chapter 30

Siddharth's pov

Today morning when I woke up....I had a huge smile....I was smiling
Like an idiot. ..... and knew the reason was....shivani....
I made sure things were raady for her just like last time....she needs to be treated like a queen....

I started of planning the day for us two....I made sure everything was perfect for my perfect queen.....
I know I might be behaving like a lunatic. .... but I guess people say right ... when you are in does lose their mind....
But I will make sure NOT to impose my feelings on her.....she has all the right to reject me.....I really hope not....
So after planning I was about to call shivani up...I knew she would be sleeping I mean common every normal person would be sleeping at 9 in the morning specially with a jetlag. ...God I have lost my mind.....
Just before I could call her my mom called me...
"Hello beta....get up...."
"I am all ready up and fresh....I was about to call shivani to wake her up...."
" son is all grown like a kid I need not wake you up!"
" wake me up only when I reach London or India due to jetlag...I am not a kid!"
"Ok ok....take care beta and take care of shivani too..."
"Yes mom....definitely"

Then I called shivani up....
"Hello...." she picked up the phone and sounded like she just woke up...
"Good morning beautiful. ....rise and shine. ....get ready soon...ill pick you up at 10....ok?"
Hahaha ...she sounds soo cute in a sleepy voice
"Bye for new beautiful"

Shivani's pov
After Siddharth called me up I pushed my self from the bed and got usual he had already my breakfast....
After finishing I saw it was 9:45...I still had 15 minutes. .... I was bored and nothing to do....
Thats when I realized. ....Siddharth sounded really weird. ... I mean he has never spoken sooo sweetly to me.... and never called me beautiful. ....common he doesn't drink....even if he does why would he drink early in the morning. ...just when I finished thinking my ridiculous thoughts.....I got a call from the reception

"Ma'am Mr Siddharth is waiting for you"
"Ohh...thank you"

I rushed down and saw him waiting for me...
"Hello beautiful. look lovely"
"Umm...thank you...u don't look bad your self"
"Haha thank you m'lady...common lets go we have a day full of fun...."
"Great. ..can't wait"

Then we left...on the way he showed me his hospital which was just next to Theams.....soo beautiful. ....

Then we saw big ben....London eye .....did lot of shopping. ...he also bought my roses as I love them!!!....then we went for dinner. ....

Siddharth made my day soo perfect. ....I can't believe he is the same person I used to dislike....but think.....I like him....a lot!!!

Hey my beautiful readers....

Shivani also likes him a lot!!!....what will happen next????.....

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love you all :* :*
