chapter 15

Shavani's pov

I went to the devil's cabin (Siddharth)

"Dr shivani....please have a seat...."
I sat ....

"I spoke with dr rajkumar today.... he was happy that the operation went well....he was also all praises of you....but I was wondering if you were really that should hace handled the case with more maturity...."

Omg! Wats wrong with him? If dr rajkumar has no problem with the way I work what is his problem?

"Yes sir next time ill keep that in mind...."

" better dr shivani....anyways ill be leaving now....since I have work ill be will be staying back and looking after our me in case of  any emergency. ..."

"But sir......"


"I already had a day shift today....cant someone else be in the night shift? "

"Dr shivani I think u need get more responsible too....for once you can give up your beauty sleep and look after the patient.....besides either one of us shld be here....but I have a work like a you will stay...."

"Ok sir!"

Ahhhhh .....I hate him....m soo head us bursting back us hurting. ....but this devil!!!!!.....

After he left I told a nurse to keep me informed of mr singh's status. . .

Then u went to my cabin and had a medicine. ...and ordered a big cup of coffee....

It was around 10 in the morning wheb the nurse came in running in my cabin that mr singh was crashing. ....

I went immediately. .. 

I gave him an injection and didnt help....after sometime I saw his irregular heart beat....his heart was weak..... after 2 major operations his only was out was heart transplant. ...

After making calls to the respective placese for a heart and hearing the low possibility. .... I decided I had to find a way....before that I called the devil but his Secretary told that he hsd gone to kerela and will be back by night.....

I went to my cabin and started my research.....I realised another way was to put a pacemaker in his heart which wld give an electric shock every time his heart stopped working.....

I told this to arjun and got all formalities done.... after looking at mr singh's statues I knew it wold be dangerous to delay any further....

I gave dr rajkumar a call and told him everything.  . He told me to go ahead with the surgery and encouraged me.....

I told the nurse to get the OT ready. ...

The surgery took 9 hours.....and it was a success.....

I soooo happy and soooo tired....

Soon after that a nurse told ne that dr Siddharth was calling me in his cabin....

WHAT NOW???!!!!


Hey my beautiful readers.....

So sorry for the late update.....hope you enjoy it......

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