Chapter 7

He seemed to vanish into the thin air. With every part of me shaking, I ran home as fast as I could. Shakily, I opened the door, avoided my mother, and slammed my bedroom door shut. My heart was racing, and I couldn't think straight. 

This can't possibly be happening. He must be messing with me. Vampires don't exist. They're just in movies. But it looked so real. His face, his eyes, and those teeth. This is too much for me. I don't even know if I can trust Harry anymore. But I promised I wouldn't leave like everyone else. Although now, I understand why everyone left him. He's absolutely horrifying. 

I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands. I can't get that image out of my mind. My whole body is shaking violently. And I jumped when I head a knock on my door. 

"Y-yeah?" I say, my voice shaking. 

"Naomi, are you alright?" 

Its my grandma. I take a deep breath, then open the door.

 "Are you ok?" she asks. 

Trying my best to hide my shaking hands, I nod. "Yeah. I'm fine."

 She obviously didn't believe me. 

"Are you sure?" I nod again. 

"Yeah. I'm sure." 

She gave me a nervous smile. 

"Well, ok then. If you need anything," 

"No. I'm fine." I interrupt. 

She looked nervous. I must have looked crazy. I slowly closed the door and lied back down on my bed, pushing a pillow over my face. I groan. 

I sit up and look out the window. Harry isn't at the bench. That was a bit of a relief. I didn't want to see him. I could never look at him the same way again. Now, he's a monster. Not even human. He has the face and personality of an angel, but he isn't. A tear suddenly slips out if my eye and I sit lay back down.

I had so much hope in having a relationship with Harry. I thought we would eventually start dating. I thought we had that special spark. But now I know we don't. We have nothing in common anymore. I don't want to think these things since I promised I wouldn't give up on him. And I'm keeping that promise, but I know it's going to be hard. And I'm never telling anyone. They would send me to a metal hospital for this messed up story.

The next day I slowly walked downstairs, secretly praying this was just a weird, messed up dream. I grabbed breakfast and sat on the couch. 

The news was on, so I flipped the channel before I heard anything about Harry. Well, what he's done. I'm still in shock over this. His can this possibly be happening? Harry seemed so sweet. But now, I just dont know what to think. What if he's planning to hurt me? Should I give him a chance? Should I even see him again? 

It hurts me to think that I shouldn't see him, because I kind of want to. But at the same time, I don't. Of course this had to happen to me. I finally make a friend that's a guy, and he turns out to be......whatever he is. Not even human. I don't like the word vampire. It just doesn't seem real. Like, vampires are only in movies and books. They're not real. Or, at least that's what I thought. Now, I'm not very sure. 

I buried my face into the couch and groaned. 

When did my life become Twilight, and when did I become Bella? 

This is too much. I'm already going crazy, and it's only been a few hours since Harry told me. Why did I even ask? It's my fault I'm going insane. If I hadn't asked him what's wrong, I would still be comfortable around him. 

My mum could tell I was acting a little funny, so I stopped and tried to act like my life isn't messed up.


Poor Naomi! Hope you enjoyed!!

