chapter 43

Shivani's pov

Today is my wedding day..... finally I'll marry the love of my life....finally I found my prince, my husband, my friend.

Every one seems soo happy there are soo many relatives at home soo many friends.... the entire house was decorated with beautiful flowers specially roses and lots of lights.

I am sitting in my room in front of my dressing table probably for the last time. The make-up artists will be here any time..... but at this moment all my memories from childhood till this day is running in my first day to school, my fights with my brother shivam, mom's hand made food, my graduation, me meeting Siddharth and my best friend Arjun!.

Soon the make-up artists came and started with my make-up and finally I got ready for a new journey with Siddharth!

I was talking rather getting my leg pulled by my friends and cousin when I got a message from Siddharth...

So baby....finally you will be mine...forever!

But before I could reply my cousin prerna snatched my phone

"Ohooo.... cant stay away from eachother even for 1 minute.....look at the way shivani di is blushing. god!" She said with all her drama

"Oh please prerna give my phone back!"


Before I could do or say anything.....

The barat is here!!!!! Shouted someone from downstairs

Hearing that I got soo nervous excited!

All my cousins and friends left me alone to see the barat...the music of the barat was getting more loud so did my heart beat!

Soon mom and dad came into my room...
"Beta! Oh God! You look soo beautiful. ...its every mother's dream to see her daughter as a bride......" said mom
" beta from today you will start a new journey..... like you have been handelling your life till now only difference is that you will be sharing that with someone.....always remember beta that we all love you..... our doors will always be open for you beta!" Said dad

Soon I got really emotional I didn't realize I got tears in my eyes....

Soon my cousins prerna came In running to my room

"Oh God ! No water works please... I don't want Siddharth jiju to run away seeing her bad make up!"

Everyone started laughing

Then everyone left me alone.... after sometime I had go get married. ..... mom and dad came in to take me....

"Beta before you go there is someone to meet you!"

"Arjun!!!!" I nearly shouted

He came in looking dashing....

"Hey beautiful! "

"Hey handsome"

"Shivani..... today you will finally become Siddharth's..... please don't forget me...."

"Arjun! You mad person. ...never!!!!.... there are only 4 important men in my life till, shivam, Siddharth and you!"

We both smiled at each other and then I got up to leave for the mandap.... Arjun helped me and he led me to Siddharth from my room to Siddharth standing in the mandap.... but he couldn't take me alone as all my friends and cousins cane rushing towards me..... arjun when he got away from me I didn't realize but when I did I stopped in between. ..... everyone started asking if everything was fine.... I looked around to find arjun..... finally I spotted him standing in a corner looking at me.....

I signaled him to take me....he came towards me leaving behind the huge group of my cousins and friend!

"Relax auntu ji no will kidnap you" he said

"I know uncle. won't let anyone do that.... "

"Soo much confidence? " he questioned


Finally we reached the mandap where Siddharth stood he extended his hand to help me....Arjun was holding my hand till now so he took my hand and gave to Siddharth.....doing that he left and stood somewhere behind

Siddharth looked at me and said " I feel like the luckiest man in the world that such a beautiful woman is all mine!"

Soon we got married with all rituals and traditions.

However I couldn't find arjun....

Where was he?

Hello my dear readers

Love your comments!

Love you all!
