are tasty Yua! Also don't worry about my money, let's just fill our stomach." He said cheerfully making me sigh and smiled at his behaviour, he sure eats a lot. Kyojuro then gave me one bento and I happily grabbed it. The two of us started eating, I sweatdropped when Kyojuro keeps on eating while keeps on mumbling 'tasty'. I started laughing at him, this is a new side of him that I didn't see. He is cute, the train then started moving making me also started eating while ignoring Kyojuro's 'tasty' words.

This is kinda short, I can't think some other ideas that's why haha. For the next chapter beware of spoilers! :)

And I'm sorry for the very very late update, my phone was dead for six days because of power enteruption. Our electricity needs to be checked and it takes too long.

And damn, I just experienced life without technology and it's hard. T__T

I'm really sorry for the late update!
