Chapter 4

Yua's POV

" Yua-sama."

I heard a gentle voice making me slowly open my eyes, there I saw Amane smiling at me gently. It's been a while since I slept without having any nightmare. Also, maybe this is the first time I slept so well for twelve years, I'm kinda happy with it. I then slowly rised up before streching my hand and  greeting Amane.

" I'm happy that clothes fit well to you." She  said making me blinked my eyes before looking at my kimono. I smiled before nodding my head while fixing thw futon and blanket I used.

"  Thank you for letting me sleep in here, but I can't do this forever Amane-san." I said with shy voice making her just chuckle.

" No it's okay, don't worry Yua-sama. It's really good seeing you sleep so well tonight, you're kasugaigarasu always report to us that you keep on having bad dreams." She said while approaching me, I was a little bit startled when she started rubbing my hair fixing it. I see, so Hiro always report it to them.

" But now I don't have any, and I'm thankful for it." I replied making her just smiled before tapping my head.

" Time to prepare and eat breakfast, also meeting  the Hashiras." She said before leaving me.

I sighed, right today will be the time to meet all the Hashira. Never thought I'm going to meet them later also I hope we can get along even if some if them will do. Like Amane said, I entered to the bathroom to take a bath and clean myself. After doing that, of course I changed my clothes and grabbed my sword. I should still hold this while waiting for my new sword, when I went out Hiro appeared and landed on my shoulder.

" Good morning Hiro." I greeted which he replied with a 'caw', time for breakfast and I'm kinda hungry right now.

On the way I met some of the servant and they really are kind. They always greet me, they even lead me to the kitchen and I was amazed. Lot's of food were prepared, and I'm the only one who will eat. They really prepared a lot, I then slowly sat down and the servants started putting plates with many food on it. I'm kinda uncomfortable with this, I'm not already used to this anymore.

" I-I'm fine, also I can't eat this all." I said while smiling to the servant, she flinched and keep on apologizing making me become more uncomfortable at the situation. " N-no it's okay." With one last apologize the girl ran away leaving me speechless. Am I that terrifying?

" Caaw! You scared her." Hiro said making me glared at him, my kasugaigarasu is kinda annoying right now.

" Shut up Hiro or I will never give you your favorite pickled radish." I said making him flew towards my shoulder and opened his mouth. I sighed, what a crow. He should be thankful that I like him, or else he will not be with me anymore. I then grabbed one pickled radish before feeding it to him, I didn't saw Oyakata-sama having breakfast maybe he is busy doing something.

" By the way Hiro, when will I met the Hashiras?"

" Caaw! Maybe later so jusy prepare yourself." I just humned in reponse and started eating. I'm excited to meet them all, but also nervous. I should fastly eat to have time in exploring Oyakata-sama's place.

Breakfast is already done and I'm here walking outside having an errand to familiarize the whole estate.  It was simple yet beautiful, there are westiria trees around it making the estate more beautiful. Hiro just disappeared after we went out, don't know where he went off. I smiled while walking backwards staring at the estate not looking away.

I bumped someone making me hurriedly turned around and apologize, only to see a familiar yellow hair and golden eyes infront of me. I didn't said anything and stared at his beautiful eyes, totally mesmerized to it's color. I heard him chuckle making me blinked my eyes before looking away.

" S-sorry." I mumbled not looking at him because it's to embarrassing. He chuckled again making me face him, I met the person whom I also met in Asakusa.

" It's okay, also you're the girl I met in the city right?" He asked making me smile and nod, he then smiled at me. " I'm Rengoku Kyojuro."

" Azamaki Yua. Nice to meet you Kyojuro." I replied while smiling back at him, he was a little bit surprised when I said my name and then I realized, both Sora and I have thesame last name.

" Azamaki huh? So you're related with Sora?" He asked, he knew my brother which I expected making me just nod. " That boy never told us he had a sister." That hurts me, but I smiled bitterly. Sora really don't want me to be his sister anymore. Before I open my mouth to speak a voice can be heard.

" Rengoku, you're flamboyantly early as always and who is that beautiful woman?" A tall man with white hai and maroon eyes appeared, he was smiling more likely smirking. Wait, if someone like them can easily enter in Oyakata-sama's mansion that means they are a pillar! And now I will meet more of them.

" Her name is Amazaki Yua!" Kyojuro replied with a cheerful voice, the man humned in response before leaning down near me with his hands on his chin.

" U-uhm"

" Oh! You look like Sora, but more good looking than that brat. By the way I'm Uzui. Uzui Tengen." I sweatdropped and just nod my head, he also knew my name.

" So what does another Azamaki doing in here?" Another voice can be heared above making me raised my head to see a man laying on the branch of a tree with a snake around his neck.

