chapter 36

Shivani pov

'Will you marry me??'.....omg.....marriage. ...with Siddharth.....yesssssss....yes I will marry you!!!!!

"Shivani. ....your silence is scaring me...." said Siddharth..still In the same position
"Please answer fast....this is not a very comfortable position sweety" he said
"But I answered didnt I?"
"Hahaha no babe you didnt" he said
"Oh!!! Hehehe. ....but for this you will have to agree to a few conditions"
"Conditions ????!!!!!" Siddharth looked scared , tensed and nervous
"So what are the conditions shivani?"
"You will cook for I can't cook...."
"Hahaha. ...done....anything else my queen? "
"And that is....." asked Siddharth
"You will have to drink tea made by me everyday. ..."
"NOOOO!!!!!!..." said Siddharth with all drama....
"Hahaha. ...sweety.... for you anything. will you marry me?"
"Ummm....." I did my drama "lets see...."
"Oh come on! " said Siddharth
"YES!!!!! "
"Oh!!!!!!.....yesssssss shivani you have made me the happiest man in the world! !!!!!!!!...I love you....soo much!!!"
Saying that he lifted me from the chair bridal style and swang around!!!!!!.....
"Oh my God shivani.....thank you thank you thank you!!!!!"shouted Siddharth
Then he put me down and took out a beautiful was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.....
"Shivani this ring was given to me by my girlfriend"
"Huh???? WHAT????!!!"
"hahaha. dadi...."
"I want our marriage to last forever and with lot more love!"
With that he slid that giant stone ring in my left ring finger....and kissed my hand ....then my forehead and then my cheek.....
After that we both sat down and chatted. ...had our dinner. ....and I discovered that Siddharth is my perfect prince ..... just the kind I had read in books abd dreamt about....rather even better. ...yes he is rude sometimes. ....but for me is perfect. ....this was the best day of my life.... he made sure of the slightest of things that made me happy. ....I was the luckiest girl in the world.....

Then we decided to it was getting late.....and we had an early flight the next day.....
Siddharth dropped me till my room as usual. ...but before going he kissed my forehead and left....

The next day as I got ready I was constantly looking at my beautiful engagement ring....
And everytime I looked at it....I was getting more and more happy. ..I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. ..I thought it was the bell boy....but just as I opened was my Siddharth....
"Hey beautiful" he said and kissed my forehead
"Hey" I said with a big smile
"Ohhh....I think I'll go blind...ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Shouted Siddharth
"WHAT HAPPENED? ??!!!!" I kneeled down to his level....
"Sweety don't glow soo much with your blush....or else I'll go blind and won't be able to make other men blind on who ever look at you" he said
"Oh my God you drama queen....don't do like that...." I said
"Scary poo...."
"Hahaha very funny" I said sarcastically
"" he said hugging me
Then we left for the airport

Just as we were about to check-in. ...Siddharth got a call....
"Hello...yes....oh...ok...I'll be on my way....ok ....ok...."
"What happened Siddharth?"
"Sweety....I have an emergency. ...I'll come from tomorrow's carry on baby....your family will be waiting. ..."
"Baby...relax....take care babe..." he hugged me and he rushed out of the air port....

Soon I was back home.....mera desh...India....
Just as I existed the airport I saw my entire family and my best friend....arjun!

Hey my beautiful readers
2 updates! !!!
Hope you enjoying it...
LOVE YOU ALL!!! :* :*
