Chapter 16

That night, my grandma gave me an early Christmas present. She handed me a box with an IPod layed down in it. That was actually the last thing I was expecting from her. She usually gets me some sweater or something. 

After we ate, I headed up to my bedroom and flipped the TV on. I played on my IPod for a while, loving it. Every once in a while, I looked out the window, with little hopes in seeing Harry. 

My mum didn't even question me when I got back. She just asked me how it was visiting him, and that was that. I didn't tell her about our full relationship, or that Harry and I kissed. As far as she knows, we're still just good friends. I even lied and said I slept on the couch in my clothes instead of on Harry's bed in his clothes. 

It was about ten o'clock when I heard a small noise. 

"Hello?" I say, looking around. 

I checked the window again but Harry wasn't there. I heard another small noise. I walked out the door, downstairs, and looked everywhere. No one was even here. Grandma and mum were in their bedrooms. 

Then I heard a big noise. It made me jump. Quickly, I looked out the window. 

Harry's face was the first that caught my attention. Then I saw another face. He looked terrifying, with red eyes. Harry's vampire look had fully returned. The boys stared at each other, then another appeared. He too had red eyes and large fangs showed as he laughed. 

Harry's eyes were digging into the boys. He looked so scary. Nothing like the Harry I know. One of the boys said something that seemed to make Harry horribly mad. His fangs grew and he jumped closer to the boys. They backed away, but didn't look that scared. 

I really got a good look at their faces. They had pale white skin, sharp teeth, and red eyes. They're vampires. I know it. They just don't have the same beautiful red brown eyes that Harry has. They're eyes are very very red and really scary. 

Secretly, I watched them. My heart was pounding. They wouldn't do anything to Harry, would they? They all seemed to be yelling at each other, but I couldn't understand them through the window. 

Harry jumped at one of them, knocking him to the ground. Scared, I painfully watched him punch and scratch the boy. The other grabbed Harry and threw him onto the ground while the other stood up. The boy took Harry and they fought. 

Harry suddenly had sharp claws and he dug into the boys skin. The other struck Harry in the head, knocking him over. I gasped as he fell, putting a hand to the side of his face. He looked like he was in pain. 

I didn't know Harry could feel pain. And I couldn't watch this. I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. 

"Harry?" I say. 

They all look at me. The two boys glared at me, their faces full of hunger. 

"So this must be her. Guess you weren't kidding, Haz. She is perfect. Her skin looks so soft." one of them says, walking over to me. 

Harry caught his leg and knocked him over. The boys face fell into the snow. Harry quickly stood up and flashed over to me. His arms wrapped around me protectivly. 

"Think we could get a piece of that sweet skin, Haz?" The boy asks, standing up. 

I cling onto Harry, scared. Harry hides me behind him. 

"Don't touch her." he says. 

The boys walk closer. 

"How have you not taken a bite out of this one yet?" one of them asks, eyeing me. 

I hold onto Harry tightly. 

"You touch her, you lose an arm, Liam." Harry says. 

Liam looks at me then licks his bottom lip. I could see his large fangs. 

"Well, Harry, there's two of us, and then there's you and the girl. We all know who's going to win this, right Louis?" Liam says. 

I pull Harry back a little. 

"How could you possibly be like this Harry? How have you not struck her yet?" Louis asks. 

Harry grips me from behind. 

"Because I love her." 

My heart seemed to stop there. I looked up at him. His eyes are burning into the boys. They looked at each other. 

"You can't fall in love with a human, Haz. You're a vampire. You can't have a relationship." Liam says. 

I could hear a small growl escape Harry. He showed his fangs, obviously ready to tear Liam and Louis apart. 

"Just leave. Now!" Harry's sharp tone made me jump. 

The boys laugh, then disappear in an instant. My body seems frozen from shock. Harry whipped around, gripping my arms tightly. 

"Why did you come out here?" he says a bit angrily. 

I start shaking. 

"I didn't know what was happening. I thought you were getting hurt." I say. 

Harry grips me even tighter.

 "You could have gotten killed, Naomi. They aren't like me. They will tear you apart." he says. 

I look at his scary face, still in a bit of shock. 

"Who are they?" I ask. 

He sighs and runs his fingers through my hair. 

"They're vampires. We used to be friends, but I changed after I met you. They tried to get to you." he said. 

I gasped, shaking even harder now. Harry cupped my face, trying to calm me down. 

"But I will protect you. I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise, baby." he says.

 A tear slid down my cheek. He wiped it away and kissed my neck. 

"Harry, you said you love me." I say. 

He wraps me in a hug. 

"I do." he says. 

My arms hold him tight. 

"I-I love you too." 

The words came out quickly. Harry rested his cheek on my head. 

"Don't worry, baby. I'll keep you safe." 

I nod, trying my hardest to believe him. But now that I know Liam and Louis are out to get me, it makes me very nervous. 

"Go to bed. Everything will be alright." he says. 

I nod and release him. Slowly, I walk back to the door and walk inside. Harry gives me one last wave, I smile, then shut the door behind me.


Liam and Louis! :0 lol hope you enjoyed!!

