Chapter 23

Yua's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, only to squint it when a bright light mets me, I closed my eyes for a while before opening it again to adjust it in the light. I slowly raised up before leaning my back in the headboard of the bed. The sun is already up and I don't know what time it is. The door then slowly opened, revealing Shinobu with a smile on her face.

" Oh you're awake Yua-san, you should eat breakfast." She said while sitting in the chair besides me making me smile and nod my head. I yawned while stretching my arms, only to feel pain in my shoulder. I forgot that I had an injury.

" Shinobu, I want to eat Sukiyaki." I said making her giggle and nod, she then called one of the servant to prepare it. I should eat before checking on Kyojuro.

" Yua-san, can you explain me what happened?" Shinobu asked making me faced her, she was smiling but also serious at thesame time. Without hesitating I explained it to her everything, about the twins and the drug that I injected to Rina. Shinobu was shocked when I told that making her stand up and gently put his hands on my shoulder. " Why did you gave the medicine? It should be yours."

" I know, but I still needs Muzan's blood." I replied seriously making her sighed and sat down, Shinobu seems understand what I mean.

" Saving someone rather than saving yourself, you should also try to think about yourself Yua-san." Shinobu nagged making me giggle and hugged her, she may looks like a big sister but she is cute.

" I'm sorry okay, it's just I want them to change." Shinobu just sighed before pulling away and faced me with a smile.

" I think, I can't argue with that anymore. The food should be here in a minute, you should eat and visit your lover." Shinobu said while standing with a smile making me blush, she saw my reaction and laugh.

" H-he is not my lover....not yet." I said making Shinobu just shooked her head and left me, she is busy after all. When she already left, one of the servant entered with a tray of food. She then placed it in the table besides me making me thanked her before she left me.

After eating, I slowly got up and walked towards Kyojuro's room, gently sliding the door. A smiled formed in my lips when Kyojuro appeared, sleeping silently in the bed. I then approached him before pulling the chair and sitting down. I grabbed his big and warm hand before kissing it, and then kissed his forehead.

" Good morning, Kyojuro." I greeted, still smiling, then started talking about the mission. Even if he was still unconcious, it felt like he was listening to my stories with a smile. I also told him about Sora, carrying me in his back even if he was also deeply injured. " I still have lots of stories to tell, so please wake up." I continued as my smile disappeared, I really want Kyojuro to wake up.

" Excuse us." I then heard a voice behind me, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke entered, they are fully dressed with a sword in their waist. Tajiro smiled at me making me also smiled. " Yua-san, we came to visit Rengoku-san before proceeding to our  mission." He explained making me stand up before I spoke, Zenitsu suddenly hugged me making me wince  in pain, I'm still healing.

" Yua-san! Please come with us! I don't want to die!!" He yelled making me just smiled while sweatdropping, Tanjiro then pulled Zenitsu away from me.

" Zenitsu, Yua-san is still recovering from her mission, atleast be careful when you hug her!" Tanjiro nagged making me just shook my head, I then approached Zenitsu before tapping his shoulder.

" You're not going die, Zenitsu. I promise that you'll be okay." I said encouraging him, he then blushed before nodding. I then approached Inosuke also and tapped his shoulder. " And you Inosuke, be careful and don't be careless, you're strong." I continued making his boar mask creat a smoke and he started raising his hand saying something making me laugh. I then approached Tanjiro and cupped his face. " Tanjiro, you're special, both you and you're sister. You blamed your weakness, but Kyojuro and I didn't blame you at all. You're strong, and keep on getting stronger."

Tanjiro didn't said anything and nod as he closed his eyes before leaning his head to my hand. I smiled, but soon we got enterupted when Zenitsu shoved Tanjiro away from me, yelling that it's unfair, he even wanted me to do same I did to Tanjiro making me just face-palmed, thingking that I shouldn't have done that to Tanjiro. Thankfully he gave up and the three started leaving the room, I can't help but so sigh and returned back to my seat.

" Is that good enough for an encouragement? I can't act like you, Kyojuro." I said while giggling, without hesitating I leaned my head to the space of the bed while still holding Kyojuro's hand. I'm still tired, sleeping besides Kyojuro was so comfortable that I ended up sleeping.

Someone started to rub my head and brush my hair but I groaned and ignored it. But it didn't stop making mumble something, a chuckle can be heard but it's a familiar laugh. My eyes fully opened and raised my head, only to meet a pair of golden eyes infront of me. My eyes widened and froze at my spot, Kyojuro was awake, he was smiling at me, my hands shakily cupped his face and started rubbing it.

" Good morning, Yua." He said with a chuckle making me tackled him into a hug while crying, he catched me and balanced the two of us while playing with my hair.

