chapter 34

Shivani pov

After priyanka called I got dressed....but while getting dressed the only thought going around my mind was....I was in love with Siddharth???....

The thought made me happy and sad....happy as I finally realized my feelings

Sad because I didn't know how I will tell my feelings to him...and will he accept me???

At 5 priyanka and me met at Starbucks. .....

We took a nice place next to a big window and ordered our drinks....

"So ....shivani. are you?"

"I am are you?"

"Hahaha me too.....ok...lets not get formal with each other. ...."

"Hahaha sure. you wanted to talk something important? "

"Ummm....yes.....actually I wanted to talk about you and Siddharth..."

"Why?...what happened? ??"

"I am sure you know exactly what I want to talk about....."

"I dont understand priyanka"

"Shivani....the way Siddharth looks at you....the way he cares about you...the way he remembers your smallest of things....its soo evident that he loves you..... even a kid can make it out...."

I didnt say anything....

"shivani i want to tell you a secret rather a confession .... but please don't take it the wrong way...... and I also have no intension of coming in between you and siddharth....."

"what is it priyanka tell me.....i promise your secret will be safe with me....."i said

"i like siddharth.....a lot.....through out my college life i tried very hard to get that one look that you get from siddharth.....but i guess in that relationship only i was there.....siddharth is a very good will be very lucky yo have him......i only want the best for hime and i guess there can be no better and perfect person than you......"

"...................................i dont know what to say priyanka...."

"say that you love him too.....shivani don't wait for the grass to grow.....this is the right time..... it doesn't matter who confesses long as the two of you are have no idea how difficult it was for me to tell you this....i only want the best for him....."
"I know what you mean.....thank are a great friend. ...."
After that we had our drinks and spoke about other stuff.....
"Oh I forgot to tell and Siddharth are going out for dinner...."
"WHAT???!!!!! and you telling me now???"
"Sorry.....come lets get you dressed"
Soon me and priyanka reached my hotel and we started with the dressup.....
"Where red today! " said priyanka
"Because Siddharth loves you in red"
So I wore red....while getting dressed I also decided that today I'll confess my feelings for him.....
Soon I was ready and looked pretty .....thanks to priyanka.....I bid priyanka goodbye and went downstairs to see a very good-looking Siddharth standing wearing a black suit. ....
We both saw eachother and smiled....Siddharth came near me....took my hand and kissed it.....
"You look beautiful as always "
"Thank you too look very handsome"
"Thankyou m'lady....shall we leave..."
"Yes "
Soon we drove to a very romantic hotel.....but when we reached I saw there was no one but only the two of us there....
"Siddharth.....why are we the only two people here!?"
"Ummm....because I booked the entire restaurant only for the two of us...."
"Because ......."
He took me out in the balcony ....where there were red roses, a beautiful table only for the two of us...soft music and the best part we could see the entire London from dark night...only the beautiful lights from the building ... the London bridge, London eye etc...
Siddharth made me sit on the chair....and while I was admiring the beautiful view.... I saw Siddharth kneel down beside me...
"Siddharth.....what are you doing???!!!"
"Shivani.....I should have done it before. .."
"Shivani....I love you....I love you soo much that its difficult for me to put my love for you in words. ....I love the way you smile. .I love the way your eyes sparkle when you are excited. ...I love the way you got jealous when I used to be with priyanka. .... I love everything about you.....I want to see you before I sleep and see you when I wake up....I want to spoil you....fight with you...and most importantly. Shivani. ....will you marry me? "

Hey my beautiful readers. ...
Siddharth finally confessed his feelings. ....
What do you think Shivani will do????
love you all!!! :* :*
