Chapter 40

Yua's POV
No matter how much I want to wake up I can't leave this place. I'm just walking outside the house while thingking on how to go back, I feel so stupid after thingking that it's my fault for making the demon slayer suffer. Because of my negative thoughts, I let Muzan control me again. I really need to find a way to leave this and remove Muzan's control.

" Miko what are you doing out here?" A voice suddenly spoke making me turn my back and saw Akane-san. She was smiling gently making me just shook my head. I can't just tell her that I'm not the person she knew. " Are  you still confuse on why the other hashira's don't like me?" She then continued making me face her, now that she mentioned it I'm now confused  on why.

" Yes, you're also an Hashira but why are they acting like that towards you?"

" Because we are too especial, they envy our family because of our ability." Akane-san then faced the pond infront of us before turning her back and approach the patio. She then sat down and tapped the space beside her, I didn't hesititate and sat beside her.

" Ability?"

" Yes, Black flame is not just a breath but it's our ability. Our family is a demon exorcist, like a demon slayers we always fight a demon but with an ability. Our bloodline was so special that only first born daughter will activate this ability once it was activated, our parents will send us to train as a demon slayer. Because of that some Hashira's envy us and even hate us."

"Black flame can revive a person who died but we can't revive all of them. It can also kill a demon, if you're strong enough to use the full power of black flame then it will kill Muzan, though I think it's impossible."

I didn't said anything but stared at Akane-san who is just smiling warmly. I want to know more about black flame, now that my questions will be answered, maybe I'll find a way to stop Muzan.

"Black is too powerful, the only way to control it is to not feel love. We need to endure the pain Miko, not being love is hard but one day I knew for sure you will be loved. You're also a first child so I knew you understand."

" I understand now Akane-san, then if I fully use the black flame then Muzan will be killed." I said while facing her seriously, Akane-san wad shocked but then giggled before looking up at the blue sky.

" I don't know, I tried it but failed. Both Yoriichi-san and I nearly killed him but Muzan escape." My eyes widened when she said that, before I spoke she suddenly cupped my face, her face was now serious making me gulp. " Miko, you're my tsugoko. I already failed defeating Muzan and I want you to defeat him. If you failed, pass this to your next tsugoko. I don't care if it will take one hundred years to defeat him, as long as he will rest I can also rest in peace."

" But what if the next generation will thought black flame is a curse and will not use it?" Because my family believed it was a curse, she didn't said anything but tapped my head  before smiling.

" It can't be help if they call it a curse, but I knew someday someone in our blood line will accept this ability of ours. That someone will be the one who can defeat Muzan, maybe she can't do it alone. So I know that she have friends who will help her. That's why I believe, that girl will fully accomoplish our non-ending mission."

She said while grinning at me, I don't know that my ancestor is this strong to believe in her own bloodline. She also believes that one day this war will stop, she didn't lose hope despite having a complicated situation. I can't help but to smile, I feel encourage to leave this place. I then stand up and smiled at Akane-san.

" Thank you so much Akane-san." She then faced me with confused look making me shook my head. I'm going to leave this place and take control of my body again.

Third Person's POV

Kyojuro and the other Hashira's are now standing while panting. Wounds and cuts can be seen in their bodies and are now in their limits. Yua is not yet wounded, her injuries are already healed and she was just smiling at them. Muzan who is fighting the other three Hashira's are also exhausted, but they still dashed towards Muzan. The demon don't have the patience to fight so he maked Yua stop and face them all.

Muzan used his full power and make all of the Hashira's got blown away. They are all lying down, some are already unconcious but Kyojuro who manange to avoid Muzan's attack is now struggeling to stand up. His legs already gave up because he already reached his limit. If Kyojuro can't get up Yua will never return back, but no matter how much he stand up he can't.

" You're amazing Muzan-sama." Yua said while smiling, she then slowly approached Kyojuro before crouching down to reach the flame hashira's height. " Can I kill him? This man is so important to my vessel. If I'll kill him, that girl will no longer wake up."

" Do as you want." Yua chuckled before straightening up, she then clenched her sword and ready to swing but got stopped when Kyojuro spoke.

" Yua, I knew you're listening. Wake up. Everyone needs you, and I'm waiting for you." The gentle voice of Kyojuro maked Yua's body throbbed, the demon inside of her felt something wrong so she tried to swing the sword but it missed. " You need to come ba-"

" Shut up! It's no use she can't wake up!"

" Oh really?" Yua's eyes widened when Yushiro appeared and injected something towards her. The demon started to feel hot and pain at the same time making her scream in pain. Her demon power also started to disappear making her kneel down.

" You demon! What did you to to me!?"

" Tamayo-sama successfully create a cure for Yua. And I'm glad she didn't used the first one yet." Yushiro said making Yua glared at her, the demon boy just ignored Yua and approached her. " Wake up idiot, that's enough for your dreams." He continued, Yua was silent for a while before gasping for air. Her eyes are  no longer crimson, the mark on her face also disappeared.

" Yushiro? Am I back?"

" Yes, so stand up and fight. The hashira's already lost, you and Tanjiro is our only hope." Yua's eyes widened when she saw Kyojuro who is coughing blood. She hurriedly dashed towards him and cupped his face. Kyojuro then smiled warmly and cupped Yua's face too.

" I'm glad you're awake." He said making Yua just smiled and nod her head. She is in relief that her lover was fine, but when she started observing the place her chest tightened. The other Hashira's are already unconcious, she then faced Kyojuro before smiling.

" I promise that I'll live in this battle. Wait for me Kyojuro. It's my turn to face Muzan." Kyojuro was hesitant to remove his hand towards his lover but Yua was smiling making Kyojuro let go of her hand. Yua's face turned serious when her eyes met Muzan who is smirking.

" I'm amazed you wake up, Yua. But you can't defeat me."

" No, I'm not the only one who can defeat you Muzan. Akane-san may nearly killed you and I knew I can't do that but I had friends who will help me." Muzan's face suddenly change into anger when he heard Akane's name.

" Don't mention that name."

" Who else do you want to take from me? From us? But today, I'm not going to let you take someone important again."

" Shut up!!!"

Okay I just rushed this chapter cause I realized I need to update and I don't know what to say.

So I hope you will like this one!
