Chapter 5

Yua's POV
The meeting was finished and Oyakata-sama decided that I will be staying with the Insect Hashira, Kocho Shinobu's estate known us Butterfly estate. Shinobu agreed cause her estate had enough room for me, I wanted to decline at first but it was  Oyakata-sama's order. Also, tomorrow I was assigned to a mission. It was a solo mission for me, I just need to investigate something and returned without fighting.

Well, it's impossible for me not to fight a demon, they always appeared and lurking around so it can't be avoided to fight a demon. My nichirin sword is not yet done and I need to wait for fiftheen days. I'm kinda happy that I came here to help Oyakata-sama but also not happy that Sora hates me. He is the Ice Hashira that the other hashira trained, that's why all of them is close to Sora.

I'm happy that he is not lonely, even if he hates me I still love my younger brother. I wanted to explain everything and apologize but I can't. I'm afraid that he will not understand me, Sora changed so much. He is not the sweet little brother I knew but he became a cold person right now. Is it because of me?

" Yua-san?" I snapped out from thingking when Shinobu spoke making me face her. " Are you okay?" She asked worriedly making me smile warmly. 

" Yes, I'm fine." She didn't said anything but smiled before sitting besides me in the patio.

" Is it because of Sora-kun?" She asked making me sigh and nod.

" I already knew he hated me but I also want him to understand me." I said with sad voice while staring at the pond infront of us. I felt Shinobu's hand tapped my shoulder making me stare at her, she was giving a sincere smile.

" He will. It's not you who killed your family but it was Muzan." My eyes widened, why? I never expected that Shinobu will blame Muzan instead of me. She should hate me for killing my family but Shinobu believes that Muzan made me do it. I didn't said anything but smiled, I'm so happy that I wanted to cry. Someone accepted me, do I deserve this?

" Some of the Hashira may don't accepr you Yua-san. But they knew that Muzan is also a threat to you, that's why Oyakata-sama decided to take you in." Shinobu explained while smiling warmly, tears then suddenly cascade in my eyes making her hugged me.

" Do I deserve to be treated like this?"

" Yes, Yua-san. You don't need to suffer anymore." She whispered, for the first time someone understand my pain and for the first time a friend comforted me. But it didn't changed that I'm still Muzan's demon vessel. I'm afraid that someday I will hurt Shinobu, too much fear that I don't deserve to be loved because one day pain will destroy this loved I'm feeling.

" Thank you Shinobu." I smiled before pulling away and wiped my tears. She just smiled before giggling.

" Now that you opened up to me, no more secrers Yua-san!" She said happily, that's hard to do but I'll try my best. I just nod my head before giggling also, despite the fear I'm having. Little by little, I'm showing a real smile and happiness. If ever time would stop this day, but it will never happen.

" Yua-sama, the flame hashira wants to see you." Aoi suddenly appeared making Shinobu and I looked at each other. Why would Kyojuro need to see me? Shinobu then stand up and winked at me before leaving making me just shrugged my shoulder and went outside. There, I saw a yellow haired man standing while staring at the tree.

" What do you want Kyojuro?" I asked while approaching at him, he turned around with a smile and for some reason my heart started beating fastly. He also approach me with a big smile, I was shocked when he gave me a bag with food on it.

" This will be my thank you for helping me in Asakusa." He said making me just shook my head.

" You don't need to, Kyojuro. Also only a simple thank you is enough to me." I said making him just chuckled before ruffeling my hear.

" I knew you will say that, still accept that food it was delicious. I was planning to see you again in Asakusa to properly thank you but I guess fate brought us together again." He said cheerfully making me blush a little, Kyojuro plans in meeting me in Asakusa just to thank me, but I'm happy that we met here again. I don't want him to go in Asakusa just to do that.

" Thank you Kyojuro, you're kind."

" No problem! Also I wanted to knew you better so let's be friends." He said then grinned, my heart started to beat like crazy again. Why the hell is he so handsome in that gri- wait what? What am I thingking? I just smiled before nodding, another person became my friend. I can't help but to feel so much hapiness.

" I will be happy to be your friend."

" So can we have a walk while talking?" He asked with a gentle smile, I nod. It's a perfect time for me also to check all the places in this whole estate. I wonder why I'm so comfortable with this man?

" Kyojuro when did you become a Hashira?" I asked, I wanted to know about this guy and I also want him to know about me. Kyojuro is someone that I really want to trust and I don't know why. For an instant, I felt so connected to him for some reason.

" Hmm, I became a Hashira when I was sixteen. My father was a former Hashira too but he suddenly quits for some reason and don't want to teach me so I tried my best to train without him." My eyes didn't leave Kyojuro's face, he was still cheerful while telling me about him. I wonder if I can also be like Kyojuro, always smiling and cheerful.

" I envy you Kyojuro, when my father was alive I can't decide freely. I need to satisfy his expectation and they always treats me like a stranger. Maybe that's the reason why Muzan used me to kill them." My voice soften at the last part, Kyojuro was just staring at me before stopping making me also stopped.

" I envy you most Yua, despite suffering you continued to live and also train yourself." Kyojuro said seriously making me face him with shocked expression. He also knew how to be serious and damn it! My heart keep on beating everytime I meet his face. But I didn't said anything but smiled.

" It's the only way for me to survive in this cruel world." I replied making him agreed.

" You had missions tomorrow right?" He asked making me nod, he then continued walking making me follow him. " Be careful." His voice was soft but clear enough for me to hear. I giggled before nodding.

" I will."

It's already getting late and Kyojuro walked me back towards the butterfly estate before leaving. A smile formed in my lips, we just talked about ourselves but I don't know why I'm so happy. I then smiled before walking inside, the door then slides open showing Shinobu with a teasing smile.

" So hows the date?" She asked making me blush a little.

" It was not a date Shinobu." I repliled while entering, she just chuckled and followed me.

" Really? To me it's like a date, that's a first step for couples." I just sighed at her statement, but my heart started beating. I don't have time to fall inlove in the momment, no that's wrong. I feel like I don't still deserve to be loved or even loved someone. I'm still trying my best to accept that I  deserve love.

" We just had some conversation that's it." I said making her chuckle again.

" Alright, alright. Time to eat and rest, tomorrow is your very first mission." Shinobu said before gently pulling me towards the kitchen making me just smiled. Maybe, I'll try to convince myself that I really deserve to feel loved. I had a home to stay at, a home to sleep peacefully and a home that is full of warm and love. Just like Tamayo-san's place where I stayed, I also had friends who understand me and someone to protect.

Tomorrow will be my first mission and I will try my best to find Muzan as much as possible. I will really not let him use me again, I will not let him kill all the important person to me. Now that I have new family, I will protecr them, I never thought that my fear is slowly fading and I'm changing little by little.

Third Person's POV

" Amazaki Yua had joined the demon slayers, what should we do?" A serious and cold voice asked while sitting in one of the room.

" Oh, I really wanted to meet her." Another voice said while swaying his fan on his face.

" Let's just kill her."

" No, don't kill her. Azamaki Yua was one of my successful demon vessel, it's not time yet to use her. Douma, I want you to test her for a while." The leader of all, Muzan Kibutsuji said with a creepy smile on his face. A demon named Douma smiled widely before agreeing to Muzan's order.

Demons decided to start their moves  and battle between demon slayer and demons will soon begin.....


Gosh I don't know what I'am writing! I've ran out with ideas so I kinda wrote anything that I think about.

Sorry if this chapter is kinda messy, I'm sleepy this time so I wrote something that don't make sense. Please comment if I'm right, also don't forget to vote!
