chapter 42

Shivani's pov

Its nearly 10 days since the engagement. ....everyone in the hospital is aware about and keep congratulating us.....Siddharth is soo romantic I had no idea.....every morning that I go to hospital there is always a big bouquet of red roses and cute notes telling me how much he loves me....but both of us know and try to not mix our professional and personal lives its difficult but we try..... he tries not to be lenient towards me....

After hospital we both go for our wedding shopping. gets really tiring but Siddharth is soo fit he laterally carries me out of the mall after I am dead tried and doesn't give a damn what people think around us....

The wedding is in a week.....and our house is filled and decorated with flowers and lights.....soo beautiful. ....

Arjun is at my place early in the morning helping out with the wedding arrangements. ....but he seems very quite. ....we both go out for coffee and talk a lot....but still there is somthing off about him....I tried soo much to ask him but he always says its nothing. .....

Three days before the wedding

"Hi priyanka"
I greeted her at the airport as Siddharth got a emergency operation and since I am on leave I decided to pick her up from the airport. .... arjun was in the car busy searching for a parking

"Hi shivani" we both hugged each other

"How was your flight?"
"It was good.... really tired....hows the wedding planning coming up?"
"Its will come home na then see...."
Till then Arjun came running to us
"By the way meet Arjun" I said

priyanka looked at him and put her hand forward for shaking hands....
"Hi" said arjun and shook her hand as if not interested and took her luggage ...typical arjun mood

Soon we left for my place on the way me and priyanka were busy talking and Arjun was on the phone dealing with some wedding arrangements

I can't believe only 3 days and I'll be Siddharth's wife....wife....oh my God! !!!!..... were we fast in deciding to get married? ???.....

I looked at arjun and he just got out of the phone....

"Hey" he said

"Arjun.....I am getting married in 3 days...."

"Yes shivani...happy late realization dear...."

"Arjun shut up!.....yaar....I sm getting scared.....oh my God. !!!!....did I hurry in getting married? ?????"

"Hahaha shivani...." he stopped the car and took to a side....priyanka was sleeping at the back seat.

"Relax will trust me right?"

"Yes Arjun I do wholly and completely"

"Then listen and listen clear and chose the absolutely correct man for your self..... you both are made for each other.....he loves you , takes care of you, pampers you, treats you like a kid, what else do you want?.... he can never misbehave with you because I am there your solder I will kick his ass even if there is one tear in your eye....."

"Aww....Arjun. ....I love you" (obviously like a friend) and I hugged him.

"I love you too shivani .......I love you too....." almost whispering

Hey my beautiful readers

Hope you enjoying the book...

Love you all...
:* ☆★♡♡
