Chapter 6

There's something going on with Harry. And it doesn't look normal. I couldn't even sleep that night, because my mind was racing with questions. And I wish he would tell me what's up, because I just cant figure it out.

The next morning I woke up early to take a walk. I slipped on my coat and walked outside. The snow under my feet was deep and soft. 

I walked to the park, and sat on a big rock and watched the kids play. The wind blew in my face, which I hated. After a while, I stood up and started to walk again. As I walked, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry. He was sitting in the snow again. Out of habit, I turned his way. 

"Hey!" I say. 

He looked up at me and flashed a perfect smile. I sat down next to him. 

"How are you?" I ask. 

His eyes didn't meet mine. 

"Um, I-I'm fine." 

He didn't sound so sure of himself. I sigh and look at him closely. 

"Alright, tell me." I say. 

He looks at me again. "Tell you what?" 

I groan and give him a slight smile. 

"Whatever you're not telling me."

 He seemed to tense up. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

 I roll my eyes. 

"Yeah right. You and I both know there's something you're not telling me. I know we've only known each other for four days now, but we're already friends. And friends tell friends things. And this is something I want to know about. So please, tell me." I beg. 

He smiles and looks down. "I can't tell you." he says. 

My eyes burn into him, begging for an answer. 

"Harry, please. Why cant you tell me?" I ask. 

His eyes look into mine. 

"Because if I do, you won't trust me anymore. You'll leave just like everyone else. And I don't want to lose another friend. Especially not you." he says, giving me a playful smile.

I turn red and bite my lip. 

"Harry, I promise I wont leave you. You need a friend, and I want to be your friend. So, please. Just tell me." 

He seemed nervous all of a sudden. 

"You promise you'll stay?" he asks.

 I nod. "I promise." 

He shrugged. 

"Ok. But you wont take it well or believe it at first." 

I look at him.

 "I'm sure I can handle it." 

He hesitates, then hides his face. I was very confused suddenly. I heard him make a noise, then he looked back up at me. My breath was taken away and my heart pounded in my chest. He looked so different. His eyes were that golden brown again, and they sparkled. His skin was a lot lighter, and there was a black rim around his eyes. I was actually shaking. Harry looked terrifying. He was breathing heavily, and looked very nervous. 

"Harry." I breath out, not wanting to believe he looks like this. 

He looked around, then back at me. 

"I told you it was hard to believe." 

His sharp front teeth are back. I had absolutely no words. What happened to him? I scooted a little farther back. 

"Please don't leave me." he says. 

"Wh-what happened to you?" I ask, my voice shaking. 

His eyes were turning darker and darker. My lip was trembling. 

"I'm not like you, Naomi. I'm not a human, even. Not anymore." 

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.


 I was so confused. Then I really thought. His teeth are dangerously sharp, his skin is pale, he doesn't get cold, his eyes have a dark rim around them, he doesn't like being around people, his skin is horribly cold, and he doesn't like bright light. No. This cant possibility be right. 

"Harry, what are you?" I ask, nervous. 

His shiny eyes burn into mine. 

"I think you know what I am." 

I look away from him, tears threatening to escape. 

"No. This isnt real. You're not a vampire. They don't exist." I say, the words painful to say.

"Well, I exist, don't I?"

 I stand up quickly, ready to run away. He grabs me by the arm. 

"You promised you wouldn't leave." he says, his fangs too close to my face. 

"I didn't know what it would be. This is too much Harry. Now that I know you could hurt me," 

He stops my words. "I will never hurt you." 

I look away from him. 

"Just give me a chance." he whispers. 

A tear slips out. 

"Harry, are you the "animal" that everyone is looking for? Did you k-kill those people?" I ask, my voice cracking. 

His cold breath blows on my neck. 

"I'm sorry, Naomi. Its how I live." 

This is too much for me. 

"Please, please don't leave me. You'll be just like the others. I will never hurt you, I promise. Please trust me." he says. 

I bite my lip, holding in screams. 

"Ok. I'll give you a chance." I choke out.

 He lets my arm go. 

"I wont hurt you." he says again.

 I nod, trying my best to believe him. At that moment, i didn't know if I was scared of Harry or not. I was just so confused. How could someone that looks so much like an angel, be such an evil creature?


Vampire Harry!! :0 Hope you enjoyed!