" That's a good question! Obanai." Uzui agreed, while Kyojuro stared at me with a smile.  Should I answer them or wait for Oyakata-sama to answer their question.

" Ara, someone new is here." A female voice said making me tilt my head and saw five more Hashiras, there are too many of them. A girl with a butterfly pin on her hair approach me with a smile. " Are you a new pillar?"

" No, I'm n-"

" You're so pretty!" I was cut by a voice and a girl with pink mixed with green hair hugged me making me laugh awkwardly. This situation is a little bit awkward for me to talk, I'm still a stranger but why are they talking to me, I expected for them to be aware of me but it's the opposite.

" So you're the one Oyakata-sama told us." A man said with blind eyes and tear in his eyes, all of them looked at me with shocked expression.

" The one that Muzan made as his tool twelve years ago?" Uzui asked making me slowly clenched my hand, they knew and it maked me nervous that they will point their sword at me. All of them became silent but I was shocked when Shinobu smiled warmly.

" We've been waiting for you, especially Oyakata-sama." I didn't said anything but stared at her, why is she so kind to me? They knew I'm a tool that Muzan made but are they not aware of me, they should be cautious to me. The man from the tree jumped down and coldly stared at me.

" I don't know why Oyakata-sama wants her, Muzan is controlling her and we don't know when will she attack." He said, which is true and a little bit hurting. Like what I thought, some of them will not accept me and maybe they were just  forced to accept me. I don't even know if Shinobu was sincerely smiling at me.

" Damn it why am I stuck with this annoying kid!" Another voice said and my eyes widened when I familiarize a person besides the man who spoke. It's none other than Sora, my little brother.

" Shut up Shinazugawa-san and walk."

" What did you just say kid!" Sora just scoff before looking at us, his eyes widened when he saw me. But changed into cold and angry one, twelve years since I didn't  saw him and  now he is taller than me and even stronger.

" What are you doing here?" His cold voice hurts me a lot, I can already tell that he hates me that much. I slowly approach him but he grabbed his sword and point at me.

" Sora, calm yourself." The blind Hashira said trying to calm Sora.

" What are you doing in here!?" I flinched when he yelled at me but no words came in my mouth. I don't want to explain cause I knew he will not listen to me, I'm already happy that he is okay. I'm also trying my best not to cry, I'm just enduring the pain in my heart.

" Oyakata-sama has arrived." The twins appeared and I'm thankful for it. Sora then scoffef before putting his sword back, we all kneeled when Oyakata-sama appeared infront of us.

" It's a wonderful morning to meet all of you my childrens and you already met Azamaki Yua." Oyakata-sama's voice calmed me for the second time making me close my eyes. This is it, all of the Hashira's opinion will be heard, it maybe painful but I'll listen to them.

" I'm sorry to tell you this Oyakata-sama, but why is she here? We already knew that Muzan is using her." Sora said with calm yet cold voice, I knew it that he will be the first one to oppose me.

" This kid is right, she is dangerous." The man with white hair and scar in his face agreed, the others didn't said anything but it's clear that some of them also oppose to this.

" We already talk about this and all of you agreed. Muzan may used Yua but that was twelve years ago. He is not using her anymore for some reason, there might be a chance that Muzan will need her and that's the chance also for us to defeat him." Oyakata-sama said making the two didn't said anything.

" But still, we don't know when. Someday he will hurt you Oyakata-sama, like what she did twelve years ago." Sora still don't want to accept me making me sigh secretly before standing up earning there attention.

" If that happens then kill me, all of you will do that."  I said while staring at Sora with a gentle smile. I may wanted to hug him but I can't, he hates me after all. " But that will not happen until we found Muzan, I promise to protect Oyakata-sama and not to hurt him."

" I will protect Oyakata-sama from you and the demons." Sora said while standing up also, I just nod while still smiling.

" Enough, Oyakata-sama is still around also Sora I knew it's hard to accept it but do it for Oyakata-sama." The blind Hashira said making Sora just looked away before kneeling down and also I did thesame.

" Thank you Gyomie, I want all of you to accept Yua as a part of us. She will be attending Hashira meetings to give us information about Muzan and also she will have missions alone or with you." Oyakata-sama said making the Hashira all answer with yes.

I don't know if it's already okay right now but I need to gain their trust especially Sora. Even if it's a little trust then I'm fine with it, I deserve to be treated like this after all. It's my punishment for my sins, but why do I feel warm in here? Do I deserve to feel this? Especially towards Oyakata-sama? Do I really deserve to be happy as an atonement to my sin? Can I fixed my problems to Sora?

Mother? Can I really be happy?


Meeting with Hashira is done and I don't know what did I wrote! Xd but I hope you like this!
