Chapter 10

Yua's POV
Both of us were silently waiting for the night to come in Asakusa, no one tried to spoke making me turn my gaze towards Kyojuro who is sitting in the window with his arms crossed while staring below. He was wearing a serious face but still giving a smile on it. This is the first time I saw Kyojuro act like this in his mission, he always had a cheerful vibe around him but when it comes to mission he was so serious.

I smiled, I'm really thankful that he is my partner for today, if ever Sora was my partner it will become more awkward and maybe he will accomplish the mission alone without my help. I saw some books beside me making me reached one of it and started reading. Everytime I found a good chapter I can't stop but to smile at what I'am reading.

" Do you like reading?" Kyojuro suddenly asked making me faced him, he was staring at me with a smile plastered on his face. I can't help but to blush a little, thingking on how long did he keep on staring at me reading.

" Well, sort of." I replied making Kyojuro chuckled as he stand up before approaching me. My heart started to thump when he sat down beside me and grabbed the book I'm reading. He then humned in response while also reading the part I'm reading.

" The male character in here really likes the girl huh." He said making me blushed, I forgot that the book is a love story. Kyojuro chuckled at my reaction before closing the book and gave it to me. " I hope the boy will get the girl's attention." He then grinned making me just smiled nod.

" Kyojuro, can I ask you about Sora?" I asked making him faced me before nodding. " Where did he learn the Ice Breathing, Shinobu told me that he is the only one who can use that?"

" Hmm, I'm not also sure but breathings are part of us, maybe some of your family in the past can use the Ice breathing or Sora is capable in using it." He cheerfully replied making me just faced him, mother and father didn't mentioned anything about it. Sora and I never learned about demon slayers and also their breathings. But our history is a mystery one, why does my father knew about Kibutsuji Muzan, and Oyakata-sama knew about us?

" It's hard to find for an answer." I mumbled making Kyojuro faced me with confused look.

" By the way Yua, how did you learn demon art technique?"

" Well, Tamayo-san kinda teached me some but she said that Demon art technique was also like a demon slayer breathings. It's a part of us, like that." I replied making him humned in response again. There are lots of things I wanted to know, about our family, Sora can use Ice breathing while I can use Black Flame technique. Our family had secrets that they didn't told us, if Kyojuro was right about our family having a demin slayer in the past, then I'll ask Oyakata-sama who knows about it.

" It'a getting dark, let's go." Kyojuro said as he stand up while helping me up. I smiled and nod before the two of us went outside using the window. Our mission will start and we should be careful, one of the twelve kizuki might appear and demons with numbers are dangerous.

I was slowly walking in the dark road without Kyojuro, the plan is to lure the demon by acting like a normal person. Thankfully my haori is covering my demon slayer uniform, Kyojuro was silently following me, more likely secretly hiding for the demon to not notice him. When the place was near, I can feel the menacing aura but it didn't maked me tremble.

I stopped when someone was walking, it's not a demon but a normal person. I hurriedly grabbed my sword when the aura got stronger, approaching the person with fast speed. I fastly dashed towards the person before pulling him and blocked the demon's attack. Our eyes met and it was a lower moon demon with a number of 'four'. He just scoffed before kicking me but I blocked it and kicked him back. The person whom I saved started screaming before running away. Well, it's better for him to leave us in here, we don't want to involve him in this battle.

" A demon slayer huh?" The lower moon four said with cold voice but before he speak again, Kyojuro appeared with a flame around his sword before swinging it. The demon grunt when his other arm got cut before backing away and glared at Kyojuro. " I never expect that a Hashira is here." He continued, instead of giving us a fear look he smirked. A sudden attack was used to Kyojuro making him got blown away from us.

" Kyojuro!" I decided to follow him but the lower moon four stopped me, he is not the only demon in here. The demon chuckled before pointing at the place where Kyojuro was blown away.