" You're awake, finally! I've been waiting for a month and I keep on worrying that someday you will not open your eyes and sleep forever!" I said while sobbing and  without stopping, he pulled away while hushing me and wiped my tears.

" I'm sorry if I made you worried, and for making you wait for me to wake up, but thank you Yua." He whispered while cupping my face, he started leaning down slowly, our face was already near, knowing what will happen I closed eyes.

" Is something wrong!" The door was slammed open making the two of us flinched and pulled away. Miyoko appeared while panting, her eyes then widened when she saw Kyojuro who is awake. " Idiot nee-san! Why didn't you told us that Kyojuro-niisan is awake! He should be checked first, geez." Miyoko started nagging me making me just apologized, Kyojuro just chuckled. Miyoko then called Shinobu as they started checking Kyojuro if he is okay.

" I'm happy you're awake, Rengoku-san. You're body was normal, no problems but you should start training for tomorrow to regain your strength and stamina. You were alseep for one month, so you're body changed a little." Shinobu said with a smile.

" Okay! I can't wait to do missions again!" Kyojuro said cheerfully making me just smiled, Miyoko the asked one ofthe servant to cook Kyojuro's food, which the servant happily agreed.

Kyojuro's kasugaigarasu started announcing that he was fully awake, that's why Senjuro and his father dashed towards the butterfly estate, tackling him into a hug while crying. I smiled again when I watched the three of them talking happily making Miyoko and I went out to check for the food. I'm really happy that Kyojuro was awake now, if Tanjiro and the others heard about this, the three of them will finish their mission early and check Kyojuro.

When we entered to the kitchen, they started preparing Kyojuro's food with a side dish, a salt grilled bream, his favorite side dish. Miyoko requested that I should be the one who will give it to him which I happily agreed. She then decided to not come with me for her to finish her work, so I went back to Kyojuro's room alone. When I entered he was still happily talking to his father and to Senjuro.

" Kyojuro, time to eat." I said making the three of them faced me, Senjuro smiled and said something to his father making Shinjuro-san smiled and nod.

" Then, we will wait for you at home tomorrow. Senjuro and I needs to do something." Shinjuro-san said making Senjuro nod, the two of them bid goodbyes and left.

" Yua, feed me." I flinched at what Kyojuro said and nearly dropped the tray, I laugh while blushing before placing the tray down besides him. I want to disagree but I can't resist him making me sigh.

" Fine, I'll feed you." I replied making him grin, a smile formed in my lips before sitting down and grabbed the spoon. I then started feeding him gently, and I can't help but to blush everytime I did that. He just chuckles at my reaction making me hide my face but he cupped my chin raising it to face him.

" Don't. You're cute." His words maked me blush as red as a tomatoe, but this time I didn't hide my face. He chuckled again and opened his mouth making me smile and feed him. After a minute of feeding him, he is now done and full. The servant cleaned the  the table and left us alone.

" Yua, I missed you." He then said before hugging me pulling me closer to him. I winced in pain, I really forgot that my wounds are still healing, I didn't even felt the pain when I hugged him. He then noticed that I winced making me pulled me gently and pinned me into the bed. Kyojuro was serious and his hand started to travel to my waist part making me tremble. After that, his hand went to my shoulder, pulling my kimono a little and he saw a bandage on it.

" K-kyoju-" I was cut when he suddenly hugged me, I blinked my eyes and hugged him back.

" Senjuro told me that you were badly injured yesterday's mission. If I wake up earlier then you should be safe." He whispered in my ears making me just smiled before pulling away and cupped his face.

" Kyojuro, it's normal for us to be injured, as long as I'm fine and you're awake, I'm happy with it." I said, still smiling, he also smiled before leaning down and claimed my lips,I kissed back.

Soon the sweet kissed turned into a passionate one. He pushed me gently while licking my lips making me opened it. Kyojuro didn't hesitate and shoved his tounge inside, my hands then went into his hair tugging it for us to breath. He didn't yet pulled away and keep on kissing me passionately, he didn't leave anything making me whimper. After a seconds of kissing he pulled back making the two of us pant.

" I miss you, Yua. And I will make you mine starting today." He whispered, I blushed but smiled and cupped his face.

" I'm already yours Kyojuro." He then grinned before giving me a peck on lips, then to my forehead before laying down and pulled me closer to him. I just closed my eyes and hugged him back comfortably, his warmth started to sorround my body and his hands started to play with my hear. With his little action and warmth, I went back to sleep again, enjoying everything.


Okay, I became lazy so this story was written by a lazy author, XD. I just finished my activities for physics and my mind flew away so I bacame lazy for the day, haha. Well I hope you like this one, our bae is already awake! More Kyojuro and Yua time, but of course let's not forget about Sora.

Oh my!

I totally forgot about him! Nah, for the next chapter he will appear again.....
