Chapter 25

That night, I stared at the ceiling, thoughts crowding my mind. I turned to my side, holding onto Harry's necklace. I held it tight. Its the only part of Harry I have now. 

Tears leaked out of my eyes. I sniffed and sat up. My necklace hung over my neck, the cold silver touching me.

I looked out the window. Before, I would look out in hopes of seeing my beautiful Harry. His curls and green eyes and perfect body made their way to my thoughts, torturing me. I need him. I want him. I want to run over to his flat and grab him, never letting him go. 

But I can't. I cant feel his kiss anymore. I cant feel his hug or hear his low voice. I want him. But I just cant have him. My baby.


My mum and I had finally finished packing. My heart was squeezing in my chest. It had been four days since I held Harry in my arms. I haven't even seen him. I guess this is really happening. 

My mum put all of our bags in the car. I brought up enough courage to go to Harry's flat to say goodbye. I knocked on the door softly. It slowly opened. 

Harry's beautiful face made me feel weak. 

"Naomi?" he says. 

His voice. Ive missed that so much. 

"Um, I'm-uh, leaving now." It was so painful to say. 

He tensed up. "Oh." 

I rubbed my arm nervously. 

"Is this actually how it ends?" I ask. 

He shrugs. We look at each other for while. Then Harry wraps his arms around me. It felt so good. I held him tight. 

"I'm going to miss your smile." he says. 

I wiped away a tear and sniffed. 

"I'm going to miss your beautiful eyes and soft hair." I tell him. 

He gives me a half smile. 

"Its best this way." 

I sigh. 

"Then why does it hurt so much?" I ask. 

He runs his fingers through my hair. 

"We'll see each other again some day. I promise." 

I nod. "I love you." 

I tell him. He smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"I love you too. See you later."

I nod, holding tears in. 

"Hold me one more time." I say. 

Without hesitating, he circled his arms around me, holding me close. We hug for so long, then let go. Harry's hand brushed across my cheek. 

"I'll miss you."

 I take his hand and kiss his fingers. 

"And I will always love you." 

He smiles. I've missed that beautiful smile. 

"Naomi?" my mum calls. 

I look over. Shes ready. 

"Goodbye, beautiful." he says. 

Before I can think, I grab his face and kiss him hard. When we release, I turn to the side. 

"Goodbye." I choke out. 

Harry kisses my cheek, then watches me leave. I climb into the car. We start to drive, but harry and I don't take our eyes off each other. Soon I cant see him anymore. 

"Are you alright?" Mum asks. 

I sniff and sit back. 

"Yes. But I've learned something here." 


I turn to face her. 

"If you really love someone, but you just can't be together, its best to learn how to let them go."


Hope you enjoyed!!

