Chapter 17

The next morning, after we opened presents and had breakfast, I walked next door to Harry's. He opened the door quickly. 

"Merry Christmas!" I say. 

He smiles and wraps me in a big hug. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and he spun me around. A small giggle escaped my mouth. Harry gave me a kiss and we walked in together. 

"What presents did you get?" he asks, setting us down on the couch. 

I took his hands and layed my head on his chest. 

"Clothes. That's about it." 

He rests his arm around my waist. 

"I know you didn't want me to, but I have something for you." 

My head shoots up. 

"Harry! Why? Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything." I say. 

He shakes his head. 

"No. Its alright. I don't need anything anyway." 

Harry stands up and disappears around the corner. I groan and run my fingers through my hair. I feel so bad. He comes back but he kept the present behind his back. 

"Turn around." 

I turn my back to him. His arms circle around me and I could feel the cold silver touch my neck. He lets the necklace fall over my chest. I look down and grab the necklace. Its in the shape of a paper airplane. I look up at him. 

"Like it?" 

I smile and nod. "Yeah." 

He wraps his arms around me. 

"Its what I was wearing the day we met. I want you to have it." he says. 

I blush and rest the side of my head against his. 

"That's so sweet. Are you sure you don't want anything?" I ask. 

He shakes his head and kisses my neck. 

"You're all I need." 

We sit back on the couch, cuddling close while we watch Christmas movies on TV.


After a while, I sit up and turn to Harry. 

"Are you alright?" I ask. 

He sits up. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean, about last night. That was really hard to watch, Harry." 

He sighs and lays an arm around my shoulders. 

"We used to be friends. Mostly because we're the only vampires around here and we could understand each other better. Back then, I had just started being like this, so they helped me learn. But looking back, it makes me sick what they taught me, and what they made me do. We killed so many people. I guess it felt good because that's what I need to live. But now, it makes me sick to think I have actually done that to people. Tortured them, bit down on them, and made them die a horrible death. That's why I target animals now. I only strike at people if I absolutely need it, or I just cant take it anymore. That's how I lived for so long. Then I met you. Something inside me changed, and I left the boys. They hated me for leaving, but they started to hate you for taking me away. They wanted to attack you. They wanted to kill you. But I don't let them go anywhere near you. I'll never let them touch you. I can't lose you, baby. I just can't." 

I could hear the pain in his voice. He almost sounded like he was about to cry. I rested my head on him, trying to keep calm. 

"I can't believe what they made out of me." he says, tensing up. 

His face was turning a greyish color again, and his eyes were back to red brown. His fangs were now sharp and long. 

I put an arm around Harry's middle, trying to relax him. 

"Harry, I know who you really are. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. If you liked hurting people, then you should be ashamed. But you don't. You're a naturally kind, loving, caring person. You didn't ask to be this way. But I love you no matter what we go through. I'll never let you be alone again. I'll never give up on you." I tell him. 

He gives me a long, sweet kiss. 

"I love you, baby." he says. 

I smile and our foreheads press together. 

"I love you too, Haz." 

He looks at me funny. 

"I'm just guessing that was your nickname." 

He smiled a little. 

"Yeah. It was. Please don't call me that." 

I nod and kiss him. 

"Ok. I love you too Harry." 

He smiled. 

"That's better."


Heehee. Hope you enjoyed!!