" That Hashira will die, Aniki will kill him and the two of us will be part of the upper rank." He said with a grin making me just coldly stared at him, I didn't faced a lower moon demons but Shinobu said that a Hashira can easily defeat them. This is also my chance to face them and test my abilities. That upper moon two may scared me but now that Kyojuro is also fighting I should also use my full strenght.

Without any hesitation I dashed towards him and swinged my sword, the demon blocked it making me kicked him hard, he grunted in pain while glaring at me. My eyes widened when I felt a sting in my cheek and blood trickled down. The demon chuckled before raising his hands, his sharp nails appeared as he swinged it. The ground cracked fastly and I mananged to avoid hid attack.

" I'm amazed you avoided my attack. But you can't avoid it forever." He started swinging his hand fastly, his attack was invinsible but I can pinpoint where it is. I ducked down, avoiding the demon's attack above me before avoiding the rest of it.

" Persistent human! Just die already!"

"  It's too early for me to die." I replied with a smile that irrates him. " Demon art technique: Black Flame." I then dashed towards him, clenching my sword and raised it a little. The demon started swinging his hand but I avoided it before appearing infront of him.

" S-spare me, I-I'm begging." He said with fear in his face, I didn't said anything but swinged my sword towards his head making it slowly fell down on the ground.

" Demons like you shouldn't be spared, you killed too much humans." I said coldly, his body started to crumble slowly making me sighed as I placed back my sword to it's sheath. I winced in pain making me checked myslelf and saw cuts on my shoulder, waist and legs. I can't believe that we easily found the demon who caused trouble in this area.

" Yua, are you okay?" I heard Kyojuro's voice making me hurriedly turned around and saw him with little bruises in his face, I sighed in relief before smiling and approaching him.

" Yeah, how about you?" I asked making him grinned before ruffeling my hair.

" I'm fine, also I can't believe that there are two demons with number at the same time. The demon I faced is strong and had the ability to become one of the upper rank demons." Kyojuro said making me just smiled and nod, I'm happy he is okay.

" Damn you Demon slayers!" We both faced the demon whom I defeated, his body crumbled already but his head was still crumbling. He started laughing like crazy making the two of us faces him. " No matter how much you kill demons, Kibutsuji-sama will kill all of you!"

We didn't said anything until he crumbled, I clenched my hand while coldly staring at the crumbled body of Lower moon four. He may had a point, that even if we keep on hunting demons, they will not stop until we defeat Muzan. But he also underistimate demon slayers, if all of us will keep fighting and make ourselves strong then we will defeat Muzan. Also, there are still young demon slayers who are getting stronger.

" Kyojuro, let's go back." I said with a smile before facing him, he was crossing his hand while also widely smiling. That's right, Kyojuro and the other Hashira's have been training hard to become stronger. They even trained harder than me, lose many people around them, failed to protect someone. That's why they became stronger to make sure not to lose someone and make sure to protect someone.

I'm an idiot, I just realized that they also suffered just like me. It's not only me who blamed myself, my weakness. Kyojuro told me to forgive myself, and now I think about it, maybe I should. I knew that it's me who killed my family, my people, but I also knew that Muzan is the one who killed them. And because of my weakness, I let him use my body. I should blame my weakness that time and now that I'm getting stronger. I can't let fear consume me anymore, I'll face everything.

I slowly faced Kyojuro who is walking besides me making me smiled. He is the one who convinced me to forgive myself and face everything.

" Kyojuro, I'll forgive myself. Sorry for making you wait." I said making him stopped, his golden eyes widened while still facing me making me smile warmly at him. I was shocked when he pulled me into a tight hug but giggled and hug him back. He didn't said anything but just hugged me, and I knew he was happy.

' Mom, Dad, are you also happy that I'll forgive myself and start over again?'

Sorry for the late updates T__T, activities and requirments in school was keeping me busy. Because we can't go to school, they always send us activities to do and it's too many!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, I kinda don't know what I'm writing in this chapter xd!

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