Chapter 7

Yua's POV
Four days had passed and nothing changed in my investigation, after writing my report to Oyakata-sama, he said that a Hashira will come to help if ever I meet the upper moon two demon. But that demon didn't show himself again after we met, the woman he nearly devoured was fine and recovering from her wound and also her fear from that demon was too much. She can't even answer my question, everytime I mention demon she will shake and scream.

So I decided to not scare her more and leave her be. No signs of Muzan yet and I'm so frustrated that I can't find his location, I also let that upper moon escape without injuring him. Did I hesitate because of fear? He is close to Muzan and I can't help but to feal a great fear inside of me. I just sighed before jumping down and started walking in the empty road. It's already night and all the people are deeply sleeping.

I already left the inn I'm staying and paid for it. The old lady also prayed for my travel and safety which feels great for me. I don't want to cause trouble for her after all. While walking, I didn't forget to investigate the whole place, but nothing is suspicious making me sighed deeply. I now understand that becoming a demon slayer is a hard work but also good thing to do, you can save some people's lives and sometimes you can't.

A sudden scream can ge heard not far away from me making me hurrieldy dashed towards it. When I'm already near, I stopped and my eyes widened. There are dead bodies outside the house, they were not devoured but they were killed. I clenched my hand and grabbed my sword before entering, there I saw a demon with a hat on his head, he was also holding a red fan on his both hands while looking at the young girl who is in the ground shaking from fear.

" Blood art technique: Black flame sword." My sword then was sorrounded by a black flame making me swing my sword towards him. He then used his fan to block my sword, damn his fan is hard as a stone. But my eyes widened when I saw the same number in his eyes, he was also smiling creeply which makes me tremble a little.

" It's bad to attack me like that." He said in dreamy voice making me just glared at him before fastly carrying the girl and backed away from him, he was amazed by it while swinging his fan. " You're fast and amazing."

" Attacking such a young girl, you're really merciless." I coldly said, the girl just wrapped her arms around me while trembling in fear. I faced her with a gentle smile before tapping her head. " You're fine, now stay away from us." I whispered making her face me before nodding as I placed her down and let her leave us to stay away.

" I'm not attacking her, I came her to get that young girl?"

" What?" I asked with a confused look on my face making him chuckle before closing his fan. My eyes widened when he swinged it, a vine made of ice appeared and started attacking me. The impact started to destroy the house, I started to cut and destroy some of them, trying to approach him.

" Our Master Kibitsuji-sama wants her to create a new demon vessel." My eyes widened when I heard him said that, I then lost my focus making the vine caught me. I wince in pain when I felt the thorn in my wrist and waist around me. " Don't worry, he didn't replaced you Azamaki Yua, he will just make another one to help you. But now that you let that girl escape I should find another one." He continued while tightening the vine making me grunt in pain.

" Neechan!" I widened my eyes when the girl scream making me tilt my head and saw her still hiding in outside with worried and scared face.

" Stay away!"

" It seems like the two of you are here, Kibutsuji-sama will be delighted." I lowered my head, I will not let that little girl to be a victim like me. I will not let Muzan used me or her.

" Blood art technique: blazing flame!" Black flame then sorrounded me breaking the ice that caught me before dashing towards the demon. An ice  then block me but I swinged my sword breaking it, his eyes widened making me swing my sword to his neck. But I was shocked when he broke into pieces like an ice.

" You're strong but not using so much strength." I heard him said beside me,  before I turned my back to block his attack, someone suddenly carried me making me closed my eyes and a sudden explosion can be heard. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a pair of golden eyes infront of me.

" Kyojuro?" I asked while blinking my eyes, but blushed when realizing that he is carrying me bridal style. He gently put me down before chuckling making me avoid his gaze to hide  my blushing face.

" We came in time, are you okay?" He asked making me just nod before facing him, his face suddenly turned into a serious one when his eyes went to my bleeding waist and wrist.

" Oi, Rengoku-san our enemy is still there." I heard Sora's voice making me face him and he was seriously staring at the demon's place.

" What are you two doing here?" I asked making Kyojuro smiled before tapping my head.

" Oyakata-sama ordered us to help you." He said before approaching Sora, I didn't said anything but just sighed. I nearly got injured because of me being careless.

" Neechan!" The girl then appeared before hugging me and started sobbing. " You're okay." I just smiled before kneeling down and tapped her head.

" I told you to leave but you're not listening."

" I don't want to leave you!" She yelled making me just sighed before hugging her.

" Okay, just stay away. We don't want you to get hurt okay?" I said making her nod before leaving me to hide again.

" Geez, interupting us is also bad." The upper moon two said while approaching us, both Sora and Kyojuro dashed towards him in full speed making it harder for me to help them. But I was shocked when they got kicked away with his demon art technique making me dashed towards him. " I only need her to fight me." He said while staring at me with a smirk that irritates me. I then kicked him hard before swinging my sword but again he blocked me.

