Chapter 3

All day all I can think about is Harry. I just can't figure out what the heck is wrong with him. How could anyone possibly stand being barefoot with no jacket in the cold snow?

I walk back downstairs at about three o'clock. My mum and grandma were sitting at the television. They had worried looks on their faces. I slowly walk down the stairs.

"Is everything ok?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.

My mum quickly changed the channel.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks at me. "Naomi, its just, something bad happened." she says.

"What?" I ask.

She looks at me.

"Well, Naomi, someone was killed this morning. It happened just a little bit away from here. They think he was mauled by some kind of animal." she says.

I instantly think if Harry. "Who was it? What did he look like?" I ask, nervous.

She shrugs. "They won't say yet."

I start to shake.

"Was he young or old?" I ask.

"Naomi, i don't know."

I quickly stand up and grab my coat.

"Where are you going?" Grandma asks.

I open the door. "Just checking something."

Mum stops me.

"No. The animal could still be out there."

I sigh. "Mum, please."

Before she can say anything, I walk out. Slowly through the snow, I go to the bench and look around.

"Harry?" I ask.

He must not be here. I don't know why I'm worrying so much. I sigh and turn around. Right into Harry's chest. I let out a tiny scream. He smiles down at me.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

He bites his lip. "Why are you out here?" he asks.

A weird smell came out when he spoke. My nose scrunched up. "What's wrong?" he asked, a bit of humor in his voice.

I grin. "Oh, nothing."

I saw he was wearing shoes, which made me more comfortable. But he still wasn't wearing a jacket. I moved my hair behind my ear.

"Did you hear about the man? They say he was mauled by an animal." I say.

Harry backs away and looks down. "Oh, um, yeah. I heard. Look I gotta go." he says.

I nod. "Oh. Alright."

Harry quickly turns around. He wipes something off his mouth and seems to disappear into the snow and wind.

That night a strange dream came to me. It was snowy outside, and I was alone. The wind was blowing and my hat flew off my head. As I reach down to grab it, a hand makes it's way to mine. I look up and meet a set of red-brown eyes. They shone into mine, setting me in a trance. The eyes shine and then a set of sharp teeth shows. I back away and trip backward. A body towers over me, it's bright, red brown eyes and sharp front teeth showing. He grabs me by the shirt and lifts me up. His mouth opens wider, and he brings my neck close. I scream and try to escape his grasp. His eyes look into mine one more time, and I see him.

"Harry?" I ask.

He licks the top of his lips and bites down on my neck.

Then I wake up, screaming. I'm sat in my bed, shaking. I hug my legs and look around. Shakily, I get up and look out the window. There's nothing out there except the falling snow. I feel my head. I'm sweating. What could that dream possibly mean? What was it anyway? Harry is nothing like that monster. He's nice, and is gentle with me. Why would I have such a terrible dream about him? With shaking hands, I lay back in the bed. My eyes close, and I fall back asleep.

oooh D: Hope you enjoyed!!
