chapter 31

Shivani pov

After a day of fun....Siddharth dropped me to the hotel rather till my room and made sure I had everything I sweet of him....
"So madam....I'll take your leave..tomorrow we have the welcome party for the conference. ...."
"Oh ya....thank you"
"So tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7?"
"Sure and Siddharth thanks a lot for the lovely day"
"Well a lovely day for a lovely woman....but if you wanna really thank me.....then...."
"Lunch tomorrow with me at 1?"
"Great. ....goodnight beautiful"
"Goodnight handsome"
"Finally you agreed that I am handsome. ....yehhhh...."
"Hahaha you are such a drama queen Siddharth"
He points at me and says..."learnt it from the best"
"Fine...I'll leave seem tired...."
"Bye till tomorrow seniorita"

Then I closed my fresh and slept....with a BIGG smile on my face.....

Siddharth's pov

After leaving from Shivani's hotel....I called my mom....
"Hello ma....please tell me the step by step recipe of ................... thank you soo much you"
"That's ok beta...but for whom are you making soo much food?"
"For Shivani mom....tomorrow she and me are having lunch together. .."
"!!!! soo happy. both make the most beautiful couple. ..."
"I know. ....chalo's getting late...goodnight love"
"Good night meri jaan"

Then I reached fresh....and went to the kitchen....
"Siddharth beta need something? ?"
Asked my house care taker...geeta aunty
"Umm....aunty....I need to cut and keep the vegetables ready as I will be having a special guest home for lunch. .."
"Arre beta I'll tell what your guests like..."
"No no....I'll make...."
"Accha accha....ok....but I can help na..."
"Yes me where are the vegetables? "
"You want to cook but don't know where half the things are there in the house kept. . "
She is like a mom....I like it when she scolds me....I dont feel away from home...
"Ok please tell me"

After that I started cutting the vegetables. ...I didnt allow aunty to cut as
One:it was late and she might be tired and I told her to sleep...

Two:I wanted to make everything for my shivani by my self. ...I know I can bake a few things....but I have never entered the kitchen for cooking.

After cutting and getting the things ready for our lunch.....I finally slept...

Shivani's pov

The morning was as usual same..Siddharth waking me getting fresh...having the breakfast which was already ordered for me....after that...since I had nothing to do...I decided to take out my clothes for today's party.....soon I got a call from Siddharth that he was waiting for me....
Soon I went out....met him and we went to his place.....
His house. ...or should I say mansion. .....soo beautiful. ...
"Siddharth your house is beautiful. ...."
"Well thank you....but its just a house shivani.....I need a woman like you to make it a home...."
Soon we reached the door step....I was soo engrossed by the beauty of his house that I forgot what he told me....
Then I met geeta aunty. ....
We then had our lunch which was really good....
"I didn't know you could cook so well too?!"
" I learnt just for you m'lady"
"Oh! Thank you means a lot...very sweet of you...."
After that we just spoke for long.....and we didn't even realize when it was almost time for the party....
So we decided that he could get dressed and then drop me and leave together for the party....
And thats how it happened. ....
" look beautiful. ..."
"Thank you Siddharth....."

After we reached the venue.....we botj kinda held eachothers hand....which didn't even feel weird. ....
As soon as we entered the huge hall....
"Oh my God! !!...Siddharth!!!!....I missed you! !!!" Nearly shouting ..... she was a beautiful lady. ....
He left my hand and hugged her....for some reason I got kinda jealous. ...I didnt like him hugging her....
"Oh priyanka....such a long time....."
Hugging her......

Hey everyone...
Who is priyanka?
Will sid and Shivani confess their feelings for eachother???

pls VOTE!!!☆★♡♥

love you all :* :*
