Chapter 18

After a while, I finally convinced Harry to take me to see the Christmas lights around town. We walked through the deep snow into main street and admired the lights and decorations. 

Whenever someone passed us, I could feel Harry squeeze my hand tighter. I pulled him closer to me, to help him keep calm. 

Snow fell on top of Harry's head. His hair looked so good with white flakes in it. I smiled and we continued walking. 

"When was the last time you did something like this?" I ask. 

He shrugs. 

"Too long."

I gripped his hand tighter and sat us down at a table. I hid my hands under my coat, keeping them warm. Harry was wearing a jacket, just to look more normal. 

"Do you like the necklace?" he asks. 

I smile and grip it. "Yeah." 

He turns me more in his direction. 

"How many days have we been together?" he asks. 

I think. 

"I think we've only known each other for eight days." 

Even thinking about that sounded weird. Had that only been eight days ago Harry caught me in his arms after I slipped on ice? It doesn't seem possible. 

"Wow." He says. 

I nod. "I know. It seems like a lot longer." 

He nods. Then his hands tense up and grab onto the seat tightly. 

"And how long were you visiting?" I ask. 

My body seems to freeze. We hadn't ever really talked about me leaving. 

"Um, two weeks." 

His knuckles turned white. 

"We only have six days left?" 

A cry caught in my throat. This was never an easy topic to think about. 

"Just don't think about it." I say. 

He turns to me, the pain in his eyes obvious. 

"But when it happens-" 

He stopped. I press our foreheads together. 

"I'll never leave you." 

He looked down. 

"But you will. You will leave me." 

I cant help the tear that slipped out of my eye.

"No, Harry. I'm here for you. I'll be here whenever you want or need me." 

He turned a little bit away from me. 

"I'm tired of being alone." He says quietly. 

I bite my lip and wrap my arm around his. 

"You'll never be alone if you have me." 

His beautiful green eyes stared into mine. We don't say much. 

"I love you." he says softly, almost in a whisper. 

I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too." 

"Sleep with me tonight." he says. 

I circle my arms around his middle. "I will." 

He rested his cheek on the top of my head. 

"Can I have a couple of pictures? Of us?" I ask. 

Harry hesitates, then shrugs. 


I pull out my phone. We take a few really cute pictures, a couple silly ones, then Harry decided to take a million of me. Finally, I grabbed the phone away. 

"Ok. That's enough." 

He smiled. "Sorry." 

I bit my lip and stood up. Harry stood up and took hold of my hand. We walked around more. Then we went back towards the houses. 

"Do you want to come into my flat?" I ask. 

He tenses up. 

"Uh, I don't know". 

I squeeze his hand tighter. 

"I'll be there, it'll be ok." 

He finally agrees. When we walk in, my mother and grandma stare at us. Then I realized, Harry and I are holding hands. I try to wiggle free, but Harry's grip is too tight. 

"Well, hello." Mum says. 

Harry waves and says hello. 

"Um, we'll be in my bedroom." I say, quickly pulling Harry up the stairs. 

My mum said something, but I couldn't hear her. Quickly, I pulled Harry in my room and closed the door behind us. 

"What's wrong?" he asks. 

I rub my arm. 

"They don't know about us yet." I say. 

He sighs. "Oh." 

I groan. 

"I just didn't know how to tell them. I mean, we've only known each other eight days. It does seem weird to be in a relationship already." I say. 

He smiles and grabs me around the waist. We fall onto the bed. 

"You should just tell. Because I'm not hiding my feelings for you." he says, laying small kisses around my neck. 

I put a hand to his chest. 

"Ok. I will." 

He nods and continues on my face. 

"You're still sleeping with me tonight, right?" he asks. 

I nod. 

"Yeah. Just let me get night clothes." 

He smiles and turns to his side. 

"Or, you could wear my clothes. I like them on you." 

My face flushed red. 

"Alright. But I'm bringing clothes for the next morning." 

He nods. "Alright." 

I smile and run my fingers through his hair, gripping the curls. 

"You're beautiful." he says. 

I smile. 

"You tell me that every day." I say. 

He nods. 

"Only because its true." 

I blush and rest my forehead on his chest. He pulls me closer and holds me tight, just how I love it.

*That night*

Harry and I are laying in his bed, his arm around my shoulders. My head rested on him. I'm wearing his grey sweats again, along with a red sweatshirt. My airplane necklace hangs over my neck. 

I sink a bit lower into the covers, my head moving to his chest. I could feel his steady breathing. My eyes closed. Harry's fingers ran through my hair. I wrapped the blankets around me tighter. We eventually sank all the way down, and Harry fell asleep. 

I watched him for awhile, moving the hair out of his face. I scooted closer. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me so close. My face buried into his chest. My eyes closed again and I slowly fell asleep.


cutenesssss! Hope you enjoyed!!

