Chapter 11

After that, I didn't know where Harry and I were relationship-wise. Did he like me more than a friend? Was that just a friendly kiss? Or did it mean more than that? 

We walked around for a long time just like we normally do. Our hands hadn't separated. 

"Harry?" I say. 

His perfect green eyes looked down at me. 


 I bit my lip. 

"Um, what happened to you yesterday?" 

His grip on my hand had tightened. 

"I'm sorry, Naomi. I didn't want you to see me like that." he says. 

I look back down. "Well, what happened, exactly?" 

He loosens his grip on me. 

"I-I don't know. I guess it had been too long since I-um-had eaten." he says. 

I knew then why he was so uncomfortable. 

"Oh. Alright."

 He nodded then moved his curls out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry." he whispers. 

I rest my cheek on his arm. "Don't apologize." 

We walked for awhile, just enjoying each others company. 

"Harry, how much do you, um, like me?" I ask. 

We sit down at an outside table. 

"A lot." he says.

A blush spreads across my face again. 

"You know, I was planning on making more than one friend here." I say, nudging him. 

He smiles. 

"Oh well." 

I smile back. 

"But I think I can live with just having one." 

Harry looks down, a small blush forming on his cheeks. He looked so cute. A small giggle escaped my lips. A group of boys walked past us. They were all staring at me, some whispering. Harry instantly took my hand and gripped it tightly. 

"Harry, its ok." I say. 

I could see the anger in his eyes. His green orbs had turned the reddish brown again. That worried me. The boys had sat down at the table next to us, staring at me. The one boy in the middle winked at me. Harry's grip had become even tighter. 

"Harry, its alright." I tell him, trying to calm him down. 

"They shouldn't be looking at you like that." he says, his devilish eyes burning into the boy that winked at me. 

I sighed and ran my fingers through Harry's hair, trying to keep him calm. 

"Harry. I don't care about them." I say softly. 

"Hey gorgeous!" the boy says. 

My stomach flipped. Harry's eyes had turned darker, and his fangs were back. 

"Come on, sexy! We'll buy you a drink!" he says. 

I couldn't keep Harry calm then. He let out a sound I cant describe, stood up, and flashed his fangs at the boys. They all stood up, obviously scared of Harry. 

"Can't you see she doesn't want to?" he snaps, his eyes flashing red. 

They all backed away. 

"Hey, what's wrong with you, man?" The boy asks. 

Harry grips my hand tighter. I look up at him. 

"Harry. Stop." I say.

I lead us away from the boys. Harry's vampire look had fully returned, so I lead us away from any people. We sat under a tree. Harry was breathing heavily, his fangs growing. 

"Harry, stop. You're scaring me." I say. 

His red brown eyes look into mine.

"I-Im sorry." he says. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, taking his arm. 

"I don't know." 

He looks down. 

"They shouldn't have been talking to you like that." he says. 

I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"You can't do that in public, Harry." I say. 

He rests his cheek on the top of my head. 

"I'm sorry. I cant help it sometimes." he says.

I nod and wrap my arms around his middle. 

"You dont have to worry about those boys. You're the only guy I'll pay attention to." I say. 

That seemed to relax him. 

"I'm sorry." he says again. 

I shake my head. 

"Quit apologizing. You can't help it." I say. 

He sighs, and I could smell the awful smell of blood coming out of his mouth. My face scrunched up. My eyes close, and Harry puts an arm around my shoulders. 

"You're mine. Don't let anyone think otherwise, and don't you ever forget." he says quietly to my ear. 

My heart started racing. I'm Harry's? What does that mean? I look up at him. 

"I'm yours? Does that mean we're-uh?" 

Harry smiles. "If you want to be." 

I hesitate, then before I can think, I let my heart show. I press my forehead against Harry's. 

"I'll be yours." I whisper. 

Harry smiles. We don't say much. Just look into each others eyes. 

"I'm not so sure about this." He says. 

I slowly lean in and rest my lips on his. After a while, we release. 

"I am."


AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! #Haomi :D Hope you enjoyed!!

