Chapter 14

I texted my mum that I was spending the night at Harry's, and she was a bit worried. She kept sending me messages like, 'Are you sure? What will you be doing? How old is he?' That kind of stuff. 

What does she think we're going to do? I'm not like that. And she never worried about Harry before. She shouldn't be worrying now. 

At about midnight, Harry led me to his bedroom. 

"Do you want to wear my clothes for night?" he asks, opening his closet. 

I blush and sit on his soft bed. 


Harry pulls out a blue hoodie and grey sweat pants. 

"The sweats are too small for me, so they'll probably fit you." he says. 

I nod and take them. 

"The bathrooms down the hall. First door on the right." he says. 

I smile and open the door. He catches me quickly. 

"Unless you would rather change in here." 

My cheeks burned red. 

"Um, I got it. But thanks for the offer." I say. 

He lets out a small laugh and I find the bathroom. After I put his clothes on, I walk back into Harry's bedroom. He's sitting on his bed, now I'm black sweats. 

"You look good in my clothes." he says, looking me up and down. 

I blush and crawl onto the bed. 

"Just a random question. How fast can you change clothes?" I ask. 

He smiles. "Pretty fast." 

I nod and bury myself under the covers. Harry takes his shirt off and joins me. I try not to stare at his perfect body, but I can't stop the redness on my cheeks. Harry grins, showing his dimples off. I was about to ask if he was cold, but then I decided against it. I knew the answer anyway. 

Harry's eyes were digging into me. They seemed to sparkle. His fangs were back. He shows them off a lot around me lately. But that's alright. 

Harry turns me around so my back is pressed against his front. His chin is above my head, resting on the top. His arm wrapped around my middle, holding onto me tightly. 

My eyes close. I could feel Harry's cold breath on the back of my neck, sending chills through my body. He gave me soft kisses on my neck, keeping me calm and relaxed. I knew he was trying to make me feel safe. 

I gripped his hand and squeezed. Harry let out a sigh of happiness and I smiled. Slowly, I fell asleep.


At about three o'clock in the morning, I woke up from a bad dream. I jumped awake, and when I didn't feel Harry next to me, I panicked a little. 

"Harry?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes. 

I patted the bed next to me, trying to find him. I leaned over both sides of the bed, checking for him. Finally, I realized where he was. 

"Oh." I said, hugging my legs. 

Harry's out getting food. I'll have to get used to this. I looked out tthe window, watching the snow fall. My stomach was in knots. I was praying that Harry found an animal and not a person. I just want him here with me. Especially after a bad dream. 

Slowly, I crawl back under the covers and try to fall back asleep. My eyes close, but it just doesn't feel right. 

A while later, I could feel the covers moving. I turned my head and smiled as Harry crawled back under the covers. His skin looked fuller with more life. I couldn't really see him through the dark, but I know he gave me a smile. He lays down and wraps an arm around me again. I felt so much better. 

"You didn't have to wait for me, babe. You need to sleep." he says. 

I smile and take his hand. 

"It didn't feel right without you." I say. 

He pulls me closer and buries his face in the back of my neck. We both fall asleep in each others arms.


goals. Hope you enjoyed!!

