chapter 45(epilogue)

3 years later.....................

Arjun's pov

I am sitting in the same coffee shop where I first saw shivani I am looking out of the widow and sitting in the same place as her...... its three years now but I still love her. I guess people tell the correct thing ..... " one falls in love only one time" its not that I have not moved I am trying ,I seriously am trying......

shivani and me are still in contact..... we meet up as often as possible.....but she finds it a bit difficult sometimes with her hospital work and house work but she is a wonderful wife and now a wonderful mother . siddharth and shivani are blessed with twins a boy and a girl. the day shivani told me about her expecting a baby..... I was happy , very happy . siddharth has now become a very good friend of mine now. we hang out pretty often. he is a wonderful husband and still loves shivani like a love struck boy.

I get jealous of them sometimes as I do wish that I had something like that but I guess one cannot have everything in the world.

I love shiv and Shreya ( siddharth and shivani's twins) they are turning one today. they are soo cute Iove them as my own ..... I mean why wont I? I am their God father after all. both are adorable and keep shivani on her toes..... I have baby sat many times when shivani and siddharth go out for their dates.

soon I head out to go home as I was getting late for their birthday party.

after reaching home I saw priyanka getting ready.....

"Arjun where were you?? I have been calling you and texting but n o reply!"

yes me and priyanka are married . we got married a year a go. I love her but I guess first love will always remain your first love and the best thing priyanka is aware about it and understands it well. I guess she can understand me better as she also has gone through the same . the way she adjusted with me I guess no one could do.

" sorry babe" I went and hugged her and headed to get dressed

soon we reached sid's and shivani's house there people and kids all around . soo much noise and colours . but as soon as I got of the car I headed to see my god children.

shiv was dressed in a smart blue pants and white shirt with a cute bow tie and Shreya was dressed in a very cute pink frock.

" Arjun!!!!! why are you soo late . you na that I need your help. "

" sorry madam now where is siddharth?"

" he is busy with the guests and where is priyanka?"

" she was right behind me..... I don't know where she is. I was soo excited to see my god children ....."

"ARJUN!!!! you are no good ...... just a kid! you guys just got married and you are soo unromantic!! now give me Shreya and go find priyanka" she scolded me....... she looks soo cute when she is angry

soon I headed to search priyanka ..... finally I saw her with siddharth they were talking

"hey Arjun!!!" greeted siddharth

"hey sid...... "

priyanka gave me a small smile and soon we all headed to the cake cutting ceremony ..... I knew that priyanka didn't like what I did i mean i just left her alone to meet the kids and shivani. so i held her hand and kissed her knukles. she looked at me and smiled.

the party went on well and soon all guests went. the kids were tired and slept. so there were only priyanka , me, shivani and siddharth.

while we three were sitting in the drawing room and sipping tes and talking siddharth was putting the kids to bed.

i was only looking at my life as to how it turned out. i am happy. we four are great friends and we all plan on carrying this friendship till the end. thanks to the priceless relationship that we are still friends rather great friends and both siddharth and priyanka understand and know about our relationship.


dear readers

thank you soo much fort all support. i love all of you. love reading your comments . loved the support i know i am repeating myself but what can i say....... you guys are the best!

guys i am coming out with my new book very soon...... in few days i'll announce what it is all about rather publish it .....hope to meet you all again!!!!!! with all your support and love


reet :) (snugly)