" Where is Muzan?" I asked while trying to push him but I got pushed when Sora attacked him.

" Kibutsuji-sama had already left this place dear Yua. I was just ordered to find a new demon vessel and also to get you." He replied before pushing Sora, Kyojuro then also appeared behind him but the demon disappeared before appearing infront of me. I tried swinging my sword but he grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him.

" Tch! Stop being careless!" Sora yelled at me before attacking behind upper moon two but an ice blocked it, I tried escaping from his grip but the more I pulled my hand the wound was so painful.

" One day that man will find you and you will submit to him." He said making me froze in my spot, he just grinned but I glared at him while using my demon art to push him and he did got pushed making Kyojuro and Sora attacked upper moon two again.

" Sora! Keep on attacking." Kyojuro said making just Sora scoff and did what Kyojuro requested. There are few bruises in there body but no deep wounds, my gaze went to the girl who is hiding making me sigh in relief that she is safe.

" Just what the heck do you want!?" Sora yelled making just upper moon two smile before swinging his sword creating a sharp vines.

" All I wanted is to find a new vessel, like Amazaki Yua. But I guess your dear sister is still useful I'm going to get rid of that little girl." My eyes widened when a vine fastly dashed towards the girl making me hurriedly protect her using my body, I cough blood when the vine get pass through to my body, stabbing me, making me kneeled down.

" Yua!" I heard Kyojuro yelled, both Sora and him tried approaching me but upper moon two made a clone to not let them approach us.

" I will not let you kill this innocent girl and I will not let you make her a demon vessel." I said while glaring at upper moon two, he just smiled before cupping my face.

" All you need is to submit to him, Yua dear." He whispered while grinning, I just smiled.

" I will never submit to that demon."

" That's what I expected, the truth is he ordered me to test you, he is watching us dear Yua." I felt a very scary aura making my body tremble, I  didn't sense Muzan but what is this fear I'm feeling, it's too much.

" Ger away from her!" Sora then yelled attacking upper moon two again while Kyojuro hurriedly carried me away from the demon. Because of the fear I'am feeling I hugged Kyojuro, wrapping my arm around his neck.

" Yua?" He asked but I didn't replied but just hugged him. His warmth is calming me a little and his scent was so comforting.

Kyojuro's POV

I was a little bit shock when Yua hugged me, but felt her body trembing too much. That demon told her something we didn't heard making Yua trembled too much. I just let her hug me while watching Sora fighting upper moon two. I gently placed back my sword to it's sheath while protectively carrying Yua. Her trembling body was now fading making me smile in relief.

" I guess this game will stop. Someday Yua will come to us, then farewell young pillar's." He said making me glared at him, that demon is pissing me already and my blood boiled. After hurting Yua, making her tremble he will call this a game? Before I speak Sora interupted me by speaking.

" You will all be dead before that happens." Sora angrily yet calmly said making the upper moon two laugh and disappeared. Sora didn't chase him cause he knew that treating Yua should be the first thing to do. " Damn it!" I heard Sora said while clenching his hand. I then stared at Yua and she was fastly asleep.

" Niisan? Is nee-saan okay?" The girl that Yua saved asked with worried eyes making me faced her with a smile.

" Yes, she was just asleep." I replied making her smile while tears started to fell down in her eyes making me tapped her head.

" Nee-san protected me, because of me she was hurt."

" Young girl, don't blame yourself." I said while ruffeling her hair, I sense Sora approached us making me face him. He was staring at Yua with annoyed look, he feels bad that he didn't protect her sister making me tapped his shoulder.

" You're worried." I said, making Sora glared at me before scoffing.

" I'm not, I'm just annoyed that she is so careless." He coldly said making me just sighed." So what about this girl we can't just let her come wi-"

" Let me come with you!" The girl cutted Sora making the both of us looked at her. She was facing us with serious look.

" Listen, demon slayer corps is not an orphanage." Sora said making the girl shook her head.

" I want to come not to be a free loader but to help neechan if she is injured. I wanted to protect her too." She said while still facing us with begging face. Sora just sighed making me laugh at how determined the young girl is.

" Let her Sora, I knew Yua would agree if she's awake." I said making Sora scoffed while rubbing his black hair.

" Okay, just don't cause any trouble." The girl smile and nod making Sora grabbed her hand and started walking approaching her parent's dead body while the young girl started to cry again. I slowly faced Yua, staring at her beautiful face, this girl started to maked me crazy.

Again, my story is some kind of messy. Well I'm sleepy so I just wrote what I thinked of haha! Xd. Well I hope you like this one my lovely readers!

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