Chapter 9

We slowly walked back to my grandma's flat. When we got to the door, I just noticed our hands were still linked. A small blush swept across my face as I let go. I step up and look back at Harry. 

"See you tomorrow?" I ask. 

He nods. "I hope so." 

His face hadn't changed back to normal. I was worried my mum would come out and see him like this. His eyes were growing darker and darker. 

"Harry? Do you sleep?" I ask. 

He flashes me a smile, showing off his fangs.

"Yes. You've been watching too much Twilight." he says. 

I giggle. 

"Ok. But where do you sleep? Do you have a flat?" I ask. 

He nods, his eyes looking over at the houses. 

"Yes. That one." 

He points to a red flat. I nod. 

"Alright. Maybe I could visit sometime?" 

A smile spread across his face. "Maybe. You really trust me enough?" 

I bite my lip and tangle his fingers through mine again. 

"Yeah. I do." 

Harry seemed to like my actions. His face slowly faded back to normal. He's so beautiful. And dangerous. Irrisistable. He sighed, and seeing his fangs brought me back to reality. 

"I better go." 

He suddenly sounded worried, his face turning back to his vampire look. His eyes flashed red, then he pulled back quickly. His breathing was heavy, and it was scaring me a little. 

"Are you alright?" I ask. 

He backs away slowly, his body shaking slightly. 


He didn't answer. A moan escaped his mouth, and his fangs grew longer and sharper. I found myself backing away. 

"I-I'm sorry." Harry's voice sounded hurt. He was trying to control himself. His hands were shaking really badly. Something came from his fangs, and he quickly wiped it away. 

"I'm so sorry, Naomi. I have to leave." He sounded like he was about to cry. I nodded. "No, Harry. Its alright"

I tell him. In a flash, he disappears. I'm left there, totally confused. What the heck was wrong with him? Slowly, I opened the door and walked back inside.


That night, I stayed up late, mostly to watch pointless videos on the Internet. I couldn't believe how much my life had changed in the few short days I've been here. Have we only been here five days? That doesn't seem possible.

 Already, I've met a mysterious, crazy attractive guy who I think I'm falling for. But these feelings I have make me nervous. I absolutely cannot be with Harry. It wouldn't work in any way. 

But he makes me so happy. And I know he likes me too. I also know I'm special to him, because he promised he'd never hurt me, and so far he's kept that promise. If I didn't mean anything to him, he would have already lost it and killed me. Which scares me horribly. 

Half of Harry is this sweet, lovable, adorable guy. But the other half is a scary, hurt, devilish vampire. I feel so bad for him. I know he wants to be normal so bad. So I'm going to make him feel as normal as possible. 

Whenever we're together, he seems like a normal teenage boy. But I always wonder what he's doing when I'm not around. That scares me. What if he loses it and gets someone close to my grandma? I pray every night he doesn't. Even though I love animals, I hope that they are his main target, not people. 

I don't like thinking of Harry as a monster, but in a way, he kind of is. Then I think of when the two weeks are over and I have to return to a normal life at school. I don't want to leave Harry. I want to stay here with him. It sounds crazy, but I just can't imagine leaving him all alone. Without me, he literary has nobody. Which is sad, because under all of his scary features and actions, he's really sweet and cute. 

And he's driving me absolutely crazy.


Oh my! Hope you enjoyed!!

