Chapter 3

Yua's POV
I'm here, staring at the big house right infront of me, Hiro was just waiting for me to enter and meet the master. I sighed before taking a step and finally entered, it's still night but is it really okay for me to enter without permission? I don't want a hashira points sword at me once I entered.

" Azamaki Yua had arrived." Two voice of a girls said in unison, the door then slide open and a twins appeared. A smile was crept on their lips as the signaled me to come inside which I did with a little bit of hesitation. When I entered, I keep on looking around, the house was so warm and also comfortable.

Hiro landed to my shoulder making me just smiled at the crow. It's been a while since I entered to a human's place, also this house filled with love and warm. A something that I didn't feel for twelve years, Tamayo may show me that but it's still not enough for me to be more happy. I'm happy that someone is worried for me but, do I deserve that kind of affection to a someone?

" Amazaki Yua." I snapped out when a voice appeared, the voice was comforting me like he knew my pain and he understand me. A man then appeared infront of me, his eyes was pale like a snow. Is he blind? The twins then bowed down before leaving us, is he the master? " Don't worry and sit." He said, making me silently kneeled down.

The window was opened and the bright moon can be seen. Why is he sitting in the patio, it's dangerous to stay outside. But I can't help to stare at him, he was wearing a gentle and warm smile. Seeing that smile soothes everything inside of me, not just that but why do I feel like crying after meeting him.

" How do you know me?" I asked with polite voice, he just smiled as he closed his eyes. How could a master of demon slayer corps knew a girl like me?

" I knew your father Yua, and that night after the incident you should have meet me together with Sora but you didn't come to us, instead you run away and only Sora came." He said, my eyes widened a little, so that night when mother said I should join Sora, he was with my little brother.

" So you're the one who took Sora in and made him a demon slayer." I said making him shook his head.

" It's his choice to become a demon slayer, he didn't give me the reason but Sora was so determined." He replied, I didn't said anything. Is it because of me, that's why he bacame a demon slayer. Maybe he wants revenge of our parent's death and I'm already prepared with it. I smiled warmly before bowing down.

" Thank you for taking care of my brother." I said, he didn't said anything but I felt him tapped my head making me raise it to face him. He was still wearing a warm smile.

" Yua, thank you also for being alive all this time. It's time for you to be with us and everyone will help you." Tears started to cascade in my eyes, the way he spoke moved my heart, like I was saved for the second time. I'm sure is lucky to meet someone who care for me, despite a sinner, and a demon vessel that Muzan created.

I didn't regret in meeting the master, I already knew why everyone respected him. I'm sure Sora was so attatched to Oyakata-sama, and maybe I was also attatched right now. He is so kind that I want to protect him for the rest of my life, but also afraid that someday I'll kill him with my own hands if Muzan take advantage of me again. Thingking about it make me want to leave this place, I deserve to be alone, but I can't just ignore Oyakata-sama's kindness to me.

" But I'm afraid Oyakata-sama, what if I can't control Muzan's blood in me and kill everyone? Even you." I asked, I already knew Oyakata-sama knew about me. He sends a kasugaigarasu to watch me everyday so I expected him to knew about what Muzan did to me.

" Yua, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine and I knew that will not happen." He said, he is right I'm sure it will not happen because there are strong hashira's to stop me.

" Okay, I'll help the demon slayer's in defeating human, I will protect you too Oyakata-sama. But I'll ask a favor, if I'll lose control and turn into a demon, can you let the Hashira end my life?" I said while smiling at him yet serious at the matter. He didn't said anything but his warm smile change into a sad one.

" I'm afraid I can't do that." He said, but I grinned and shook my head.

" You have to Oyakata-sama, for me not to kill innocent people anymore." I said, he didn't said anything. I never thought he hesitated to do me a favor but I already decided. After coming here I already decided to protect him and defeat demons but there is a chance that I'll lose control.

" Okay if that's what you really want, Yua. Now that you decided to help us do you want to become a demon slayer?" He asked, I also decided on that part making me shook my head to decline.

" Sorry for not agreeing this time Oyakata-sama, but I'm not that strong to become a demon slayer. I may jave strength but it's a demon's power. Also, I have a normal nichirin sword to use in killing one so I'm fine with it." I said while grabbing my sword, yes it was a nichirin sword that I found in a forest.

" I knew that will be your answer, then why not let me changed that nichirin sword of yours into a new one." When he said that, I was happy. It was my goal to change my sword because it's already weak.

" Thank you Oyakat-sama."

" It's already late at night Yua, Amane will lead you to a room for you to rest this night. Tomorrow, all the pillar will meet you." He said making me nod, tomorrow will be a big day. A woman then appeared, maybe she is Amane. I then stand up before bowing down and followed Amane. We arrived to a room and we both enter, the room was a little wider but it's enough for me to sleep.

" There are clean clothes for you to sleep in the closet, you also had new clothes for tomorrow and I wished you good night Yua-sama." She said with gentle voice making me thanked her. When the door was slide closed, I started changing my clothes, placing everything away and before laying down.

I still didn't faced a demon for today which is good, I don't want to bother Oyakata-sama. Also, I didn't meet a single pillar on this place, maybe they are busy or even resting. I remember the boy I meet in Asakusa city, the boy who had a yellow hair with a streak on the end and also had a beautiful golden eyes. I wonder if he had missions or also resting today, if I'm done meeting the hashira's tomorrow then I'll try to find him and ask his name.

I was not expecting him to be my friend but I just wanted to know his name. Also, I bet the Hashira will not also accept me because all of them knew about me,  I guess. If they ever knew then I should prepare myself from harsh talking, especially Sora. I don't know if he is a pillar but there  is a chance I will meet him. I may feel scared in meeting him but, like Tamayo-san said I should face my fears even if it will hurt me.

I yawned, it's already night and the whole place was now quiet. I should also sleep and pushed away my thoughts. I will face everything tomorrow, and I hope some Hashira will be my friends and accept me. I hope so.

Okay, this part is kinda bit boring cause no fight scene and stuff but I was also bored so this story became a little bit boring. Well I hope it's not for my lovely reader,  I can't think something so I wrote this and please bear with me.

I can't help to write a boring part......


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