Chapter 2

Yua's POV
It's already early in the morning when I returned to the city. I know that Tamayo was so worried but I wanted to be alone for a while after sensing his aura, I feel so scared again. I wonder if Muzan's aura disappeared or he is just hiding. I hope Tamayo and Yushiro is fine, another aura of a demon can be sense again and the demon is near our place making me dash towards it. I then stopped and my eyes widened, the barrier was broken, even Yushiro's spell is not enough to hide us. Don't tell me that man already find me and killed them both!

When I entered, the whole house was destroyed and I can see bloods on the ground. It's not a blood from Yushiro and Tamayo and the kimono was also different. But why am I still sensing a demon aside from the two? I entered and the basement door was opened, a avoice can be heard with Tamayo's. I tilt my head when something landed in my shoulder and Hiro just apeared. I smiled before going downstairs, still Hiro was on my shoulder.

" Tamayo-sama." I said earning an answer, there I saw them with a demon slayer making me grabbed my sword and point at him. " Are you alright? Did that slayer hurt you?" Tamayo just smiled in my non stop question.

" We're fine, Tanjiro-san and Nezuko-san helped us." She reassured making me stared at the demon slayer and also the demon girl beside him. Why is a demon accompanying a slayer?

" Can you explain this to me?" I asked making Tamayo nod, she started explaining about Tanjiro whom they met in the city, he also met Muzan making me clench my hand. So I was right that man was really there, Tanjiro also was finding a cure for her sister to return as a human again. And Tamayo wanted to help them, though finding a cure needs a blood of a demon who is closer to Muzan, the twelve kizuki and also Nezuko's blood.

" I'll make a cure to turn your sister into a human and also make Yua normal too." Tamayo said with a smile, I didn't said anything but just smiled and nod. Tanjiro stared at me  like he wants to ask a question but he didn't said anything. Also, this two kids, what a rare thing to see. I can't believe a demon is helping a slayer, but I hope the other demon slayers shouldn't find about them.

" Uhm, Yua-san. I've been thingking all this time is that a kasugaigarasu?" Tanjiro asked making me stared at Hiro before looking back at him and shook my head. He just scratched his head before pointing at Hiro. " Well, I smell the same scent with my kasugiagarasu so he is one of them."

" What!?" Both Yushiro and I shout in unison, I returned my gaze to Hiro but he flew towards Tanjiro and peck his head. If Tanjiro is right why is a kasugaigarasu keep on watching me for twelve years! Hiro suddenly stared at me making me gulp, his stare is something and maybe I don't like the it.

" Azamaki Yua!" I flinched in shock when the Hiro spoke as he flew towards me. " It's time for you to work with demon slayers." When he said that I didn't said anything but stared at him. Work with demon slayers? Is it possible? Well I'm a human but some part of me is a demon now.

" Wait, work with demon slayers? I'm not that strong you know." I said making Hiro just landed on my shoulder. I stared at Tamayo who is also staring at me but with a gentle smile.

" Isn't this a great oppurtunity Yua-san, working with us will help you find Muzan easier." Tanjiro said making me humned in response, he is right, all of the demon had two goals. To find Kibutsuji Muzan and also kill all demons, working with them will make me find Muzan. But I can't also leave Tamayo and Yushiro in here.

" Yua, if you are hesitating because of us, don't worry. It's time for you to be with humans not us." Tamayo said, I knew what she meant. I always stayed with them for twelve years and not with humans so I'm used with demons already. It's not that I don't want to stay with humans but I'm afraid I will kill them.

" Just go, I'll protect Tamayo-sama." Yushiro said while staring at me coldly making me pout.

" It's not that I'll leave right now, Yushiro."

" Yua-san, is it okay if you come with us?" Tanjiro asked making me shook my head before tapping his head.

" Give me some time to think, it's too sudden. You can go first." I said making him just smiled and nod, Tamayo and him started talking about Nezuko staying with them but Tanjiro declined then bid goodbye. I was just silent thingking if I'll leave and help demon slayers, but I'm scared that Sora will not be happy if he saw me. I snapped out when Tamayo cupped my face.

" Is it because of your little brother too?" She asked making me just nod, she always know what am I thingking this is why I don't want to leave her. It feels like she is my mother, a mother who loves me and treat me as her own daughter. " Yua, don't always run and face your fears. If you're woried because of us and you are scared to face your brother, don't worry everthing will be fine."

I didn't said anything and just hugged her, it's so hard to leave them behind. They are the one who saved me and help me supress the demon inside of me. I'm really scared, that if they were not with me maybe I'll kill innocent humans again with Muzan's control. But I decided, Tamayo was right, it's not okay if I keep on running away with my fears. I already decided to help the demon slayers, and if Sora don't want to see me then I'll accept it. It's my punishment for killing our own parents.

" Is it okay for me to leave?" I asked while pulling away,  Tamayo smiled then nod.

" We can still see each other and I'll always send you the medicine to surpress your power." She said making me smile and nod, I stared at Yushiro but he just scoffed and looked   away, a tsundere. " We will also move in a different place to avoid Muzan."

" I'll stay here for a while and leave tonight." I said, she just smiled. Tamayo and Yushiro will leave tonight so I'll also leave with Hiro to meet the master of the demon slayer corps and also the pillars. Maybe it's my chance to meet that yellow haired man I met yesterday.

" So this will be a goodbye." I said while staring at them, it's time for us to separate and go on our own. It's a little bit sad that I'm leaving them but Tamayo promised that we will see each other again.

" Don't forget to take your medicine." Tamayo said making me nod cheerfully.

" I will, don't worry. I'll be going now, and I won't forget to write letters to you and Yushiro." I said while waving my hands, Tamayo did thesame well except for Yushiro but I was shocked he was smiling a little which make me grin before turning my back. It's time to have a new journey with demon slayers, I'm nervous yet excited.

" Hiro, lead the way." I said as I looked at him flying leading the way. If ever I can't control the demon's power again then the hashira's will stop me, they can also kill me but it's not the time yet for me to die in their hands or in Muzan's hand. I will kill him first before doing that, I'm prepared after all. I'll kill demons to atone for my sins, and by killing the leader will make my miserable life into a peaceful ones.

I slowly touched my small bag, a small smile crept on my lips, I still didn't open the box mom gave me before she died. But maybe I'll read it soon if I really need it, also the medicine Tamayo gave me is too many. Maybe she is worried that I lose control again but I will not let that happen. It may happen but not everyday, it's like a sudden attack but I can't always lose control.

" Hiro are we not yet there?" I asked, we've been walking for almost two hour now and we still didn't arrived thankfully we didn't face any demons. Hiro suddenly landed on my shoulder making me rub it's head.

" Few more steps and we already arrived." He replied making me humned in response and like he said I took a few more steps before stopping. I can see a westiria trees infront of me( just say there is xd) and it was so beautiful, I was frozen in spot staring at the tree.

" Ow!" Then Hiro poked my head making me glared at him, this crow really annoys me sometime thankfully I love this crow or else I'll barbeque him!

Now that  we arrived time to meet some strong demon slayers and also Sora. I take one step before stopping and sighing. I don't know why I'm  nervous and a little bit scared in going inside, some of the demon slayer who are passing by is staring at me weirdly making it more embarrassing so I sighed calming myself and clenching my hands.

" Okay Yua, this is it. Once we enter, there is no backing away." I mumbled and finally entered, I'm not still familiar with the place so Hiro flew again leading the way for me to meet the master. I'm finally going to meet the leader of demon slayer corp, and there are many questions I want to ask and I hope no hashira will point their swords at me.


Okay, time to meet a handsome yellow haired man! Xd

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