chapter 19

Shivani's pov

After my shift got over I went home....told mom and dad about the medical conference. ..... they all seemed excited.... I also showed them the watch Dr Siddharth gave me..... everyone felt that it was a bit too much for a 'good performance' gift.....but after I told them everything what happened between me and the devil... (yes my family also now  knows that Dr Siddharth aka devil....)

They laughed ..... thats all.... (seriously? ??? They don't feel bad for me?...instead said...and I quote"aaj kal ki generation...." means the generation now a days....)

After that I went to my room got fresh .... I texted arjun upon how he I was soo busy with uncle's treatment that I hardly had a chat with arjun....except when i had to talk about the treatment ofcourse....

Hey arjun! How r u?

Hey shivani .... m fine....u tell....

M about coffee ....2day @ 5 in CCD??

sure.... :)

After that I slept for a while. ... when I was getting ready I saw the rado watch box....I just wore the watch to see how it looked on me....and when I actually looked beautiful. ...I must say the devil has a good taste looking at the time I realized I was getting late and left for CCD....

I reached there on time....

After arjun came....we spoke. ..for long.....

"Thank you again for the help shivani.... you have done a great favour...."

"What nonsense arjun!....its my job dum dum.... i am glad uncle is better..."

" hmmm.... (he looked down at my watch)... I didnt know u wear watches.... as u always found them inconvenient when you had to scrub in for surgery. ..."

"Shit! I forgot to remove the watch....umm.... actually its a gift....Dr Siddharth gave me...."

I noticed some jealousy .....

"Oh...that Doctor who was with you throughout  dad's treatment? ?"

"Yes....he is my senior.... he is a great doctor.... he achieved a lot at a young age....Dr rajkumar also talks highly of him.....ohhh....I forgot to tell you...I am going for a medical conference for 15 days to UK..."

"Oh thats great. ....alone? "

"No no with Dr Siddharth...."

" seem to really like him huh?"

"Huhhh?? ways....then I told him everything what ACTUALLY happened between me and the devil...."

" shivani!! I must say I had no idea that there was soo much going between the two of you when we all were having discussions about dad's treatment. ...hahaha..."

"Ya ya..very 15 days with the devil...."

"Haha...enjoy enjoy...."

After that spoke some more and rather he dropped me home....

After reaching home..... I saw an old women a women nearly mom's age and  a  man nearly dad's age  sitting in our living room.... and DR SIDDHARTH....


Hello my beautiful readers. ..

Wishing all my female readers a very HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY! ♡♥

so?...who are these people? ....why is Dr Siddharth in her house?....

(On top shivani's watch)


love you all...☆★♡♡
