chapter 29

Shivani's pov

After all the fun, food,teasing, embarrassment. ....Siddharth and me decided to leave as it was getting late.....
The return journey was nice....thanks to Siddhartha again. ..he didnt let today make things awkward between us.....
After reaching the hotel....
"Thanks for the lovely day Shivani"
"Why you thanking me?....I should thank you means a lot"
He smiled...and again dropped me till my room and made sure I was comfortable. ...
It was really sweet of I could see how tired he was and yet made sure I was comfortable first....
Then he left and I got fresh and decided to sleep....

Arjun's pov
Its been like 3 days since I have spoken or texted her....I think I deserve that....I was the one who pushed her away from me and now I want her.....
I knew what I was going to do was weird. ...
"Hello ram?"
Ram is my assistant
"Yes sir"
"I want you to book a ticket for tomorrow to London"
"But sir tomorrow you have an important meeting with Mr Rohan..."
"Please try and postpone it Ram...."
"Sorry sir...but we had been postponing this meeting for long plus your father asked to finish the deal..."
"Hmmm.....till when will this deal and all formalities get over?"
"Sir it will get over in a week...but after that you have back to back meetings held...which cannot be postponed and after that the annual meeting...."
I was soo irritated......I could I be soo dumb of pushing shivani away from me....if I wouldn't have done that then I would not be feeling guilty.....

Siddharth's pov
After leaving shivani ..... on my way home .... the entire day was coming in my mind.....such funnn...her cousins are really cute...specially prerna...such a big mouth....

But best part of the day was when I was talking and helping shivani's aunt....thanks to her....o have got some clarity regarding my feelings towards shivani.....

I like her....I really like her....but now I think I like her more than just 'like'
Omg! Siddharth!!!....u dont like her ....I love her!....
"YES!I LOVE HER!!...OMG!...I LOVE HER.!!!...."

Hey my beautiful readers

Siddharth has finally realized his love for shivani.....

Wat do u think will happen now???

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love you ALL!!! :* :*
