Chapter 26


Going back to school was so hard. Walking in was weird. It's like I had never been there before. 

My friend, Hazel, saw me and forced me into a hug. 

"Ahh its been so long! How was it at your grandmas?" she asks. 

My breath cut short. I gave her a smile, because I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't tell her about the vampires, or that I even fell in love. Who is going to believe I fell in love in two weeks? Especially with a vampire. It just doesn't seem realistic. 

I ran my fingers through my hair and told her a part of it. 

"Well, I met someone." 

She raised her eyebrows. 

"A boy?" 

I nodded. She smiled and nudged me. I rolled my eyes. 

"Naomi, did you get a boyfriend?" she asked. 

I bite my lip. 

"Yeah. I did. But we're not together anymore." I say. 

She crossed her arms. 

"Wow. That's pretty impressive to get a boyfriend in two weeks. But what happened?" she asked. 

I rubbed my arm nervously. 

"We just couldn't be together. Its complicated." I say. 

She nodded. 

"Oh. Oh well, there are other boys." 

I nod, but it hurts. No guy will ever be able to replace Harry. 

"I have pictures." 

Hazel smiles. "Let me see." 

I hand her my phone. She looks through the pictures, smiling. 

"Hes hot." she says. 

I laugh and take the phone. 

"I know. He's-he's amazing." 

She put an arm around my shoulders. "Well, you looked cute together." 

I smiled. "Thank you." 

We linked arms and walked to class. But I wasn't listening. The only one on my mind is my beautiful, curly haired, sweet, funny, perfect vampire.


Days passed. Every day, I miss Harry more and more. I wish I could just run to him and never have to let him go again. 

My mother knows I miss him. I can see it in her face when she looks at me. 

I would do anything to hold him and love him again. I love him so much. No matter what I'm doing, I'm thinking about him. When I have nightmares, I want Harry to be here to comfort me. 

I miss wearing his clothes to bed. His necklace stays on my neck at all times. I hold onto it when I'm sad. 

One night, I'm laying in bed, holding onto my pillow. Tears squeezed out from my over thinking. I sniffed and sat up. My face buried into my hands. I let out small cries, hoping my mother cant hear me. 

I take my phone out and look through the pictures. They look so beautiful. Harry looks so perfect. We look like any normal couple. 

I miss Harry's eyes and voice and soft face and sweet touch and kiss. I miss him calling me "baby" and his gentle touch. He may seem like a monster on the outside, but I know he's actually the sweetest, most caring and protective guy I've ever met. And Im waiting patiently for the day I get to hold him again. 

After a while, I put the phone down and went back under the covers. Suddenly, I hear a rumbling from the front of my room. I quickly sit up. My heart seems to stop. 

My body went numb and I started shaking. Those evil red eyes burn into me. 

"Nice to see you again." Louis says, licking his bottom lip. 

His fangs flash at me. They look longer and sharper. Liam grins, his red eyes flashing. 

"Looks like Harry's not here to save ya this time, huh?"


OH NO! Hope you enjoyed!

